Chapter 278 The Unknown Omen

Suddenly, the big brother of the Huns turned his head and stared straight at the big pot of boiling chicken soup in front of him...

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I saw him stretch out his dry arm, slowly open the weird black vial, and pour it into it.


The chicken soup instantly turned pitch black.

His strange eyes suddenly stared, and then accompanied by his constant stirring, such a large pot of chicken soup soon returned to its original color.

He saw that he scooped a little bit with a scoop at will, and poured it into the bucket next to it, but he saw that the surrounding of the bucket was corroded, leaving a thick circle of black marks.

After he wiped it off with his hands, 833 nodded in satisfaction, revealing a very strange smile.

For him, as long as he can poison the large group of Qin troops in front of him, it is a great achievement.

It was also the beginning of his fame as a shamanic high priest wizard. Once this matter succeeded, his beliefs in the Xiongnu tribe would be sought after by countless people, and at that time, he would also become a supreme leader. wizard.

Along the way, it can be said that the sky is rising. Even if the King of the Huns in the future sees him, he must respect him three times, and he must not be slighted.

At this moment, he looked at the pot of chicken soup that had been poisoned and was still steaming hot, and what he saw was not a pile of bones, but his future based on these dead people...

Success or failure is in this move.

He was ugly in appearance, and was unpopular among the Huns since he was a child. Later, he joined the shamanism and believed in the corpse god, which is the most filthy, ugly, and also the most sinister and vicious god of the dead.

It is not a righteous god, but an air-dried corpse. In the eyes of the Huns, this is something worthy of worship.

Sometimes the shaman's thinking is like this, worshiping the sky, the ground, the mountains and the water, and everything that can be worshiped can add a bit of mystery.

And as long as you have enough capital to prove your beliefs are correct, then you can become the founder of this genre and enjoy supreme worship and respect.

(bbcc) Most of the Shaman people believe in this kind of thing, not because they are ignorant and ignorant, but because they live in bitter and cold places, barren grasslands, cannot grow rice due to climate problems, and can only starve in winter, They even starved to death, so they had to find some spiritual sustenance in order to pray that they could get the protection of a certain god.

In fact, this practice is completely useless, it belongs to self-comfort, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is more like a symbol of a spiritual problem.

Of course, this contradiction is also an important reason why the Xiongnu people launched several wars against the Central Plains for thousands of years.

It is not because they want to fight, but they have to fight. Human beings have almost already appeared in the form of war in the primitive period. Many tribes have their own territory, even in the feudal period. the difference.

In order to survive, the Huns can only rely on their own strengths to disturb the land of the Central Plains, and the people of the Central Plains, in order to protect their homeland from being intruded, can only put on battle armor and go out to the Xiongnu in the north, which is actually impossible. , not by the will of man.

The two sides are almost all decided by innate, in order to survive the Xiongnu can only wage war, but also the Central Plains people in order to protect their homeland from being invaded.

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