Diners soon questioned.

Yes, in the middle of winter, the food is not long, where do you get the fruit?

But some people around have put forward a different view:

"I heard that the auction house is currently auctioning canned fruit, maybe this fruit chowder is the leftover fruit from canning! 55

After this person's explanation, everyone thought it was possible, and looking at the price of fruit chowder, it didn't seem to be very expensive, so for a while, almost every table ordered one.

"Little boy, I want a fruit chowder."

"Let's get one too! 35

"And here!

The voices of ordering dishes one after another made the little servant overwhelmed, but fortunately, without exception, all the orders were fruit chowder.

So they don't have to remember it deliberately, as long as they come to the kitchen and find Hu Hai.


The servant quickly found Hu Hai on the balcony of the back kitchen.

"Diners ordered a lot of fruit chowder, you see..."

"What are you afraid of, just serve them food, you go down first."

"Yes, son."

As soon as the servant left, Hu Hai immediately flew to the back kitchen and divided the remaining canned fruit into several portions to make a new fruit chowder.

Soon, however, the remaining cans of fruit were emptied.

There are still more than a dozen fruit chowders ordered by the diners, what can I do next?

For a time, Hu Hai quickly got into trouble.

"Sir, the guests are urging you."

The little servant stuck out a head and reminded.

"You bring these up first, and I'll figure out a way to do the rest.

Hu Hai waved his hand and ordered the servant to put the canned fruit in front of him on top.

Standing in the back kitchen, Hu Hai's brain was spinning rapidly.

Now the fruit chowder is sought after by everyone, as long as there are enough canned fruits, he will be able to make a name for himself!

So, the most important thing right now is to get as much canned fruit as possible to keep up with the demand of diners.

Thinking of this, Hu Hai immediately greeted the servant, and first dragged the diners in the lobby, and he immediately went to find a way.

Randomly, he immediately greeted two followers and went to the canning factory.

The canning factory was not far from Jingyang Tower, so as long as he went and returned quickly, he should still be able to catch up.

As for whether he could get the can, Hu Hai was not worried at all.

After all, he is the prince of Da Qin, the youngest son most favored by the first emperor, who dares to disobey?

In the entire Jingyang Mansion, apart from Bai Hei, even Xiao He and Hu Hai did not have the slightest fear.

At that time, as long as he shows his identity as a prince, and then presses people with power, he will definitely be able to obtain a batch of the latest canned food.

Thinking about it, Hu Hai brought his two followers to the door of the cannery.

As expected, Xiao He was inspecting the production of canned food at this time.

Hu Hai did not shy away, and walked up to it generously:

"Master Xiao."

"Master Huhai."

Seeing that it was Hu Hai, Xiao He also hurriedly saluted.

"I don't know what happened to your son?

Seeing Hu Hai striding in, Xiao He hurriedly stopped:

"It's extremely chaotic inside, don't hurt the son."

Just kidding, let you in, the factory has to close tomorrow!

Xiao He is very clear about Hu Hai's ability to cause trouble, so Hu Hai must not be put into the canning factory!

Being stopped by Xiao He, Hu Hai was not annoyed, anyway, he came to ask for canned food, as long as he could get the canned food, he would be a victory.

"Master Xiao, the canned food you sent a few days ago is really delicious, so I came to see if there are more."

Hu Hai deliberately made the number vague, once Xiao He asked him to take it by himself, wouldn't it be a matter of taking and begging in the future?

Hearing Hu Hai say this, Xiao Hecai let go of a dangling heart.

It turned out to be for canned food, so that's easy.

"Young master will wait again, and your subordinates will go to take out ten jars and give them to the master."

At this time, Xiao He didn't know what Hu Hai was going to do with the canned food, otherwise it would never be possible to give the canned food to Hu Hai.

It is no wonder that Xiao He has been dealing with various things since he got up in the morning. After he is done, he has to inspect various places in Jingyang. It can be said that he is so busy that his head is bald.

"Master Xiao, take thirty cans, if I have time, I will send twenty cans to the royal father.

Hu Hai quickly made a request.

Thirty cans of canned food, even if they are made into fruit chowder separately, can make dozens of plates, which can last for a while.

If there are more, it will inevitably make Xiao He suspicious.

After just hesitating for a moment, Xiao He immediately nodded in response.

Hu Hai was the prince of Da Qin, although Bai Hei had given orders to restrict Hu Hai.

··For flowers...

But now Hu Hai made it very clear that people not only had to eat by themselves, but also sent most of them to the First Emperor.

For this filial piety, Xiao He has no reason to refuse.

Soon, Xiao He personally entered the warehouse and took out thirty cans of Jingyang for Hu Hai.

"Young master, you must not sell it."

When it was about to be delivered, Xiao He gave an uneasy command.

"Do not worry!"

Hu Hai patted Xiao He on the shoulder with a smile on his face, and left at random.

Thirty cans of Jingyang cans are enough for him to hold on for a long time!

At that time, Jingyang Tower's reputation for "canned fruit" would definitely be famous all over the world, and even if Bai Zhu wanted to stop it, it would be too late.

With the coquettish joy of the success of the plan, Hu Hai couldn't help but greet the two entourages beside him to speed up their pace.

But human beings, the more afraid of something, the more something will come, Hu Hai was thinking in his heart, don't run into Bai Zhu.

Well, we hit it head-on.

At this time, Bai Hei had already received the news from the little servant and prepared in advance.

In order for the servant to not be entangled by Hu Hai, he deliberately pretended to be a random encounter while shopping.

"Hu Hai? What are you doing here, kid?"

Seeing that it was white and black, Hu Hai immediately turned his head and ran away, not even caring about the two entourages beside him.

But Baihei has already reached the realm of a martial arts master, how can he let him go easily?

With one stride, Bai Zhu immediately caught up with Hu Hai who was running away, grabbed his collar and dragged him to his side.

Pointing to the cans in the hands of the two attendants, Bai Hei asked with a hint of ridicule:

"Why, you also like to eat Jingyang canned food?"

Like grabbing a life-saving straw, Hu Hai nodded desperately:

"Yes, I love canned food very much, and I plan to send some to the royal father."

Immediately, Hu Hai moved out of Shi Huangdi as a shield.

In front of Bai Hei, he didn't even have the courage to call himself his son.


Bai Hei deliberately lengthened his voice:

"So you want to send it to your majesty, how about this king with you? 35

Smiling, Bai Hei looked at Hu Hai.

Hu Hai's legs softened immediately and he knelt down.

Good guy, Bai Hei must have known about the Jingyang Tower, otherwise why would he be on ideas everywhere? Knife,

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