I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 209 Beating the shipyard and getting expelled

What made Gong Shuliang unhappy the most was that Hu Hai just left. Before leaving, he even set a task for himself and distributed three upright inspectors.

Not only can I not move them at will, but I also have to offer food and drink, and I hate it so much.

Doesn't this show bullying?

"It's so useless, when have our brothers been so low-pitched?"

There were people around him who heard such words, Gong Shuliang listened to them.

The corners of his eyes twitched in anger, but there was still no way to solve the eyes and ears from the Great Qin Emperor in front of him.

But fortunately, even if the matter was known, Hu Hai did not report the matter, so that the food and salaries distributed by Da Qin every month were quite a few cents. At best, they just returned to normal working conditions.

Some of the children of Gongshu's good family have been pampered for a long time, and it is difficult to do rough work. It is inevitable that they will not feel good in their hearts, but they all understand the consequences of not doing so, so they all try their best.

After the poor children got the money they deserved, they spared no effort to work hard. The work that normally takes four or five days, today can be done in just a few hours.

Hu Hai's beating is very necessary, and when he got this news, he couldn't help but feel a smug look in his heart.

"Go down.


The spies who were in charge of gathering intelligence said and left.

However, he only heard him ask again: "Where are we now, and how far is it from Mo Xue's shipyard?"

The housekeeper beside him quickly replied, "Young Master, we are at the head of Li's village now, and we can get there in about half an hour."


Hu Hai nodded, "Merely Mo Xue, it's not worth mentioning, this time, my son, I must find out their faults, beat them well, and make a fortune by the way. It's better."

"There are rumors that the shipyard on Miss Moxue's side has not been delayed due to the relatively advanced craftsmanship, but some of her subordinates take turns to take a rest, which is really inappropriate. If this group of people keeps working normally, I'm afraid the progress will be completed faster.

"How can we Daqin give them normal wages every month, this is not cheating money, is it worthy of us?

"It has to be beat, beat! 99

A smirk appeared in Hu Hai's eyes.

"Sir, what do you mean?

The housekeeper approached, only to hear Hu Hai say softly: "Let someone sneak in and report to me immediately after finding the handle."


The housekeeper retreated, and Hu Hai thought about the two large boxes of copper coins behind him, and his heart burst with joy.

Really, Lord White and Black treats him well and knows that he is poor. No, he found a lucrative errand for himself. He really pays attention to details and is really caring...

About half an hour or so, the troops sent out grabbed a person who had committed a crime and came over.

Then, under Hu Hai's cross-examination, his guilt was confirmed: he sat on the ground and rested for a while while building timber.

Hu Hai was high-spirited and thought that Gong Shuliang was still obedient to him. This descendant of the Mo family was a female class, and he had no ability to fight against himself.

"Bai Hei said that the progress of the Daqin treasure ship cannot be delayed for a day.

"Even if Mo Xue is a proud and arrogant descendant of the Mo family's mechanical skills, she can't just let her subordinates be lazy and do nothing."

"Don't teach her a lesson, she doesn't know how powerful we are.

The housekeeper on the side nodded and agreed: "Young Master is right, once people slack off, there is bound to be corruption, and when they meet a master like you, they will be considered unlucky!

"Hmph, let's go and see what she has to say."

Hu Hai's eyes showed a hint of expansion.

"My son has an order!

"After entering the shipyard, everyone who sees people who are lazy and don't work will be arrested!"


A dozen of his subordinates agreed immediately, and then rushed in together with Hu Hai.

At this moment, in Mo Xue's shipyard, some craftsmen have just finished their work and are drinking water.

They sat scattered on the ground, and soon, a group of people with bad faces rushed over, and they became first-class targets inexplicably.

"What are you doing, who are you?"

"Do you know that this is the Daqin Shipyard?"

"Don't you want to die if you dare to trespass?

The disciples of Yi Huhai were not afraid at all when they saw it, "Yes, it's just death, Laozi is tied to you worms who don't work!"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

Hearing this, an old craftsman in the shipyard quickly explained:

"Treasure ship casting is inherently cumbersome and complicated, and it can't be made in one cluster. If you want to make progress blindly, there will definitely be many flaws in the future that will affect the voyage...

"Laozi cares about your mess, I just ask you, is Da Qin's money and food delivered in time every month?"


