I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 348 The Power of Long and Short Guns

Chapter 348 The Power of Long and Short Guns

"How many steps is the farthest fire gun that can hit at present? 35

After listening to Bai Zhi's heartfelt voice, Yin slowly asked.

"Two hundred steps.

At this time, Bai Zhe's voice suddenly came, "The Huns are basically naked, they wear thick leather clothes to fight, and basically have no hard armor, so there is no need to worry about the lack of power, so the key lies in the fire gun. The maximum range, if the shooting is not far, the shooting is inaccurate, everything is in vain! 】

Yin Man nodded.

Seeing this, Xi Yingfeng quickly opened his mouth and said, "Actually, I already have a solution. In order to solve this problem, I specifically asked Mr. Shen. 99

"I thought that Mr. Shen was just a good businessman, and he didn't know how to cast and use weapons, but he never expected that Mr. Shen was still an expert.

"In the beginning, I replaced the fire gun 877 with a bamboo tube. Later, it was not durable enough and was easily damaged. I just listened to him. I asked a blacksmith to come over, make a mold, and cast it with molten iron at high temperature. The iron shot released is stronger and farther. "

"Later, in order to ensure the range and accuracy, Mr. Shen also proposed to cast the body part of the fire gun longer, so that more gunpowder can be filled. In a narrow space, once the gunpowder is ignited, it can produce Huge impact force, the longest range, after testing, can achieve amazing lethality within two hundred steps, even two hundred and thirty steps, you can still be injured, and there is no damage until two hundred and forty steps. force.

When Yin Man heard this, he suddenly felt uncertain, turned his head and looked at Bai Hei in front of him without saying a word.

So he reached out and shook it.

【Try it. 】

Yin Man told Xi Yingfeng to let him demonstrate.

Soon, outside the hall of Jingyang Mansion, there was a large iron armor placed across the courtyard, quietly staying on the rockery at the other end, nearly 70 meters away.

The short gun in Xi Yingfeng's hand was also replaced by a slender long gun, which was his short name for the fire gun.

In fact, this thing should be called a bird gun in the Ming (bbcc) period. Because it is filled with more gunpowder, it can shoot farther. It is famous for its powerful power. life.

And I saw him raise the barrel of his gun in front of everyone, flexibly load gunpowder, then put in lead pellets, and aim at the iron armor nearly seventy paces away...

Pull the trigger, the metal hits, and the sparks generated immediately ignite a large amount of gunpowder.

Between the electric light and flint, there is a bang!

I saw a flash of fire passing by, and it was fleeting.

Soon, the iron armor that was seventy steps away was completely broken and a big hole was opened.

Not only that.

After the shot of lead shot penetrated the iron armor, it deeply sank into the rockery behind it, and it could stretch into the length of a finger.

Although it is said that this is a rockery, it is actually a rock moved from the top of the mountain, which is extremely hard.

Many entourages stood around watching, secretly amazed in their hearts.

Frightened by this.

Because I have never seen this thing before, and when it comes out, the power is so great, it is unbelievable.

In this age of cold weapons, their ideas are so occluded.

After one of the entourage went to check it out, he ran back and said shiveringly, "Master Baihei..."

"Princess Yinman..."

"The rock in this rockery is about to be shot through, and at least one and a half fingers can go through it. If it hits a person, how tragic is the death?"

he said worriedly.

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