The surging Da Qin soldiers rushed towards them as if they were dying.

With the determination to die, even the Huns in front of him could not help but be surprised when they saw it.

How could this Qin Bing, who was always weak and dull, suddenly become so fierce at this moment?

This battle was vigorous and vigorous, and the two armies were fighting like a tidal wave.

They never thought that at this time, Da Qin's soldiers would still insist on fighting to the death with them.

A Great Qin soldier even tried his best to use his bones to hold up the opponent's saber, and then endured severe pain to forcibly tore the opponent off the top of the high warhorse 857.

The Huns who rolled to the ground were stabbed in the throat before they could react.

Several Da Qin soldiers even besieged three or four Xiongnu cavalry, assassinated them with long spears, and the attack distance was very long, even these cavalry could not get close enough.

The Xiongnu cavalry, who were already trapped in the battle formation and could not get out of the sprint and plunder battle, completely lost their own advantages. Even if they were lucky enough to escape, they were directly penetrated by the spear because they rushed too fast when they returned to the battlefield. the whole body.

These are no exceptions.

(bbcc) Seeing this scene, General Udi certainly understood in his heart. The letter has been reported. The latest shipment of 100,000 shi of rations. If the Qin army gets this batch of rations, it will not be able to continue to fight for a long time. For the armies of the Six Nations, it was simply a fatal blow.

Now, no matter how brave the Qin army in front of him is, he has to gnaw on this hard bone no matter what.

If this turmoil fails, even if Huyan Chi lets him go, those nobles from the Six Nations will definitely not let him go.

In his heart, he even shouted loudly: "The enemy army is no more than a divided army, and tens of thousands of infantry and horses are far less powerful than our Huns cavalry!"

"Men of the grasslands, raise the swords in your hands and slay the enemy army, just today!"

After he finished saying these words, many soldiers and soldiers behind him responded positively.

The morale of the Huns team was high.

Seeing that they have hit the enemy camp, and even the emperor of the enemy is there, if anyone is lucky enough to capture the emperor of the enemy army, it will definitely be a great thing for the entire Xiongnu tribe.


The Qin army did not retreat but advanced, wearing heavy armor, forming a charge team structure, with the combination of shields and spears, they quickly attacked in the direction of the Xiongnu.

Soon a large number of cavalrymen lost to the approach of the spear, were stabbed to death and wounded countless times, and fell to the ground with cold bodies.

In addition to the powerful crossbow, the best way to attack the Xiongnu cavalry is to use the spear and spear in their hands, which has a long attack distance. Even if the opponent's commanding attack has an advantage, they have to run to your side to swing it anyway. Knife slash.

Holding a spear facing each other, it is simply a must. Waiting for the rabbit, the faster you rush, the worse the death.

A large number of spearmen approached, and the Huns had no choice but to retreat.

"They ended up fighting.

With an order, General Udi's hand swung.

Except for part of the main force of the Huns who retreated from the front, the rest of the Huns left in two directions and stayed on the flanks.

Such a trap, waiting for the Qin soldiers to enter and fall into their three-sided ambush.

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