I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 206 Acting in True Character, Young Master, Have You Taken the Wrong Medicine?

Although Hu Hai's brain is a muscle, he is quite clever when he understands it.

For Bai Hei's explanation, he immediately understood, and instantly understood the meaning.

White and Black nodded:

"Exactly, but no matter who asks, you can't say it was my idea, understand?"

"Disciple understands!"

Hu Hai patted his chest and immediately made a promise.

"Go, I'll send you some men. 35

"Master Xie, no need, my entourage is enough.""

After speaking, Hu Hai ran away without a trace.

Looking at the back of Hu Hai leaving, Bai Hei couldn't help laughing.

But think about it, Hu Hai is used to being intimidating on weekdays, and if he really abides by the rules, I'm afraid he will stay under him for a long time.

If Qin Ruishi was really sent to him in disguise, maybe he would show his tricks at that time, which would not be good.

"Okay, let's hope it works.

Bai Zhu turned over on the rattan chair and continued to bask in the sun.

You don't need to think about it, the shipyard of Gongshuliang 11 is probably going to be turned upside down!

As soon as he got Bai Zhi's order, Hu Hai rushed back to his mansion in a hurry.

"Little ones, copy guys!

As soon as he rushed into the yard, Hu Hai immediately screamed.

"Young master, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Hu Hai's butler's face was full of disbelief.

You must know that Hu Hai has not said this for a long time since he came to Jingyang Mansion.

The last time was in Xianyang.


Hu Hai hit the butler on the head with an explosive chestnut:

"Speak up! Look, this young master will take you to kill the Quartet today!"

Since Hu Hai had said it all, the housekeeper would naturally not be unhappy, he immediately helped Hu Hai to get up, greeted the servants, servants and the like, picked up swords, guns and sticks, and stood by at any time.

Soon, the people in the house were gathered in one place by the housekeeper.

It has to be said that even if they haven't gone out to wreak havoc for a long time, once these people are armed, they still have the aura of a rogue landlord.

Each with a slanted head and a slanted head, he doesn't look like a good person.

Hu Hai was stunned when he saw the group of pranksters wielding knives and guns in front of him. If he really broke in like this, I am afraid that the fool would know that there must be someone behind him.

No, you have to be smart!

But relying on his own head would definitely not be able to come up with a solution, Hu Hai had to ask Ji Yu butler:

"Quick, you help me think of a way to go to the shipyard to wreak havoc, but there are good reasons.

The housekeeper was brought by him from Xianyang. He has been by his side since childhood and is resourceful.

Although I don't know why Hu Hai suddenly wanted to go to the shipyard to wreak havoc, but just after being beaten, the butler didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately came up with a solution:

"Son, we can use the excuse of charging protection fees and then make a fuss in the shipyard.""

Hu Hai was taken aback:

"Protection fee? Is the reason too far-fetched?"

The butler disagreed:

"Young master, you forgot, we used this reason in Xianyang before.

Hu Hai was speechless.

Have I been so arrogant before?

Have it?

But he was too lazy to think too much, it was just a reason anyway, as long as he didn't wear gangs, anything would do!

"Let's do it like this, I'll take someone to find fault first, and once someone sends back the news, you immediately bring someone into the shipyard and beat me hard!

"Okay, look at it!"

Whoever was present was not the same person as Huang Shilang, who was the leader of the Southern Kingdom. After a long time of repairing, his hands must be itchy, and now everyone said that they must be satisfied with Hu Hai.

But before leaving, Hu Hai also ordered:

"You are only allowed to beat people, not to damage useful things such as timber hulls, and the reasons must be unified, and they are beaten for sabotage!"

After making all the preparations, Hu Hai immediately brought his two entourages, disguised himself, and went to Gong Shuliang's shipbuilding yard until his entourage could not recognize him.

Gongshuiliang's shipbuilding site is on the Jinghe River.

The Jinghe River is the largest tributary of the Weihe River, a tributary of the Yellow River. Most of the ships can be launched here.

Unlike the large treasure ships built by Mo Xue, which had to rely on large harbors and riverbanks, Gongshuliang's shipyard was closer to Jingyang Mansion.

And because of its remote location and intentional protection by white and black, the shipyard has almost never had a vicious incident.

Of course, it also led to the lax defense of the shipyard.

After all, who dares to come to the shipyard to wreak havoc? The shipyard is the industry that protects the king the most, so which one is so disgusting?

In addition, Gong Shuliang himself was not very interested in armament, so the three Hu Hai almost drove straight in, and quickly and easily entered the core area of ​​the shipyard.

Here, Hu Hai finally realized why Bai Zhu sent himself here.

As soon as I came in, it was fine. There were constructions everywhere, but when I really entered the core area, Hu Hai realized that only the villagers were working. Playing "Da Qin Kill" together

"Damn it, it seems that this young master really has to treat you well!"

Even Hu Hai, who likes to play the most on weekdays, is a little disgusted by the sight in front of him.

The common people are all working, but you are grinding foreign workers?

The most irritating thing is that there was no sign of Gong Shuliang on the construction site.

"Let's go and have a look at their camp."

Hu Hai took the lead, holding a sword, and went straight to the only tent on the construction site.

The 787 tent was specially used for sunshade for Gong Shuliang. At night, the villagers could sleep on the spot, while Gong Shuliang and his disciples returned to live in Jingyang.

Gong Shuliang's disciples didn't pay much attention to the arrival of the three Hu Hai, and after Hu Hai disguised himself, he did lose his image as a rich young master, and he looked no different from ordinary people.

As expected by Hu Hai, sure enough, there was no Gong Shuliang in the tent at all, but there were a few Gong Shuliang disciples, and people who didn't know where they got it from, were bullying.

The women could not resist, so they had to cry, and when Hu Hai appeared, they cried even more.

"Who are you, come here!"

Although Gong Shuliang's disciples were not in official positions, their tempers were not small, and they immediately asked Hu Hai.

After being asked a question, Hu Hai laughed instead.

I've been scolding others for my whole life, so how does it feel to be scolded by others?

"It's good, it's interesting, Lord Rui Beast provides you with food and drink, and you all make fun here every day?

"And the matter of forcibly robbing civilian women is also against Qin law, right?

Hu Hai was brought up by Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao was even more reluctant to Qin Fa. It was with this ability that he became the first emperor.

Therefore, under the influence of childhood, Hu Hai was also quite familiar with Qin law.

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