I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 210 The plan to develop gunpowder

On the way to leave, Hu Hai, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, was very unconvinced: "These goddamn pariahs dare to touch me...

Xiao He snorted coldly: "I already guessed that you would come here after you tasted the sweetness. Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise the situation would be serious."

"I already know the original intention of Baihei, but I really can't think of it, you will play this Moxue Shipyard's idea.""

After he finished saying these words, Hu Hai wondered: "Why, these people are dying?

"No, no, no."

"They are all old craftsmen of Daqin, and many generals in the army are respectful to them. Although they are working in the shipyard now, the arrogance in their hearts is still there. If you use a knife and play hard at them, it is not equal to giving Are you looking for something on your own?"

"And that Mo Xue is not an ordinary person. As far as I know, the descendant of the Mo family's mechanical skills, she is kind and righteous. Even the poorest farmers are treated with respect, and no one can work under her hands. There are two hearts.

"No matter what you say this time, it's because you are too reckless, this "790" woman must not be compared with that Gong Shuliang and other rope-fly cowards.

After hearing his words, Hu Hai suddenly came to his senses. No wonder Bai Hei only asked himself to check Gong Shuliang's situation, but he didn't mention the Moxue Shipyard on the other side.

"Thank you Lord Xiao for your pointers, thank you."

Xiao He said with a flat face: "No need to thank you, I'm leaving. 35

After that, the two teams parted ways.

Jingyang House.

"The Daqin Canned Food Factory can basically produce it normally. According to your instructions, it is currently in the stocking stage, and the production speed is about 190 cans per day.

"This is only the initial stage, and many workers are not yet familiar with the canned production process. After a while, the production efficiency can be further improved. 39

Baihei stretched out his velvety paws and yawned, then slapped his mouth.

After reading the bamboo slips handed over to her, Yin Man said, "Because of the canned food in Jingyang, the entire Jingyang County has been driven by this food, and there are rumors among the people that many people see the business opportunity after they read it. , are buying back at high prices, ready to learn to do it yourself.

[Don't worry, canned food is my exclusive secret recipe. If you want to eat authentic Jingyang canned food, you must come to our official channel to buy it]

[Besides, we are not short of money. As long as the output comes up in the future, it is impossible for the people to have such strong financial resources to fight a trade war with us. At best, they will enrich the taste of canned food and make other similar products. . 】

[After all, the world is big, and people's tastes are also very different. Some people like heavy flavors, while others like light flavors. If you are used to one flavor, you will inevitably feel tired. We always need to enrich the variety. If you come to make it, it will be troublesome to collect the flavors, so let’s leave it to the merchants from all over the country to do it! 】

[Wait until they have become climates, and then buy them, and the variety will be rich. In the future, as long as we increase production with our financial resources, the canned food industry will be fully alive! 】

Yin Man rubbed Bai Hei's shoulders, "You, you have so many ideas!"

Now Jingyang cans can be said to have become a specialty of Yifang, but there are still some places that are worth noting.

For example, although the current auction price is inflated due to the reason that "things are rare and expensive", Baihei knows very well that in a short time, it will rise again due to factors such as transportation costs and export to other provinces. price to a new level.

Then when the output increases, more and more canned food will not only be sold to these rich people to enjoy, but will be divided into three, six and nine and sold to ordinary people, becoming a folk delicacy that will be remembered through the ages.

It is hard to say whether it has been transformed into canned food with local characteristics by the folk.

And not only canned fruit, canned fish, canned beef, canned pork, etc., all kinds of canned food have not been developed for the time being. It can be said that in this era, the budding of the canned food industry means a rapid development stage.

However, the original purpose of making canned food was to have sufficient food supply when the Daqin Baochuan traveled for a long time.

The most troublesome thing was still the production of the Great Qin Treasure Ship, which was too slow.

Yin Man said: "The people under my command told me that the speed of the treasure ships has increased a lot. The original plan to complete twenty-five transport ships within seven days. According to this progress, it is estimated that it will not take seven days, but only five days. can go into the water.