"Then what are you doing now?"

The old craftsman said bitterly: "When people are always tired, the casting of treasure ships is not the construction of the Great Wall. Ordinary people can't do it. We are all old craftsmen, and one is too tired to die..."

The butler shouted: "How dare you argue!

"Tied up!"

"According to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, to deceive the royal family and do nothing, all of them will be punished by toes!""

With an order, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

"It's not so unreasonable!"

"As for Miss Moxue, hurry up and let someone inform you that someone is making trouble in the shipyard!"

Seeing this, Hu Hai waved his hand, "Wait, don't do it yet. 35

All of Guozhen's subordinates stopped, only to see him slowly walking forward: "Let them call the leader, I would like to see what she has to explain about this so-called descendant of the Mo family.

After Mo Xue heard the news, he brought all the young and strong labor of the craftsmen with him. There were about a hundred or so people. Because he knew that the other party was here to cause trouble, everyone took a hammer and a wooden stick.

Suddenly, the situation seemed to have changed, and Hu Hai discovered that this group of people had surrounded his dozen or so people desperately.

"Why, you still want to do something to me?"

Hu Hai is fresh.

The steward on the side advised: "It seems that these craftsmen and the people who are the descendants of the Mo clan are one piece of the puzzle, and it is not easy to provoke them. Now that there are more enemies than me, the son must be careful with his words and deeds.

Mo Xue frowned and asked, "Young Master Hu, why are you here today, why do you want to do something to my craftsmen? They all serve the Great Qin, and they haven't done anything against the law."

・・For flowers....

"Eating empty pay is not a violation of the law?"

"Ask your craftsmen, is this the good ethos of your shipyard? 35

Mo Xue's face was puzzled, and when she asked, she knew that the other party was messing around.

In an instant, her face became serious, "So what does Young Master Hu plan, how can he be willing to release my craftsmen?

"Is this something..."

Hu Haiwei: "It can be big or small, it depends on how you express it."

Made strange gestures.

"All the public funds are used to buy wood raw materials, and there is very little left. I don't know how much Mr. Huhai wants?"

"No more, no less, thirty thousand!"

Hu Hai's words were astonishing, but Mo Xue's face became playful, "Since it's so difficult, I might as well say it straight, I can't come up with so much money."

"But I have a clear conscience, I will definitely complete the construction period set by Bai Zhu, and if there is any debt at that time, Mr. Hu will ask me."5


"But today, these artisans can't be touched by half a hair!

Hu Hai couldn't hold back his face: "Should I say no?

The housekeeper made a gesture and looked at the things in the hands of the young and strong laborers around him, and he was instantly apprehensive.

"Then sorry.

"Miss Mo, they are unreasonable. 55

"Get rid of them!"

"I have my own judgement from the white and black adults!

The emotions of the craftsmen were aroused by one touch.

"Boldly harassing people, dare to speak madly to me, Prince Qin?"

The housekeeper scolded sharply, hoping to move out of his identity to save the field, but the other party didn't care so much.

"The Son of Heaven breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people."

They are messing around, and the other party is even more unreasonable.

At this time, Mo Xue was soft-spoken, unable to control the scene, and soon the two subordinates lost control and scuffled.

A mutiny arose among the angry craftsmen, and Hu Hai was also involved.

His men were beaten and retreated, and a dozen people were surrounded and beaten by dozens of people.

But fortunately, their purpose is to teach and then expel them, and they did not kill.

However, at the time of this chaos, a man came galloping on a horse, followed by a large group of people not far behind him.

Xiao He only heard a stern shout: "Stop it for me! 35

"What kind of system is the dignified Qinbao Shipyard?

"Mr. Xiao, please make the decision for the little girl, originally..." After Mo Xue recounted the incident to him, for a while, his face was not very good-looking.

"Miss Moxue, I'm really sorry, Lord Baihei will definitely punish him.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand, "What are you doing, don't you think it's not shameful enough? 99

"Take Mr. Hu and go!'""

As a result, the two quickly left the shipyard.

Mo Xue looked at the messy shipyard, and it seemed that the progress must be accelerated.

The matter will not be groundless, maybe it is the superior reminding himself that the manufacture of this batch of treasure ships will be completed before the construction period.

It seems that Daqin really urgently needs these treasure ships... knives.

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