Chapter 266 Discovering Talents

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the battlefield that was still fighting endlessly.

When night falls, the endless darkness accompanied by sporadic lights is displayed in front of people.

It was getting late, and both sides had withdrawn their troops.

Naturally, as if there was a tacit understanding in advance.

Everyone has to sleep, and the endless battle will end in life and death, and neither side can get any benefits.

After another six-nation rebel attack could not be attacked for a long time, the Huns immediately stopped the attack at hand.

Because they all know that this matter has to be discussed in a long way, and even if it is not the case, they are afraid that they will not be able to completely take down the Daqin army today.

This is of course a foregone conclusion.

Even if not on the upper hand, the battle is very hard.

But Daqin's soldiers and soldiers are still not so easy to attack.

"It's getting late, the Huns have withdrawn!"

"It's just stationed in a place outside the Bai Shilai 11, and we won't attack again today for the time being."

General Mengkuo looked at the Xiongnu and the army of the Six Nations, which were fading like a tide at the end of the hill not far away, and sent out such a feeling.

"The nomadic Xiongnu, Donghu, and Crescent Moons in the north have repeatedly invaded our borderland of Daqin and surrounded my people in peace. They can't kill them all, and they can't kill them.

The young general wearing black armor came over and said: "General Meng, come on, the reason why this war is so difficult is that it will definitely be the last battle of the Huns."35

"Unfortunately, this doesn't look like their death-defying counterattack. The power is so powerful that it will almost overturn the entire Daqin Empire. I heard rumors that there is a khan who has the ability to lead their various divided tribes among the Xiongnu. He is arrogant and good at fighting, and has many strategies. The reason why Da Qin was defeated so quickly this time is because of his presence." "Meng Kuo said with a very sad tone in his tone, taking advantage of the faint moonlight.

"I thought that after Daqin unified the six countries, both in terms of numbers and weapons and equipment, there were already enough existences to conquer the world, but I didn't expect that the remnants of the other side's little Huns were less than 100,000 horses this time, it was just a small plan. , he will destroy the Daqin counties and counties, and recruit and surrender countless Six Nations troops for his use, and he has plundered the resources of so many counties and counties, which is a bit crazy."

"I didn't take Da Qin seriously at all. 35

After General Meng said this, he was so angry that he wanted to smash the table with one punch.

There was just a muffled sound, and the surprised surrounding guards couldn't help but jump up.

"Actually, that's not what I'm angry about."

"After all, in the conquered counties, none of the Qin people directly commanded or participated in it. Basically, they were adapted from the armies of the Six Nations. The loyalty is different, the people's hearts are loose, and they are easy to be turned against. It is indeed excusable." 5

"At least the reputation has been ruined, and there is still a saying to prevaricate it.

"Now that they meet the real elite troops of our Daqin, they are directly blocked here, unable to move an inch."

"I'm afraid that they will eat us even if they die. I have already visited the battlefield today. The morale of the Daqin soldiers is very low, and their combat effectiveness has also been affected."

"If it weren't for the commander's command, I'm afraid I don't know what the knife is doing there, and there are a few others who even accidentally injured their own people. 35

"After all, the enemy's cavalry is too powerful. Although I say that there are cavalry in the Qin army, but when it comes to fighting on horses, it is far less powerful than the Huns who live on horses all year round.

"In the melee, the cavalry is simply an existence that no one can control.

"They hacked and slashed arbitrarily, and the infantry had to keep retreating. The emperor also knew this, but there was no way to do it. The enemy's cavalry already had a huge advantage.

"It will only increase casualties in this way."

"Da Qin's elites lost a batch, and they lost a batch."

"The army of the Six Nations is still unreliable, and there are still a lot of remnants in the counties and counties in the south. If we lose the battle tomorrow, I am really worried that there will be trouble in the rear.

The young general with the black stomach said: "General Meng, you forgot that there are Bai Zhu and all kinds of strange soldiers gifted by immortals in Xianyang, who would dare to make trouble at will?

"Those troops from the Six Nations dare to use this as an excuse to rebel, but their hearts are completely lost, and they can't make much of a difference."

"And I feel that Daqin is now a good time to eradicate the disaster of the Xiongnu in the north at one stroke, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! 99

Meng Kuo squinted suspiciously, "What do you think, may you please tell me?"

The teenager's face was full of confidence, "Of course.

"Has the current Huns army been very smooth since they invaded Eastern Liaoning and Western Liaoning?35

"Several counties have been conquered again and again, and even troops have come under the city of Xianyang. How can I ask which of the leaders has no arrogance in their hearts?"

"However, what they attacked were only some counties guarded by the troops of the Six Nations, and deliberately bypassed the counties where the Daqin soldiers were located, which shows that they were still afraid of the fighting power of the Daqin elites.

"Now, as long as we can hold on for one more day, their situation becomes more and more dangerous.

"Because the elites of the Daqin army in the surrounding counties are on their way back, and there are no reinforcements behind them, so they have to quickly capture Xianyang City to have a chance of survival, but this is simply impossible. things."

"So they will definitely make the 830 mistake of underestimating the enemy because of their previous consecutive victories, and in the end they will only be defeated. 99

After he finished saying this, Meng Kuo's expression also became appreciative, "You kid is quite talented, I don't know what your name is?

The teenager smiled and touched his head, "Liu Liangzhong!"

"Liu Liangzhong?"

"Haha, Liang Zhong, this name is very good, I will remember you. Tomorrow, when I lead the troops to fight the enemy, you will go with me, be sure to be there!

"Here! 39

After the young general agreed to this sentence, he immediately said: "General, in fact, I still have a question.


Meng Kuo answered his questions patiently.

For this young general with a unique vision, it is also quite pleasing to the eye.

"The last time when the Xiongnu was defeated, many powerful soldiers and beasts were used. Now, at this critical moment, why have they disappeared for a long time?

Meng Kuo shook his head, "I'm not very clear about this either."

Say it and pat him on the shoulder.

"Your eyesight is very good. It's pretty good to be able to see these things. It's really not easy at such a young age. Those veteran generals in the army have been on the battlefield several times, so your ability to observe and analyze the battlefield is definitely stronger than yours.

"If possible, I would like to keep you by my side to train, maybe Daqin will have another general in the future..."

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