Chapter 263

Then they will think that perhaps the times are progressing after all.

The unification of Daqin is an inevitable development and cannot be stopped.

Every leap forward of the times is based on breaking the original balance, and Da Qin has achieved this.

However, after breaking the balance, a new balance must be established, and progress can achieve obvious results and bring hundreds of years of national fortune to each feudal dynasty.

But it is a pity that although Da Qin broke this balance, it established an imperfect balance in the original history, which eventually led to his own demise.

This is also inevitable.

As long as you care about the cultivation and well-being of the common people, Daqin will never die so quickly.

Even if there are traitors in power, they will never be so unpopular.

Since ancient times, princes, generals and prime ministers often forget the common people after they have been in high positions, but the power of the common people is huge.

No foreign enemy is faster than the people who rebel.

This means that the court does not have the ability to manage people's livelihood.

Since there is no such ability, there must be a new leader to take over, and this person must be someone who is considered capable by the people.

In this way, the leaders of the peasant uprisings appeared one after another.

There are successes and there are failures.

The vast river of history has fallen as a tiny piece of dust.

Looking at the distant figures of these Daqin soldiers.

Xiao He inevitably felt in his heart, when will the Xiongnu rebellion at the border be quelled?

Although this General Li looks unreasonable, but whether it is reliable or not, we will only know after seeing him on the battlefield.

"I won't stay any longer, and I have to go to several other surrounding counties to deliver letters and say goodbye!"

Li Baoshi smiled and said: "Master Xiao, I know you, my ancestors have smoked, and when I come back from victory, we must have a good time!"5

"Have a good drink!

"it is good!"

Xiao He readily agreed.

"It's a word!

After he finished speaking, Li Baoshi turned his horse's head and drove to Xianyang with a large number of people.

Xiao He's expression became serious immediately after taking back his feeling.

Back in the mansion, as the current prime minister, he had to make a sober judgment.

"Go back all.

He said to the surrounding guards and the servants.

And they really backed out.

After confirming that there was no one around, a person slowly walked out of the darkness in the depths of the mansion.

He was dressed in black cloth and seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

"(bbcc) Come in and talk.

The two quickly reached the inner room and closed the door.

"My current identity is the Yang family's steward. This time, the Yang family has already heard the rumors that the imperial court will send Erjin to inquire about the rebellion of the six kingdoms. Therefore, except for the servants of the Yang family for more than ten years, everyone The newcomers have all been fired. If my grandmother is not from the Yang family, I'm afraid, I too..."


"If it were really that simple, I wouldn't have come to you.

After Xiao He said this, he opened his mouth and asked: "General Li has already told me the basic situation of Shangdang County when he was outside. You are the housekeeper in Yang's house, have you ever heard of it?" What inside information?


"But I'm not sure if it's true or not."

"Say. 35

"The Yang family used to be a noble family in the lower part of the Zhao country. Although the power has been weakened a lot after the war, it still has a lot of background in the local area.

"Moreover, there are many marriages with the royal family of Zhao. Now that the Zhao kingdom has been destroyed, they are only forced to surrender to Qin. As for the degree of loyalty, I can't say.

Xiao He nodded and served him a cup of hot tea, "Go on."

"Although the county magistrate is corrupt, at least he wants to complete the task of planting immortal grains as soon as possible. Now, who is an official who doesn't want to be embezzled?"

"People are greedy, so this is actually a matter of course, and it's natural to get used to it."9

"But some people do have a plot."

"The Yang family has always had correspondence with outsiders during this period."

"As far as I know, the Yang family has now been isolated and basically has no contact with the big family outside.

"The whereabouts of these letters are really questionable.35

"But it's not that I haven't read the contents of these letters."

"There was a time when Mr. Yang welcomed the guests once, and I saw the content of my heart in the study, but it was just a little homely, and it was just greetings to distant relatives, there was nothing strange about it."

"Think again, is there anything I missed?" Xiao He asked again, hoping he could give a useful clue.

"In order to preserve his own prosperity, Master Yang has transferred a large amount of gold and silver jewelry. This kind of thing is common in many rich and powerful families. Only after his death will he tell his descendants. Where does this wealth stay.

"It's not easy for me to check, it's wicked, but I still went to peek."

"It was transported out of Shangdang County, and it seemed that it was heading in the direction of Yingchuan County.


Xiao He frowned, "That's weird.

"The relationship between Shangdang County and the local government has always been very tense, and it can be said that there is no big storm, but it is not necessarily the case in other counties.

"I heard that there is a saying in Yingchuan County that the army and the government there should respect the honorable Han family of the Six Nations. Maybe in Yingchuan County, you can find what you want. 99

"What I should say and what I shouldn't say has been said, what about what I promised to give me?"

After the man finished saying these words, he stood up, and a fiery glow appeared in his eyes.

Xiao He nodded, took out a cloth bag from his pocket at will, and threw it on the table in front of him.

"If you do things for the court, you must be rewarded.

"I hope to continue to work hard, and the benefits will not be without you."

"Of course, it would be great to be able to contribute my modest contribution to Daqin. Thank you Master Xiao for your reward, and thank you for being a small one..."

He smiled and looked at the heavy cloth bag in his hand, and soon Xiao He shook his head and waved, "Okay, go back wherever you want to go.

After he finished saying these words, the man in front of him nodded again and again.

"I'm here to thank Master Xiao again."


The door is closed.

Outside the door, at the end of the corridor, a man in black armor stared straight at him and walked away, silently entering the room.

Xiao He said, "How are things going?"

The black armored person nodded and said, "That's it."

"Even if his Yang family casts a net, our people can penetrate it.

"Being a thief with a guilty conscience is just a fig leaf. 99

"Now, in the Yang family's house, almost all of us belong to us. With your order, we can immediately control them from the inside at any time...

"Well, well done.

"Hopefully, this time, they won't make the same mistake again and again."

"Otherwise, don't say we were brutal, let alone we... didn't give them a chance."

"The generals of Daqin killed a lot of people for the great cause, and they will not be missing one or two of them..."

When it comes to the great cause of the family and country, Xiao He, who has always focused on the overall situation and has a calm personality, has a little murderous aura in his eyes.

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