Chapter 314 Ambush

No matter how flexible Daqin's battle formation is, once it is caught in a three-sided battle, it will inevitably be exhausted, and it will have to form a circle for defense, and there is no possibility of attacking.

It stands to reason that the Daqin troops are eager to send the unconscious Shi Emperor out, and they will definitely rush up and fall into an ambush.

However, Liu Laosan, who was talking beside the first emperor, smelled something wrong, and he asked with an extremely puzzled face: "The Xiongnu did not lose the wind when they fought with my Daqin army, and their ferocity was too much, so why did they withdraw their troops so easily? ?


Seeing him speak, everyone stood there dumbfounded.

"Liu Laosan, the Xiongnu fled after a great defeat, you are standing here, what are you doing? 35

After the man finished saying these words, a few strands of hair floated up on Liu Laosan's weathered old face, his eyes were like torches, and he closely observed the traces of the Xiongnu's withdrawal in front of him.

"No more chasing!"

"If you want to send the king to Xian~yang, you must detour!

As he finished speaking, the incomprehensible voice of everyone came out.


"Don't you know, what would--what would be the consequences of doing so?"

"To delay the war opportunity, the emperor's body is poisoned, and his condition cannot be delayed. Once the time is too long and the residual poison occurs, if your majesty's dragon body has three strengths and two weaknesses, all your nine clans will be punished! 39

After the general under his command said this sentence, he took the lead in walking forward when he could only see it in front of him.

"Do you think that the Huns are mentally ill?"

"They are afraid of us, or do they say we are too powerful. In the past, it was difficult for hundreds of thousands of people to deal with their cavalry of tens of thousands of people. Now, with the same number of people, they can beat them and flee? 35

"If something goes wrong, there must be a fraud!

The general was arrogant, "I'm afraid that some people are secretly colluding with the Xiongnu and deliberately delaying time here?


The generals looked at the third Liu Lao San in front of them with bad intentions, and suddenly felt doubts in their hearts.

The First Emperor didn't have a good look on him before, maybe, His Majesty was also wary of him.

There is a real possibility of rebellion. ,

When Liu Laosan heard this, he immediately sneered and said, "I have fought for Daqin for twenty or thirty years, and I have fought in both big and small battles. You, a newly appointed chief of a thousand men, dare to say that I am going to the enemy? 99

"Which one of your soldiers has not been taught by me, and which one was not brought out by me?"

"How many military exploits have I made to get where I am today?"

"Besides, how much blood of the Huns was on my hands, when one of their tribe princes fell into my hands, he was directly killed!

"My hometown is in the Liaoyuan area, and suffered from the suffering of the Xiongnu. My uncle and family members were all killed by the Xiongnu's looting at the border. 95

"If you still think that I will judge the enemy, then I have nothing to say."

"It's so unreasonable!

The general, with a slender face like a lame shoe, came over and said to him, "Don't be in a hurry, General Liu, I'm just joking with you, nothing else.

"Of course we also know that you have been dedicated to killing the enemy for Daqin in the past 20 or 30 years, but over the years, your brothers have basically risen to the top except for those who died in battle. Only you, you are the only brother. The familiar bastards among them don’t even have an official status, and thanks to your decades of hard work for Da Qin, you didn’t get anything in the end.”

After he finished saying these words, Liu Laosan said urgently: "The military merit of Daqin is not bad for me, dozens of dollars are rewarded with silver, and it is enough to have a full meal to make ends meet!


"This is really something that can only be said by our loyal and brave ministers of Qin!"

"But then again, you have been in the various military camps in Daqin for so many years, and you are in control of the situation of Daqin troops. These are military secrets during the war."

"If you defect, won't we lose miserably?" Dao.

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