Chapter 270 Bad News

This news fell on Fusu like a bolt from the blue.

"Actually, even the emperor has spies from the enemy army. Isn't every move of our army under the surveillance of the other party?"

"The Son of Heaven is like this, let alone the people like us. Maybe, he's right beside us..."

Meng Ao shook his head and said: "This is impossible, Master Fusu can rest assured.

"830" "Why?"

"Because our soldiers are all the sons of the old Qin people, one soldier and one soldier are deadly friendships with each other, no matter what, it is impossible for them to help outsiders to beat our own people. 99

"Furthermore, the army's itinerary has always been near Xianyang City, and has never been to other counties and counties, and correspondence with the outside world is strictly controlled, so there is no such situation.

"Therefore, there must be a problem with the minister. Above the Great Qin Dynasty, there is no shortage of loyal and righteous people, and there is no shortage of villains. Although Zhao Gao is dead, I am afraid that he will be an example. There will be no shortage of the rest of the party. Take precautions."

"For the sake of the Jiangshan community of Daqin, these scourges must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Young Master Fusu's eyes became sharp, and he had the air of an emperor.

"It's naturally good for the son to think so.

"But what should we do first?"

Fusu thought about it and said, "The enemy troops set off at noon today, and they may have already attacked them by now. At this time, we have to rush back as quickly as possible to support them. 35

"The far-flung water can't solve the near-fire, and there are heavy troops gathered around Your Majesty. With General Meng Tian there, I'm afraid there will be no trouble. Although these Huns cavalry said they fought fiercely, they actually dismounted from their horses, and they were all pretentious. hit .99

Fusu immediately said, "Someone!"

"In! 35

"Hurry up with the whip, 100,000 hurry! Report to the emperor, be careful during the war, there may be traitors around you!


The fire that Qin Jiang obeyed, even when he rode his own mount, quickly disappeared into the night in the distance.

The gray-brown cavalry team ran wild all afternoon, and at this moment, they were all exhausted.

"General Udi, it's convenient that the former Emperor Qin's camp is in the camp, let's rush up and kill him?"

The strong man in mink carefully lowered his voice and said.

However, he could only hear him slowly opening his mouth and saying, "What do you think our purpose is?"

"Of course it is to assassinate the Emperor of Qin, so treating our Xiongnu army is bound to be beneficial and harmless.

After taking a sip of goat milk, General Udi smiled and looked at him coldly, "You don't fight like this.

"It's good to be able to assassinate him, of course, who doesn't want to kill him with one knife?

"But people are not stupid, will they stand there stupidly and give you this chance?

"Then we have been running for a day, what is this for?

The sable man asked suspiciously, but General Udi said coldly: "At this time, the other party has almost discovered the camp 2.2 we left behind, and Hals and the others may have been captured by the enemy.

"Now, we don't need to win, and we don't even expect to be able to assassinate the enemy emperor in the melee. We just need to make a noise and attract the attention of the opponent. If we can't win, we can run, but we must not die.

"Don't forget, we are only the vanguard troops, and the powerful ones are still behind. Huyanchi's fellow is gathering troops and detouring around, preparing to encircle and suppress the Qin army..."

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