I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 301 Provocation from both sides

Chapter 301 Provocation from both sides

"This is a great opportunity for us to make military exploits. Brothers, you are all ready. Listen to my command. Later, when the whistle blows, all shoot arrows for me."

"The emperor came in person and escorted him well, all these Xiongnu barbarians are our oil and water, and none of them can escape.

All I could hear was a hundred people walking over quietly and whispering to his subordinates, as if he was afraid of being seen by others.

A person who looked slightly like a twig suddenly said: "But, look at the camps next to the Huns, there are so many shadows shining through, once we let the arrows, maybe the other party will attack back. At that time, if the emperor has three long and two short, what should we do?"

"you're so dumb?"

11 "Since the emperor dares to negotiate with the head of the enemy army here, will he be prepared?"

"Did you see the sturdy black ice platform soldiers beside him, they were all carrying heavy armor and shields on their bodies?

Cards, several people stand there to block them, and the shields in their hands move, and why are you worrying about it here?"

"It's you, don't think about it all day, just do your own business. If you dare to hesitate for a while and cause the fighter plane to be delayed, you know what the consequences will be!"

"I, I know..."

"Have you seen it, the one standing there is the emperor of Da Qin!

"Once the negotiation shows signs of breaking down later, shoot arrows directly at him, and strive to kill him with one blow. In this way, the huge Qin Empire will have civil strife due to the sudden death of the emperor."

"Information once said that his several princes are not yet emperors, and the country cannot be without an owner. In this way, when a young man ascends the throne, there will naturally be no shortage of people who are greedy for money and profit. Breathe and collude, this is our chance..."

"No matter how well-equipped the troops stationed in Daqin are, and how good their tactics are, what's the use of it. Once the country is in turmoil, these soldiers will die under our swords sooner or later, it's just a matter of time!"

After listening to the man in the mink coat finish saying these words, everyone around him had red eyes and looked at the First Emperor, like a wolf who had been hungry for several days and saw fat.

Horses' hoofs kept galloping on the spot, and there was a possibility of rushing to the bloody battle to the end at any time.

In fact, most of the Xiongnu soldiers did not have the big picture concept. In simple terms, they only knew how to rush to kill without thinking. They often only need to follow a command and set a general target. There are only two options left: destruction and preservation. Piracy concept.

They all thought that as long as tens of thousands of people on their side rushed up, the number of enemy troops would only be so small, and as long as their own side tried their best to bite them here, then the news of the emperor's siege would spread to the army ahead. It will have a huge impact on the entire war situation.

The morale of the Qin soldiers suddenly dropped to freezing point.

He was desperately fighting in front of him, but he didn't expect that the emperor in charge was besieged by others, how could he not be exhausted?

"Even if you Daqin soldiers are well-equipped and have advanced tactics, so what?"

"Now, it has been cut into three sections by our army, the beginning and the end cannot be looked after, the front and rear cannot be connected, the command cannot be unified, it is bloated and difficult to move, the army of hundreds of thousands has been divided into several parts, and the original connection has been lost. Don't come for reinforcements.

"In the front, the armies of the six countries were directly restrained, and then the elites of my Great Khan's cavalry were defeated one by one. I'm afraid that I won't be able to wait for reinforcements from the rear army, and you will be completely annihilated here by me.

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