Chapter 347

Even Xiao He, who has always been calm, stared at him.


【This is the prototype of the fire gun!】

【What a good Xi Yingfeng, I really didn’t miss out!】

【How to make this thing, tell me quickly! 】

After the Yin Man beside Bai Hei conveyed its meaning, Xi Yingzhen in front of him nodded and applauded, and then opened his mouth to explain: "Master Bai Hei, you don't know how much I've been troubled by the invention of this fire gun, let's go. How many detours.

"My nature is to be straight and don't know how to turn around. When I find that Shen Wansan, he just refuses to take up this kind of errand. Of course, I also know that he is a businessman, and he will not do business at a loss.""

"I've exhausted all the contacts in Jingyang City and haven't been able to impress him..."

Baihei's lips moved, making some strange sounds, and Yin Man quickly conveyed: "What happened after that?"

"Afterwards, Mr. Huhai came and helped me to tie him back, and then he was willing to tell me how the fire gun was made.""

【Since he is tied up, why is he willing to help you do this loss-making business?】

White and Black asked again.

"Of course, when he was first tied up, Shen Wansan would also rather die than give in, but later he was ridiculed and ridiculed by Young Master Huhai, who even wronged him with the laws of Daqin, and threatened to cut off his nose and ears. , but became his savior..."

"The villain really has no way to do it, so he took a chance and used this recipe, and please don't blame it, Lord Baihei.

Xi Yingfeng said respectfully.

Yin Man waved his hand, "If you're guilty, you don't have to. Bai Hei's original words said, as long as you successfully create a fire gun for Da Qin that can be used to fight, he will bear all the crimes for you. 35

"What's more, the war situation is urgent now, these things you have done are all feats that benefit the country and the people, so I won't talk about other things at all.

"The only bad thing is that my brother Hu Hai is really going too far. This time, he actually did something that blasphemed Qin's law. I have to let the emperor know about it, and he must not be promoted to college. Punishment?"

After Yinman finished saying these words, Xi Yingfeng, who could only see him, said gratefully, "Thank you Princess Yinman for your forgiveness."

"Okay, fortunately, Brother Huhai rescued you by accident. It's God's will. Let's talk about it, how did you invent this fire gun, how do you use it, and how can you defeat a large number of enemy troops?"

Hu Chi.

Baihei yawned, looked at Xi Yingfeng in front of him and said slowly, "...Please look under this thing, there is a trigger."

"The two o'clock and one line on the top are the same as bows and arrows, except that you don't need to pull the trigger, as long as you pull the trigger, the spring inside will turn, and the sparks rubbed between the metals inside can instantly ignite the weapon, no matter how big or small. Good gunpowder, push the iron pill to explode with a powerful impact."

After he finished saying these words, even the Yin Man in front of him opened his mouth and said, "Seven steps away, (Qian Zhaozhao) is indeed accurate, but what about seven steps away?"

"Because the amount of gunpowder loaded in the short-fired gun is extremely limited, after many trials, we can basically draw a conclusion that the optimal firing range is between thirty and fifty steps, even for the most sturdy iron armor. , will be shot through, and beyond 50 paces, you can only kill unarmored or lightly armored enemies, more than 80 paces, you can basically only listen to the sound, scare and frighten those Huns who have never seen fire guns. , is basically no lethality.

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