[At that time, whether it is Baiyue or the remnants of the Huns, they will become our Daqin territory! 】

[The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders, and then the whole world will have to obey my orders from the Great Qin. 】

Bai Hei unconsciously had a sense of national pride in his heart. If Da Qin really became a powerful country, then the whole world would have to become an authentic Da Qin subject under his influence.

No matter how many strange people and strange things appear in those foreign countries, they must be owned by Daqin at the first time.

Any country that wants to expand and invade the outside world must first declare war on Da Qin, and then use swords. The invaded country can still expose the foreign country that threatens itself to Da Qin, so as to protect the safety of the people.

Since then, the world will be occupied by Da Qin.

When Columbus discovered America, what he saw was not the colorful natives, but a group of Daqin people with Indian characteristics, who had their own local dialect, but the official language was Daqin's language.

In the end, it was discovered that Daqin was a powerful existence that they had never discovered before, and the trade and trade were acceptable.

But if you want to conquer the world, it is not enough just to have the rule of law, but also to have the force.

If you don't have the strength to fight against pirates, what are you talking about going to war with so many maritime nations?

The research and development of gunpowder is also very important and indispensable. It must be used as soon as possible and used in the army to develop hot weapons.

Although the current Da Qin is strong and powerful, and can conquer neighboring countries with the help of the number of people and cold weapons, the casualties are very large, and the loss of manpower cannot be made up for in less than a year and a half.

The development of thermal weapons is inevitable in the age of navigation.

At this moment, Li Si and Gao Chong walked in one after another, followed by Xiao He.

Fusu also walked in.

The Minister of Household Shen Wansan and the Minister of Rites Li Xin also came here slowly.

This is the order issued by Bai Zhu today, asking them all to come here to discuss important matters.

[When sailing on a long journey, you must first sharpen your weapons. Only swords, bows, and crossbows will inevitably be mutilated by various threats from overseas. I heard that there is a thing that, when mixed with sulfur, nitrate and carbon, can be ignited to produce great power. 】

[In later generations, they are called fire guns or artillery, which can easily destroy the city wall. There are a large number of them, and after advanced technology, they can even wipe out the enemy army dozens of steps away without a single soldier. 】

[If this item is equipped on the ship, after the enemy ship enters the attack range, the collision between the two ships can be avoided, the swords and soldiers meet, and the enemy ship can be sunk from a distance of dozens of steps]

【It is a national weapon!】

When Yin Man repeated all Bai Hei's words, everyone who had never seen the world was at a loss for words.

Because in this era, almost no concept of gunpowder.

"What is it?"

Xiao He asked in confusion.

Everyone shook their heads, no one knew.

Shen Wansan frowned.

He is an excellent businessman. Although he was in that era, he already had this thing, but it was only equipped in the army, and it was forbidden to leave the civilian 2.2.

Fornicators are capital punishment.

Only to hear him say: "I know a thing or two. 35

"It's shape is like a bow and crossbow, but it shrinks like a small tube, two or three feet of factory, there is a trigger under it, it ignites when it is touched, it bursts when it is ignited, and smoke emerges from the hole, and it is as fast as thunder and fire, and it can wipe out dozens of enemies. A few steps away."

"Gunpowder is a kind of fine powder milled from sulfur, nitrate and carbon. It needs to be dried and stored. It can be ignited with a single fire. After a large amount of accumulation, it can be ignited, and it has the power to destroy a solid city gate!

The crowd was speechless.

"If this is the case, gunpowder is really a weapon of the state!"

Fusu said excitedly: "Why don't the world belong to me, Da Qin?"

Xiao He's brows furrowed, "Then, where can I find the three things sulfur, nitrate, and carbon?

"Scholars from all over the world, because of the refining of medicine in the pill furnace, the mastery of fire is a must, and it may be possible to find them from them..."

Everyone wakes up,

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