It's like two gangs fighting in groups, no matter which side wins, the consequences of close combat will bring casualties.

When the thermal weapon system of Daqin develops, the result will be earth-shattering.

At this time, what are the European powers, the empire on which the sun never sets, doing?

Where are the Japanese pirates making trouble?

In which horns are the Portuguese and the Spaniards chewing grass roots?

If at this time, Daqin's treasure ship sailed to every corner of the world for cultural dissemination, what would it be like?

Do all people really think that Daqin is the orthodox under the world, and all other countries belong to the vassal states and small states under it?

Think hard.

Bai Hei couldn't wait any longer. After eating the fruit, he gently rubbed in front of Yin Man. The little woman's face turned red, "Is there something wrong?"

[Zhao issued a notice that people from all over the world will be gathered in the lobby of Jingyang Mansion at some point today, and those who have major inventors will be rewarded after being reviewed and approved! 】

Yin Man quickly conveyed Bai Hei's words.

After Gao Chong arranged the accommodation for his alchemists, he was surprised to find that the business was so hot, so he began to think crookedly and started his own business road.


Soon, in the afternoon, the alchemists were all gathered in the Jingyang lobby.

Although it was said that this gathering had a wide range and a large number of people, Bai Hei decided to arrange for them all to meet in Jingyang Mansion.

And use this to discuss the manufacture of gunpowder.

This matter must be kept secret, because gunpowder is a dangerous substance and cannot be easily introduced to the people, at least before it is invented.

During this period of time, Bai Zhu has not entered the lying flat system to exchange rewards. The reason is because he feels that the lying flat points are not enough, and he has to re-develop the resources on the existing resources for the second time. This will maximize the benefits.

If you only rely on the reward system of the lying flat system to solve the problem, you can barely cope with the initial stage like now, but once you enter the high-speed development period in the future, if there are any difficult problems, the required lying flat points will only be more and more More and more, in the end it is impossible to rely on the lay-flat system to solve everything.

Anything made intentional loses its original fun, even lying flat.

(bbcc) Once people lie down for a long time, they will think about tossing themselves. The same is true for white and black. At this moment, he is excited. At this moment of trying to change history, he does not feel very tired or troublesome. Very pleasant.

The time has come.

The lobby of Jingyang Mansion was already full of people, and alchemists from all over the country gathered here to discuss the gunpowder issue.

In Daqin, alchemists played the role of saving people and treating diseases, and they were also the predecessors of Chinese physicians in later generations.

Regardless of whether it is alchemy or medicine, it is all about people. No matter how much experience you have accumulated, these alchemists will never be made aware of the power of nature.

Because their extremely conservative thinking believes that the power of nature is the Tao, the Tao is the law of nature, and the law of nature cannot be broken, and once broken, it will lead to serious disasters.

This idea was right, but it was also wrong.

The wrong place is that the understanding of nature has become a change of nature, the occurrence of accidents is regarded as danger, and the isolation of danger is regarded as a habit over time.

But in this world, white and black have to reverse these distorted thoughts.

With anticipation, everyone stared at Lord Rui Beast who was wearing a gown in Jingyang Mansion, and their hearts suddenly calmed down like a pot of incense, and they were all attracted by the cuteness of the panda.

Famous is worse than seeing it at first sight, and it is indeed worthy of being a protector of the country.

The whole body exudes an auspicious meaning.

Before seeing the white and black auspicious beasts, many people of insight in the world even thought that this was the nonsense of the tyrant of the Qin Dynasty. A mere beast became a mythical beast, and it was basically pretending to be a ghost. Maybe it was just the tyrant who used it to control Just a puppet of the people.

But since alchemists from all over the world came to Jingyang area, this idea has changed.

Nowhere else to say.

But in the Jingyang area, there are rumors of mysterious beasts.

Due to the lack of information, there are various versions of the legend of auspicious beasts circulating among the people.

Some people say that when the auspicious beast first appeared in the world, the sky and the earth were raging, the Yellow River was emitting bright golden light, the river was boiling, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was faintly filled with purple air. This is a good omen!

Some people also say that when the auspicious beast first came into the world, some immortals came from Chengyun and came to the emperor to bring auspicious beasts to help the emperor.

There are so many, countless examples.

Each has its own statement, but they all revolve around the blowing auspicious beast.

Therefore, many people in the world have thought about coming to see the auspicious beast, and today they can't help but sigh.

If it really is an extraordinary beast, it must be the reincarnation of an immortal!

For their surprise, Bai Hei has long been accustomed to it.

There are so many things they don't know, if you want to tell them everything, keep your jaw down.

Although the lobby has been crowded with alchemists from all over the world, it is still relatively open. Because the map of alchemists in some areas is far away and has not arrived yet, there is still space left.

There are not many alchemists in Daqin. Since the establishment of the country, the people are in urgent need of recuperation, so no one is willing to do this.

Moreover, since Xu Fu was exiled, the status of alchemists in Daqin should have been improved and respected, but in the end, it has plummeted.

Therefore, even fewer people are willing to go to apprenticeships and become alchemists.

Seeing this scene, Bai Hei felt satisfied in his heart, so he waved his hand and issued an order, 【To gather you here today, you must all know that it is because of gunpowder. 】

[What is gunpowder, maybe you have never heard of it, but is it possible that someone accidentally mixed sulfur, nitrate, and carbon when making alchemy?]

Yin Man repeated the words again.

Everyone shook their heads, "These three substances, sulfur, nitrate, and carbon, are familiar to everyone. It seems that I have never seen them before, but I really don't know much about them."

someone said.

"When concocting alchemy, countless excipients were added, and after mixing them, it became a black pill whose color was indistinguishable, and I had no idea which herbs could produce strangeness.

"It's impossible to verify at all. 35

Baihei nodded, [Perhaps you still don't quite understand this. 】

[Then what if I asked, someone who blew up the stove and burned the house when refining alchemy?]

When Yinman repeated the words, his eyes were amazed.

After conveying the meaning of its words, everyone sighed.

Lord God Beast asked, what does this mean?

Suddenly, these alchemists who knew astronomy and geography on weekdays were stumped.

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