[Please be sure to make valuable suggestions. I called you here just to hear your thoughts. 】

After Bai Hei finished saying this, someone said: "The fryer is not that serious, but my master Zeng Jin was burned to death by a fierce fire because he added the wrong ingredients..."

"Even the thatched hut was not spared, the raging fire was difficult to put out, and in the end there were no bones left!"

Xiao He, who was standing next to him, glanced at Young Master Fusu on the side, and muttered, "Is it credible?

"I'd rather be trusted.

Fusu's answer made Xiao He temporarily put down his doubts.

Yin Man asked: "So, what do you think is strange about this fire?

Just listening to the young alchemist recalled: "I was out collecting medicine that day, when I came home, I suddenly saw a fire burning in the house, so I carried a bucket to divert water to save me, but I couldn't quench my thirst from a distance, and it was difficult to suppress the fire, but it was just right. At this time, it rained heavily. 95

"But it still didn't work, the fire became more and more intense, and even later~ it got out of hand."

Xiao He couldn't help but said, "Do you know what was in the house before the house was set on fire, or in other words, what was strange?"

Fusu was even more puzzled, "What is the difference between fire and ordinary fire? 35

A series of questions made him fall into contemplation.

"I forgot what was in the house, and I don't know what kind of medicine Master is refining. 39

"But I can vaguely remember the scene at that time, the flames rose and the water poured in, not only did it not go out, but it burned even more violently.

"The level of fire is higher than that of ordinary fire, it is extinguished but not cold, and it is rekindled. These are the characteristics in general."

"Others, I can't think of a difference.

Everyone has made troubles. Saying this is equivalent to having such an accident, but it has not drawn any substantial and effective conclusions.

Perhaps in normal times, this matter will pass by lightly.

But now that the protector of the country is paying attention, they have to take this matter seriously.

"Since it's been said, it's hotter than a normal fire, and it can reignite after it's been extinguished. Let's guess whether it was a mistake and got the pulp introduced by a merchant in Nanyang?"

"When it encounters fire, it is easy to burn, and the fire is raging, black smoke is emitted, and it is extremely destructive, but it is very short-lived and can only be used as a kind of fire."5

"And it is difficult to put out when burning, so the characteristics are almost the same as those described by this gentleman. 99

"This thing is burning pulp, not a component of gunpowder, nor can it be made into fine powder of gunpowder."

Fusu spoke according to what he saw and heard.

However, I heard the young alchemist retort: ​​"I have been fortunate enough to see the burning pulp, not only black smoke will come out, but there will also be a stench similar to that of a scorched corpse, which is very pungent and unpleasant. When the fire was raging, I didn't smell a single stench."9

"So that's not true.

【Can anyone explain?】

Baihei glanced at the alchemists around him.

A large group of people gathered around here and didn't say much, but it seemed that everything had been said.

[Isn't the burning pulp in the Daqin period the fierce kerosene of later generations, commonly known as oil?]

[But what I'm asking for now is not pulp burning. Oil is of course a precious resource, but now the industrial level of Daqin is completely below that level, so it's impossible to use it at all, and it's useless to get it. It's better to just let it grow naturally. At least for future generations. 】

Gao Chong looked at the group of alchemists who were speechless, and scratched his head in puzzlement, and said to Hu Hai who was beside him: "You said that Lord Baihei spent so much time inviting all these wise men to Jingyang. , What do you need to make gunpowder, and leave it to our brothers to do anything?

"I prefer to be troublesome, and I invite these bastard alchemists to make trouble. Now, it's with the muddy mud, the more and more messed up."

Hu Hai also agreed with his statement, "These alchemists are just stupid pigs. They don't understand anything, they just pretend to be crazy and act stupid, so they can't fool us."

"If the matter of gunpowder is really handed over to us, not to mention thirty days, we will definitely get a good explanation.

"We've been talking about it, but I haven't been able to talk about the wind, it's a waste of time, what is Lord Baihei thinking?"

Gao Chong shook his head: "I don't know, but it's better for us not to intervene lightly. In Bai Hei's eyes, we are both high-risk people now."

・・For flowers...

"It can't wait to make people stare at us, how can it be possible to put such an important errand in the hands of you and me?"

"Alas, that's true. 55

"This is life." Hu Hai shook his head and said.

When Yin Man once again conveyed the meaning of white and black.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay again, fierce fire oil, oil?

These are two words that I have never heard before. Is it true that Lord Rui Beast is able to understand the future?

This made them worship the giant panda in front of them even more.

"Although it may be difficult for us in Daqin to use fierce fire and oil, it may be able to control the enemy between Kit Qiao when we are in war."

"The sudden burst of flames is enough to devour a large number of enemy troops. If it is hidden in a bottle and can be smashed to the enemy's camp, the bow is ignited and a rain of arrows is thrown in a wide area, burning down the enemy's camp. This is not impossible."5


Yin Man nodded: "Yes, but the fire oil is too harmful. Any burned place will become a piece of coke. If it is used during a siege, I am afraid it is not the best policy."

"It's not a good idea to take care of the city after it has been captured. Don't use this thing as a last resort."

Yin Man asked again, "Does anyone else know the details?

"If there is an inference, you can say it, and don't blame it!"

After she finished saying these words, when Zou, an alchemist who could only see the rotten clothes in front of him, came up, his eyes were weak and drooping, his beard was full of stubble, and every piece of clothing on his body was patched. Live like a beggar.

However, it was from the mouth of such a beggar that something brightened Bai Hei's eyes.

"Could it be that it wasn't the fire oil, but something else burning in the fire?"

"After a high temperature, a large amount of hot light is released, and the cycle is reignited. Is it caused by the difference in the proportions?"

After he finished saying this, Bai Hei's interest was completely hooked up.

[This person has his own unique insight and courage, and he can choose to give him important tasks after the test in the future. 】

After giving instructions, the rest is left to Yinman to solve.

"Why do you say that?

The alchemist shook his head, "Because, I have seen similar things. Knife.

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