Chapter 271 Poison Trick

After he finished saying these words, all the Xiongnu soldiers present were full of enthusiasm, waiting for the battle.

"Send the order and rest in place!"

"Send someone to watch Qin Jun's every move.

"Taking advantage of the moonlight, send someone to dress up as a cook and infiltrate the enemy's kitchen...

"Here's a bottle of poison."

"The poison is strong. It is made by mixing the five poisons with dew. As long as it is put into the enemy's soup, then the enemy will be killed and injured without our hands."

After he finished these 11 sentences, everyone in front of him nodded.

Insidious and sinister schemes emerged from his wily face, giving people a creepy feeling, extremely uncomfortable.

But no one said anything against it.

Even though he knew that if he did this, if it was exposed, the Qin army would show extremely strong combat effectiveness on the battlefield, and with a mentality of revenge, he would spare no effort.

In this way, their war on the second day will not only not become easier, but will be greatly hindered by it.

In fact, most of the Huns who were present knew in their hearts that the main attack on the Central Plains this time was all caused by the tactics of Huyanchi and other leading groups, and their real military strength was a few points weaker than their usual attacks on the Central Plains. If they were really attacked by the Qin army on both sides and there was nowhere to escape, then their entire army would be wiped out, it was only a matter of time.

"This matter must be handed over to a reliable person."

"This person must have the determination to die, so here, I also prepared a small packet of poison, which can be contained under the tongue when performing the task. Once captured, the packet can be smashed, and the packet can be released immediately without being subjected to The humiliation and destruction of the enemy army!

"In order for our home wife and children to live a good life, let's decide who to send?"

"I go!

A feminine and thin Xiongnu man came out. He had a pair of phoenix eyes, but it was different from the usual. The narrow eye sockets did not look abrupt, but had a sinister and sinister feeling.

The other Huns around him avoided him when they saw him, but they saw him pick up the poison in General Udi's hand, tap it with his tongue, retract it into his mouth to taste it, and spit it out with a slap. The small glass bottle was thrown on the ground.

The eyes are vicious and sinister, like an eagle, making people uncomfortable.

His face was full of indifference, and a low and hoarse voice came out of his mouth: "Trash.


The mink sweat had an angry look on his face. Seeing that he was about to grab his clothes, he was stopped by General Udi.

I saw that the thin Xiongnu man in front of him bit his finger, dripped a drop of blood, and put it on a rag. 830

Then slowly, a strange black bottle was slowly pulled out of his pocket.

"This is the potion given by the great shaman. It can kill thousands of people. It is tasteless to eat, but its poison is strong. If you take it for a while, the strong man will bleed from seven orifices and die suddenly."


"Are you a shaman? 35

The sable man immediately panicked when he saw it, "I'm sorry Mage, it was I who spoke recklessly, and I offended a lot...

After he finished saying these words, even when he showed a humble attitude, he didn't dare to speak aloud, for fear of shocking the people in front of him.

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