Chapter 262

After Xiao He finished saying these words, Li Baoshi, who was only in front of him, showed a look of difficulty, "This, this is just a small mistake."

"Because the original rice seeds have been eradicated, the immortal grain potatoes grown on the existing land have not yet matured. As a result, the harvest in the first half of the year is almost non-existent. In such a situation, there is still a war, and the consumption of It is the stockpile of the army granary that can only be used in a critical moment.""

"Is this food enough for your subordinates?"

"Enough, enough..."

"No, not enough! 9

"I haven't fought such a big battle for so many days, and this time I have to march for such a long distance. It is estimated that a large amount of food will be consumed everywhere. 35

"I don't have a good mind and can't understand it, but what is certain is that these grains are only enough to feed an army of 200,000 people for a month and a half."

"If it wasn't for the lack of harvest this year, I'm afraid it wouldn't be more than three months to start.

"Okay, okay."

"Don't make a swollen face and make a fat man, my Daqin will never treat every soldier who is on the battlefield. 35

"Master Baihei has prepared a large amount of immortal grain potatoes for you this time, all of which have just been transported from Jingyang, and will be used as your military rations this time.

"Don't let down the kindness of Bai Hei!



In an instant, the laughing nose on his face was not the nose, and the eyes were not the eyes.

Li Baoshi held Xiao He's hand again and again and kissed him, "Master Xiao, how much immortal food did you prepare this time? 35

After he asked and said this sentence, he came out.

Xiao He in front of him slowly said four words: "200,000 stone!"

After hearing this, Li Baoguo's eyes were about to pop out, "Grandpa God, 200,000 stone?"

"I have had the pleasure to taste this potato fairy food. Its flavor is firm and delicious, and it is very easy to satiate one's stomach. Moreover, just one potato can be worth a meal, 200,000 stone of potatoes, which is quite the same as the ordinary 400,000 grain and grass. It's enough for our 200,000 army to eat for about half a year without any pressure."

Xiao He smiled: "What is this 200,000 shi, Jingyang's current potato production is about 5 million shi in half a year!

"This is only a conservative estimate. When some of the newly opened fields in the countryside are all planted, it is estimated that the output will even exceed 10 million stone, which is not an exaggeration."

"The meaning of the auspicious beast in white and black is that it will be extended to all parts of the country in the future. Every county in Daqin must have a farm dedicated to planting immortal grains!"

"By that time, not only will our army in Daqin be in short supply of food, but even the common people will find it hard to starve. Your family will also be able to live a good life!"

Li Baoshi said excitedly: "Bai Hei, he is really my savior, Rui Beast!"

"Normally, I often hear all kinds of folklore about the auspicious beast Bai Zhu, but they are not enough to believe, but now I hear your words, I know it's not easy.

"For the people's livelihood and for the army to ensure supplies."

"With such worthy helpers in Daqin, they will surely rule the country, forever and ever, and will not fall! 35

"Of course it's more than that. Baihei still has ideas. They say that they want to give the military attachés a room for improvement. They want to teach your descendants how to lead troops to fight, practice strategies and tactics, study every battle, big or small, and sum up experience. Keep learning and give a room for improvement.

"In short, it means that in the future, civil officials will have imperial examinations, and military officers will naturally have military examinations, and each has its own room for improvement. You soldiers, you don't have to risk your life to go to the battlefield to gain military exploits. If you pass the test in the martial arts exam, you can also enjoy the same treatment as the hundreds of scholars in the court.

"That's a good thing!"

"If this rule can really be implemented, then our sons and descendants will not have to worry about lack of glory and wealth in the future."

"Yeah, when Laozi's life gave them the wealth, but three generations will be defeated, so many veterans are like this, after the glory is infinite, the son is not as heroic as them, the generation is not as good as the generation... …”

The descendants of military attachés are indeed a question worthy of consideration.

Of course, the reason why Xiao He said this today is precisely because there are white and black instructions behind him.

The purpose of Jingyang's restructuring is to carry out various examinations for selecting talents and completely improve the talent growth space of the Daqin Empire.

Then let many strange people and strange things belong to Da Qin.

"Sir Baihei is really thinking far-reaching, worthy of being a generation of divine beasts, I'll wait... thank you for the grace!"

"This matter has to be done, maybe I, Xiao He, can be praised severely in the annals of history!

Seeing so many convincing Daqin soldiers, Xiao He suddenly gained a new understanding of white and black.

I thought it was a slacker who gave orders indiscriminately, but what I didn't expect was that every order of it was accurate to the point, basically correct, and it could play a huge role.

"Report! 95

"General Li, the remaining 130,000 troops have arrived! 35

The former general panted and said, his flowing hair was wet with sweat, sticking sticky outside the jet-black armor. Obviously, the work of reporting letters is not so easy to do.

It is impossible to say that it is not tired.

"Listen to orders!

"Immediately escort the grain team, and all the 200,000 troops will set off for Xianyang, kill the Xiongnu, and protect the country's prestige!"5

After he finished saying these words, his soldiers shouted in unison.

"Kill the Huns and protect the country's prestige!" 9

"Kill the Huns and protect the country! 99

"Set off!""


The voice of the thousands of troops seemed to shock the world. The 200,000 Qin generals were still lazy a second before, and they didn't seem to have any fighting power at all.

But at this moment, putting on the armor and taking the swordsman, he once again became an indispensable member of the Daqin army.

Now they have returned to the appearance of Zeng Jin again. Under the black armor, each of them has the courage to die at any time, because they know that only (Qian Zhao) is going to go into battle to kill the enemy, and Daqin will never treat them badly. family, and he himself will die with honor.

They are all troops composed of old Qin people, and there are only a few soldiers from the six countries mixed in, but they are also deeply infected by this family-country atmosphere.

After receiving this kind of positive feedback, they couldn't help but identify with such a country. Every time they compared Daqin with the vassal state they were in, they seemed ashamed. At the same time, the beautiful dream of becoming an emperor did nothing, and he didn't have the temperament of an emperor at all.

Although the Daqin army is cruel, the war is so cruel. If an emperor wants to do great things, but doesn't want to use a knife, then in all likelihood, he will not be able to do great things.

Thinking like this, even if it is not in your own interests, you really admire the courage and courage of the First Emperor, and it is easy to convince people.

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