Chapter 273 The Cook

It was dark and dark, and in the dead night, a thin figure was like a god of death, slowly approaching the camp of the Da Qin army.

There are special guards in the army. Basically, there are Daqin soldiers waiting around. Every move is under the surveillance of people, and there is no chance for outsiders to approach.


Just as he was sneaking in, suddenly a message came and was stopped outside.

I saw that the letter hurriedly dismounted, panting heavily, without saying a word, he rushed in, holding a letter in his hand, if it wasn't for him wearing the armor of Daqin, I'm afraid he would have been beheaded by a knife. .

"What's wrong with this, what are you doing, what are you doing 830, what can't you say?

"Ten, ten, one hundred thousand urgent, there is a military report!

After he finished saying these words, the two Qin Shi looked at him up and down, and instantly moved aside.

"Let's go quickly."

After saying that, the letter rushed in.

What people did not expect was that the Xiongnu man was also in the chaos, and entered the Qin army's camp with the flow of people.

Under hiding, he looked around, worried and frightened like a sly fox.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, a loud shout made him turn his head, only to see a burly and sturdy general of the Qin army looking at him fiercely.

"I am, man..."

"Bringing firewood?"



General Mengkuo paused, "I am familiar with the cooks in the army, but you are so familiar, are you new?"

The Huns looked around in a panic, "Well..."

"Just arrived yesterday.

"Well, that's why I don't know you, no wonder."

General Mengkuo looked him up and down and nodded with interest, "The cook, um, not bad. 39

"Looking at your clothes, you really look like a cook.


After he finished saying this, he immediately let go of him.

The Xiongnu man was relieved, took a breath, and walked quickly, trying to escape from where this man was.

"and many more.


The Huns turned and looked at him suspiciously.

But my heart was pounding, didn't I accidentally reveal the stuff?

Really apprehensive.

As if the end was coming.

Staring at General Meng Tian's torch-like eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little hair in his heart.

He really didn't dare to look directly at him, as if he was going to see through him in seconds, which made people feel quite uncomfortable.

"And... what's the matter, General?"

General Mengkuo shook his head and said with a smile: "Where are you going? The cooking place is over there..."

"When I saw the general, I was really apprehensive and a little nervous, so I made a mistake. 35

"It's okay, you just came here, so it's understandable that you're not familiar with this place, it doesn't matter, you'll get used to it after a long time. 35

"Go, work hard, Daqin soldiers kill the enemy on the front line, and you cook for them, it's also a great achievement.


After agreeing hastily, the weak Xiongnu man really turned around and walked over, but what he did not expect was that after he left, Meng Tian's eyes suddenly turned serious.


can not confirm!

The thin Xiongnu man did not dare to delay for a second, and soon walked in the direction pointed by General Mengkuo.

Sure enough, he saw two or three people dressed as cooks carrying baskets of radishes and cabbage into the camp, so he quickly rushed over to help them and walked in smoothly.

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