Originally, Hu Hai just wanted to teach them a lesson.

But now it seems that they are not only a problem of sabotage, but also a criminal offense!

"You know who our disciples are, I advise you not to be ignorant! 35

Gong Shuliang's disciples were not afraid.

They are the disciples of Gong Shuliang, and Gong Shuliang was personally promised by Bai Zhu, and will soon become the minister of the Ministry of Industry of Jingyang!

"Hahaha, you guys are so cute."

Hu Hai burst out laughing, and gave a wink to his entourage, indicating that he could go back and move rescue soldiers.

"What kind of thing is he who loses well! As long as I want to, he will immediately kneel in front of me!

Hu Hai's eyes were sharp, and he glanced at the few people present.

He has to remember the faces of several people, and then kill them all!

After all, Hu Hai had been the Prince of Great Qin for many years. If he was dressed up in disguise, he could hide his extravagance a little, but when he did things and talked, his arrogance and domineering could never be performed.

Even the few people in front of them, who had always been rogues, were immediately stunned by Hu Hai.

"Go and invite Master over here."

He whispered to the disciples behind him, and the people in front of them looked at each other, then stepped back and looked at Hu Hai vigilantly.

Taking advantage of Hu Hai's inattention, one of them immediately ran away and rushed out of the camp.

As soon as he rushed out of the tent, there was a shout from outside:

"Someone broke into the camp and assassinated Lord Gongshu's disciple!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire shipyard was in chaos in an instant.

Fortunately, the guards heard the news in time, and immediately organized a dozen people to surround the tent.

"The people inside, come out quickly, you are already surrounded."

For fear of hurting Lord Gongshu's disciples, the guards did not dare to immediately go forward to arrest the assassin.

But soon, Hu Hai calmly walked out of the tent.

Before he came, he had already arranged the manpower, and in less than half a stick of incense at most, his men and horses would be able to arrive here.

"Take him to me" "!"

Soon, several disciples of Gong Shuliang ordered Hu Hai to be held. Anyway, when the master arrives, everything will be decided by the master, and now this person must not be allowed to continue to be arrogant!

Hu Hai was immediately tied up by Wu Hua Da.

A follower who was desperately resisting behind him was also tied up and thrown together.

"Who are you, don't blame me if you don't say anything and lose your life."

Seeing that Hu Hai completely lost his ability to resist, several of Gong Shuliang's disciples immediately stepped forward and made a cliché.


Hu Hai came here to find fault, so naturally he couldn't accept it. As long as he didn't see the knife, he wouldn't be afraid.

Immediately, he spat at Gong Shuliang's unscrupulous disciples.

"you wanna die!"

The disciple of Gong Shuliang, who was spit on his face, immediately drew out the saber of the guard next to him, and immediately wanted to teach Hu Hai a lesson.

But the next moment, the shouting was loud, and a bunch of pranksters dancing with knives and guns suddenly jumped out at some point.

Seeing this, Hu Hai laughed arrogantly:

"A mere public loser, I see how you die!"

Seeing that his people had arrived, Hu Hai was even more confident, and immediately shouted:

"Grandpa is here, little ones, hit me! Hit me hard! 35

Hearing Hu Hai's voice, the steward immediately commanded his subordinates, who were not afraid of swords and soldiers, and went straight to Hu Hai's direction.

Not to mention, even though they were a bunch of rogues, they were really loyal to Hu Hai. In a few breaths, facing the guard with a knife, they rushed to Hu Hai's side.

"Sir, are you alright?"

It wasn't until he saw that Hu Hai was safe and sound that the housekeeper was relieved and immediately untied the ropes for Hu Hai.

If something happened to Hu Hai, Shi Huang couldn't let him go.

"Who dares to do this to our sons, little ones, kill them for me!

"Just a few of them, don't let them run away!"

Hu Hai pointed at Gong Shuliang's disciples who were running towards the distance, and cursed fiercely.

It turned out that after seeing many people rushing into the shipyard, Gong Shuliang's disciples saw that the situation was not good and ran away.

Some people went to Chengguan to find Xiao He, some people went to find Master Gong Shuliang, and some people just fled around like headless flies.

In the case of three strikes and five out of two, under Hu Hai's order, two of the apprentices escaped, and the rest were all killed on the spot.

As for the civilians, they all squatted on the ground shivering, not knowing what to do for a while.

Hu Hai was also stunned. Although he had a group of rogues under his command, it wasn't so easy to take down the shipyard, right?

It seems that Gong Shuliang is really lax about the garrison arrangement of the shipyard!

That is to say, Daqin is now peaceful, and Bai Zhu's "notoriety" has spread far and wide in Daqin, otherwise, according to the temperament of the nobles of the Six Nations, the shipyard would have been burned by them!

"..Sir, what should we do now?"

Seeing that his subordinates easily occupied the shipyard, the housekeeper was also a little confused, why did he feel a little bit occupied?

If things get too big, it won't end well!

"Call everyone back, get together, and if anyone dares to destroy a little wood or ship, I will kill him immediately!

With Hu Hai's death order, the rogues immediately ran back from everywhere, daring not to move around at will.

On the other hand, Gong Shuliang, who was on his way, heard that the shipyard had fallen and had a bad mood.

According to the temperament of white and black, if I don't do something, I am afraid that after the end of the matter, what awaits me is the fall of the head!

In a hurry, he learned from the mouths of his disciples that someone had already gone to report Xiao He.

In this case, he must take the lead and pretend to be trying to retake the shipyard!

"Quick! Gather all of us and fight back!"

Although he was forced, Gong Shuliang was indeed hard-hearted once.

After all, Xiao He rate (Zhao Qianzhao) led Qin Ruishi to arrive soon, so wasn't the rebellion suppressed in an instant?

Therefore, Gong Shuliang was not afraid, he restrained the remaining soldiers, and together with the guards around him, he gathered dozens of people and rushed over in the direction of the shipyard.

On the way, he kept urging everyone to speed up the pace, as long as they arrived in front of Xiao He and Qin Ruishi, it would be considered a success.

After hurrying and rushing, they finally returned to the shipyard in front of Xiao He.

At this time, Hu Hai waited for a bit of sloppy skin before leaving.

"Master, what should I do?"

The disciples quickly looked at Gongshu Liangzhi in unison.

Looking at the dark crowd in the shipyard, Gong Shuliang couldn't help but feel terrified. There seemed to be a lot of people on the other side. It was definitely not the way to rush up.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately thought of a bad idea:

"Wait, wait until Xiao He and Qin Ruishi's figures appear, we will shout and rush to kill!"

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