Chapter 300

This is by no means alarmist.

Dozens of ferocious crossbow arrows shot out in salvo, almost no one could resist it.

This power, this amount, is enough to kill anyone, even if it is really a tortoise-shell beast, I am afraid it will not escape.

"Tianshi Daqin is definitely not something that you barbarians can point to."

"Those who guard the Liaodong border pass are just the army of the Six Nations in the past. They are loyal to the "Eight Five Zeros" and have no strength to fight."

"You don't really think that by instigating the armies of these six countries, you can bring such a heavy blow to the Qin Empire?"

"If you really want to fight, I will let you know what is called the master of the king, and what is called the soul of the king.

General Udi smiled and said: "What a soul of a dead soldier, it seems that even your own emperor of Da Qin has already considered his reputation after his death."

"The world has been suffering for a long time."

"As long as you generals and soldiers dare to continue to fight with Emperor Qin, after the defeat, maybe we will give you a plaque to posthumously seal your eyes, so that future generations will scold you for not knowing the Emperor, and help Zhou to abuse!

Shi Huang's eyelids jumped with anger, and he could not wait to give an order to let the bows and crossbows of his subordinates fire immediately, taking the lives of this group of thieves.

But when I thought that they were about to lie in the loess, I could not help feeling pity and sadness for them.

"Hehe, the method of exercising, it works well."

"You have taken great pains to cut off the food route between Zhen and Xianyang, but you have set up your tent in this short period of time, and you are waiting to rush to stab at this time."

"I see you, you are so brave."

"Aren't you afraid that I will give everything and eat you all? 35

General Udi's face was full of disdain, "I, the Xiongnu cavalry warriors, are all skillful and skillful in battle, move freely, and the tactics are extremely flexible and changeable.

"It's you, your tactics are rigid and rigid, you only know how to fight in formations, and you can't give support in time. If you have the same number of troops, in front of my Huns' cavalry, the elite division of Da Qin is nothing but a joke!

"Whether it's stiff or slow, Daqin's infantry formation is based on the experience of countless large and small battles over the years.

General Udi smiled, completely laughed.

It is better to say that he is crying than to say that he is laughing, because he is uglier than crying.

With that thick nose, thick lips and big ears, he was as fat as Maitreya Buddha. At first glance, he felt a little funny.

But he wasn't actually funny.

But the archers behind him are all ready. Of course, the Daqin side is also ready to go. There is a strong smell of gunpowder wafting between the two sides. No matter which side catches fire first, the consequences will be extremely tragic. .

The Da Qin soldiers behind Shi Huang began to retreat.

However, the cavalry behind General Udi also began to retreat.

Because they all know that soon, there will be a most tragic battle here.

Who of them is not envious of the credit for capturing the Emperor of Qin alive?

This is simply an excellent opportunity to rise to the fore. As long as it is completed, even if he can't become the khan of today, he can still make countless contributions and become a good general that will be praised by later generations.

This is what the Huns value most.

Even they are very superstitious, if the emperor died in the hands of a certain person, then this person will be called the dragon slayer.

He was the messenger sent by the gods to save the vast Xiongnu tribe.

But is the first emperor so easy to kill?

It turns out that it didn't.

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