I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 265 When night falls, a temporary tacit understanding!

Chapter 265 When night falls, a temporary tacit understanding!

"Why do you say that?" Fusu asked in confusion.

The general Heijiawei said: "Because, on this road, there are all our scouts, and generally speaking, a large-scale march is bound to be impossible to hide.

"But the enemy army silently bypassed our large army and rushed over from the side to cut off our food route, which is really strange.

"That's why I can conclude that the enemy troops came in small batches, taking advantage of the chaos in the battle and when the troops were exhausted, they rushed in quickly."

"Twenty to thirty thousand Huns are all cavalry, such a strength cannot be underestimated."

"And for our weakly defended rear, it is a deadly threat, and now this sharp knife has almost stabbed into our thighs, and we are about to stab a second time."5

Fusu nodded, agreeing with what the general in front of "830" said, "Then where do you think the opponent will stab this second knife?"

"I think, no matter where the opponent's second stab is, my Daqin Tieqi will never take a half step back. Even if we stab each other, as long as we have our last breath, we will be the winner."

Fusu nodded, "Speak your mind."

"Since we entered the war, we have been at a disadvantage, waiting for assistance on defense. For this reason, His Majesty was not less angry, and the dignified Emperor Qin led the expedition in person. In the end, we could only retreat to defend and wait for reinforcements. This face is really difficult. 35


"Don't they want to set up camp?"

"Let's let them set up camp, and at midnight, in the dead of night, our army will suddenly attack and will be able to completely annihilate them."

"But the premise is that it must be fast.""

"How soon?"

"At least before the sentry of the other side finds our troops and horses, we must quickly attack and occupy an absolute advantage. Their troops are single, and they are all cavalry. Then we have to rush them before they mount. .""

"Even if it doesn't work, we'll burn their stables down!

After the general finished saying this, Fusu was very excited, "It's really a good general.

"Okay, just do as you say."


Fusu was filled with joy in his heart, waiting for the good news.

The anger in my heart finally subsided.

But what he never expected was that this siege would actually become one of the biggest stains in his life.

frontal battlefield.

There was constant fighting on the battlefield ahead.

Daqin forced the opponent to kill based on a favorable lineup, and the rebels of the Six Nations were familiar with the formation of Daqin's lineup, and they kept breaking the lineup.

When the lineup is gone, it is time to make up for it again.

Continue to fight with the enemy, and then when the line is missing, it will be automatically filled from behind.

On both sides, there are war supervisors riding on horses, which have a deterrent effect on the enemy, and once the war supervisor of Daqin dies, the attack will be more rapid.

Because the army can easily be defeated.

But it is a pity that these Daqin war supervisors are not only excellent in martial arts, but also have excellent armor and stomach protection from head to toe, and the steel armor that is so fine that eighty-nine-tenths of the impurities have been removed can be said to be difficult to kill with ordinary weapons. .

Anti-stab, anti-stab and anti-slash, but most afraid of heavy weapons such as meteor hammer and mace, which are deadly.

Usually, the soldiers who want to show their military merit will follow the war supervisor to kill the enemy, because only in this way, they may be able to rub a few more people's military merits. After all, in the chaos, no one knows who killed how many people.

One less, one more, in fact, are often things.

Who doesn't want to earn more military merit, after all, it is a job of licking blood on the head of the knife, and the reward is not rich, so I am sorry for the hard work of the big guy.

The basic mode of war is like this, there is not much new idea, it is as boring as an assembly line.

After the endless fighting, one after another, the leek-like corpses fell one after another, the blood stained the earth, and under the scarlet color, there was no halo.

A dizzying battlefield, it's hard to tell who's who.

Daqin's army is not at a disadvantage now. After all, the strong military literacy, patriotism and belligerence are there, and many reasons make them fight extremely fast.

In terms of military merit alone, the Huns were completely incomparable in this respect.

With the encouragement of the military merit system, Daqin's generals and soldiers are more courageous in killing the enemy, and anyone has the possibility of becoming a general by virtue of their military merits, which makes them more loyal to Daqin.

But this only applies to the Warring States period, after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, it is no longer applicable.

If we just develop the Daqin army in this way, then over time, we will cultivate a large group of bandits and hooligans who can only kill people and gain military merit.

There will also be some wrong killings and random killings to fill up the power.

For example, in some places, there will be natural disasters such as severe drought or floods in the summer. If the victims rebelled at this time, they could have killed only those who led the insurrection, and then used disaster relief to appease the emotions of the rest of the victims. There will be thousands of casualties, in exchange for military exploits, Daqin's economy will certainly not be able to support such consumption.

First, the system itself is unreasonable.

The second is that because the consumption is too large, the combat effectiveness of the army may be effectively improved in wartime, but on weekdays, the army has no one to kill, does it mean that there is no military merit to be established?

There is no merit to be made, and they have no battle to fight, what should they do?

The answer is to create trouble.

The frontier army, raising the bandits with self-respect, and acting together with them, deceived the imperial court and threatened to allocate funds urgently for the war situation, occupying it for their own personal use.

The internal army is also not much better. They eat empty wages and do not work, go to the streets to rob, and charge people at will, reactionary killings, and rewards for military merit.

These situations are bound to happen.

The first emperor watched this scene, but he still held his breath in his heart. At first, he came with offensive remarks, but now he is defensive, and he does not look like an imperial king.

Being beaten by a group of defeated generals, he was really uncomfortable.

Although the Daqin army was not afraid of the enemy army, and there were faint signs of counterattack, 2.2 Shi Huang always knew in his heart that if the reinforcements had not arrived, his food supply would be intercepted now, and even if he recaptured it immediately, it would take half a day at the earliest. time.

Within half a day, if the next batch of grain is destroyed in the fire, then the army will be in trouble because of the lack of grain.

Although he is in a rage now, how can he change the stalemate in the battle?

Driven by the general trend, he also understands that the only factor that can change the situation now is reinforcements.

Whether it is Daqin or the rebels of the Six Nations on the opposite side, the two are now fighting evenly. Once the reinforcements from both sides arrive first, it will inevitably have a major impact on the entire battle situation.

However, in a corner that no one noticed, a large group of cavalry men and horses were quickly gathering and galloping forward...

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