Chapter 351 Noble Ambition

He has always been depressed, but since the fire gun thing was put on the agenda, his state has been getting better day by day.

What kind of person who has practiced asceticism for many years and has the ability is willing to let his talents pass away?

This is how he is now, to be able to have a master who is willing to believe in his own talents and pay attention to it. There is nothing more gratifying to him than this.

So he quickly filled a tube full of gunpowder with the static dragon-patterned short hand gun in his hand and handed it over to Bai Hei's hand in front of him.

This 11-year-old fat and full-faced guy touched it, and seemed to be very happy. He directly hid the short-handed gun in his stomach pocket. This behavior is really a bit incomprehensible. mind.

Even the Yin Man next to him was stunned for a moment.

But at this time, only Bai Zhi's heartfelt voice could be heard.

[This first cast fire gun is a good thing, and it is very valuable for collection. I have to get it in my hand quickly. 】

This can also be regarded as the first product with cross-generational significance that he has made in this world without relying on the lay-flat system.

[Although these are only experimental samples, it seems that this Yingzhen seems to have a good heart for these things, and I believe that it is not difficult to manufacture in large quantities in a short period of time. 】

Although Xi Yingfeng knew the advantages and disadvantages of fire guns in his heart, he even preempted the other officials and said: "I have something to say next.

In the presence of Bai Hei's contented appearance, he added: "The shortcomings of this fire gun are more than that.

"What's wrong with that, tell me quickly?"

After Yinman finished saying this, he nodded, "One, no matter the length of the gun, you can't use it continuously. After three rounds of shooting, even if the barrel of the molten iron cannot be damaged, it will still be hot because of the high temperature. Make it impossible for soldiers to hold them in their hands to aim and shoot.""

"Also, if it is necessary to ensure continuous shooting, each of the soldiers must be equipped with a large amount of gunpowder reserves to prepare for emergencies, and this is exactly the case, because gunpowder is flammable, and when you want to shoot, you can , it will already touch the line of fire. If a soldier accidentally ignites the fire, he will immediately get burned. If a soldier is in chaos

It is very likely that the entire fire gun corps will simply disappear.

"And the manufacture of gunpowder, relying only on our factory is definitely not enough, we must expand the scale and standardize the production, in order to ensure the efficiency and the quality of the gunpowder.

"And all this..."

Xiao He, who was standing beside him, suddenly said: "To put it bluntly, there is not enough money, digging ore, transporting raw materials, hiring blacksmiths, recruiting migrant workers, managing meals, and packing gunpowder, each of which is not a simple step, and each step is very important. , 877 knots of each ring cost money, and a large amount of supply is an astronomical sum."

"Sir Xiao's words are very true. In fact, I didn't think about it so much at the beginning. When it came time to do it, I really had to rely on Mr. Shen Wansan to lend me a life-saving money to make these samples.

"If it wasn't for Mr. Shen Wansan's generous donation, maybe I wouldn't even be able to pay the money to hire the people. In the end, the anger and resentment I provoke, the large amount of ores and raw materials collected would have been destroyed by others.

Yin Man nodded and said, "He is an authentic businessman, and he can't lend you money without any reason. What did he say about this?"

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