Chapter 274

When the two guys around him saw it, they kindly asked, "Young man, are you new here too?"

"This ration is not easy to greet, all of them must be hard vegetables. 35

"It was supposed to be something that the soldiers in the army could handle on their own, but this time the Huns attacked the territory, and the army was short of manpower, so many folks were called from the city of Xianyang...

"It's very unfortunate that we, the unlucky bastards, have the fate to meet each other here."

"If that's the case, then take care of each other, it's not like anything, what a burden!" The Huns said slowly.

"Well, young man, I think you are a shrewd person, so just call me Brother Niu. I came two days earlier than you, so I can't be called as experienced, but I'm your senior anyway, work with me to keep you safe and sound. If you do something, you can still get money." 5

A man with a wide nose and big ears, who looked a little bloated and fat, said while carrying the dishes.

"Then thank you brother Niu."

After he finished speaking, he followed him into the tent.

After entering the door, I can only see that this brother has boiled a large pot of radish soup, mixed with tofu, cabbage, green cabbage leaves, etc., and after the fire is on, the mellow fragrance is transmitted-out.

Seeing this scene, he turned left and right, and seemed to be looking for an opportunity soon - to strike.


Brother Niu slapped him on the head, "Look at your virtuous behavior, I'm afraid you're afraid to see those soldiers outside?"

"Don't turn your eyes around like a thief, and don't do anything wrong, you're afraid of a ball?"

Brother Niu said with a wry smile: "Actually, when I first came here, I was more afraid than you."

"If you don't believe me, ask another guy. At that time, the military master almost thought he was a spy of the enemy army. Later, he explained it to me, and I escaped.


After he finished saying this, when even the guy next to him who was smothered in work said, "At that time, your teeth were trembling with fright, and you couldn't even say a sentence."

"Everyone laughed at you for peeing your pants."

"You're such a big man, peeing your pants, no matter how stupid the enemy army is, they won't be stupid enough to send such a timid person to be an undercover agent. In fact, I didn't need to talk to you at that time. People can guess your identity. The people of Xianyang.""


・・For flowers....

"Can't you say something nicer?"

Niu Ge's nose is not a nose and his eyes are not eyes.

But the guy in front of him explained it again and said, "This is the truth."

"I'm honest, if this thing really didn't happen, I wouldn't say it.

"Well you Li Er lame, you dare to expose my old bottom in front of people, you see I don't clean you up..."

"Do it? Well, Mr. Li, my body and bones are hot, and I will accompany me to the end.

Saying that, Brother Niu said with a fierce look: "I think you think your life is too long!

The two got closer and closer, only to see that the military tent was suddenly pushed open.

A general walked in with a ferocious appearance, "Stop!

"At the moment of the enemy, you still have the time to play around?"

"Believe it or not I stabbed you?

"Why don't you hurry up and cook?

Saying that, he touched the handle of his own knife.

And these two people have to be convinced if they are not convinced, after all, life matters.

So they went back to their respective positions and started cooking the big pot of radish soup in front of them.

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