Chapter 279 Unscrupulous

His enterprising spirit is very strong, but his childhood experiences have gradually made him a little distorted, and he will do anything to achieve his goals.

Especially this poison is the real reason why he poisoned his master.

His master was an important shaman high priest among the Huns. After he was poisoned to death, he was enshrined by his apprentices as a corpse god.

Although he was slandered and resisted by countless people at that time, he still insisted on his belief, and then because of the lack of believers, this so-called "corpse god" belief completely disappeared from the eyes of the Huns of the vast tribe. .

Until recently, the believers of the "corpse god", which symbolized an ominous omen, actually returned to people's vision in a new way in the army.

His reappearance also meant an ominous appearance.

I saw that after he threw all the poison in the small bottle into it, he even picked up the big bucket and walked out skillfully.

At this moment, the Daqin soldiers outside were enjoying the radish soup when they smelled a special fragrance. One or two of them turned their heads and watched him come over.

Immediately, he could only see him with a smile in his eyes and said, "Ahahaha, here comes the chicken soup..."

Although the chicken soup was indeed a good thing for the Daqin soldiers.

But his withered palms, his wrinkled, somewhat thin body, and his ill body, really made people unable to get the slightest appetite.

At this moment, I am afraid that most of the soldiers of the Qin army are thinking why they have recruited such an ugly looking monster from the common people as a cook?

"You look like this, the kitchen guy?"

After drinking a mouthful of radish soup, a man who looked like a young soldier came up and asked him questioningly.

"How come I never saw you?"

"Hehehe, Master Jun, it's totally normal that you haven't seen me, because I'm a new guy who just arrived yesterday. No, I didn't know the rules when I first arrived, so I made a pot of chicken soup for you, especially to honor you. ...

After he finished saying these words, the young general in front of him nodded and said, "Although he looks a little ugly, it's good that you have this heart.

Only then did the soldiers put down their scruples, thinking in their hearts, chicken soup is no problem after all.

··For flowers....

Pick up the pots and pans to go up and divide this big pot of chicken soup.

As soon as the big bucket of chicken soup was opened, the group of soldiers stared at it and swallowed.

It was as if he had to fight his life for this stutter.

A word is said, and it is about to come up and start.

But only a roar could be heard: "What kind of style?

"Put down everything in your hands!"

A mighty lion-like voice entered the ears of everyone, and the soldiers turned their heads to look, only to see General Mengkou in jet-black armor walking with his personal guards in front of everyone.

The Hun man quietly glanced at the general, thinking that he was here to snatch the pot of chicken soup, but he didn't expect that the moment he peeked, the other's sharp eyes suddenly found his strange gaze. ...

"Is it worth fighting for such a bowl of chicken soup?"

"Stand for me, the soldiers of Daqin can't be so unruly!"


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