I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 203 Restless Hu Hai, Fruit Chowder!

When the auction was in full swing, Hu Hai, who was far away in the mansion, quickly received the news.

"What did you say? Are you sure it's the big brother who is presiding over the auction?"

"Yes, son, I saw it with my own eyes, Master Xiao He is the host, and son Fusu is the main photographer.

The little servant who was in charge of inquiring quickly reported it.

Hu Hai nodded slowly:

"So Lord Rui Beast has ruled me out again."

He hammered the table in front of him fiercely, and complained angrily:

"I really don't know what the big brother is good for, the father and the emperor gave him up, why doesn't Lord Rui Beast value me!

Hu Hai's agitation is not without reason.

He was favored by the First Emperor since he was a child, and he did not take his other sons with him on several tours to the east. For example, Fusu was "exiled" to the border, but he took Huhai himself with him.

The First Emperor's actions could not help but make Hu Hai have other thoughts. Although Hu Hai did not dare to think about the throne itself, at least in the limelight, he was still a child at heart. No matter what, he wanted to compare with his elder brother.

However, the eldest brother Fusu is a stubborn and highly sought after and supported by the public, and Hu Hai is quite annoyed by this.

Originally sent by the First Emperor to Jingyang Mansion, 787 followed Bai Hei to learn some skills and surpassed his elder brother.

But what he never imagined was that even Bai Hei valued his elder brother more than him Hu Hai.

Because of this, he only wanted to do one thing well, such as cooking, so that everyone could see his efforts.

It's a pity that everyone only pays attention to the results of his cooking, and no one sees his efforts.

"No! This time I'm going to make a little bit of everything I say!

Hu Hai made up his mind that he must make everyone look up to him!

But what can we do to reassure everyone in ourselves?

After thinking about it for a long time, Hu Hai didn't think what he was good at?

Do evil?

Good guy, Lord Rui Beast's board is no joke, three or two hits can make your ass bloom!

After thinking about it, Hu Hai decided to start with his favorite cooking!

But what should I do if I can't get everyone's appreciation and praise for my own dishes?

Suddenly, Hu Hai's eyes fell on the Jingyang canned food that was only half eaten.


If you take Jingyang canned food to Jingyang Tower for sale, I wonder if it will have a miraculous effect?

Just do it (bbcc)!

Now that he figured this out, Hu Hai couldn't help but tell him, and immediately ordered someone to take the rest of the can, and then followed him to Jingyang Tower.

All the cooks in Jingyang Building were busy, and no one noticed Hu Hai.

"You, go and change the menu on the guest's table."

He grabbed a servant, Hu Hai ordered.

The boy hesitated for a moment:

"Son, but the menu hasn't changed, so..."

Obviously, for Hu Hai's misconduct, everyone was already prepared, if it wasn't for a legitimate reason, he wouldn't even be a servant.

Fortunately, Hu Hai was already prepared.

I saw him immediately put on a high-level look, and ordered to the servant:

"You changed the menu on the table and added a dish called fruit chowder, understand?"

The little servant hesitated for a while, but finally nodded silently.

No matter what he ordered, after all, Hu Hai was still the prince of Da Qin, the youngest son of His Majesty the First Emperor, and he really annoyed him, and there was absolutely no good fruit to eat.

However, while doing so, the servant also immediately reported the matter to the person in charge of Jingyang Tower.

After a lot of effort, the servant changed all the menus up and down in the Jingyang Building.

Fortunately, Jingyang Tower also has to change different menus according to the storage capacity of the dishes on weekdays, so this change did not take long.

By the time a new wave of guests arrives, the menu in their hands has been changed to the latest.

And Hu Hai also changed his outfit long ago, drove away a chef, and took his place.

He really didn't believe it. With Jingyang canned food, he was afraid that he wouldn't be famous all over the world?

Finally, one of the visitors quickly noticed the new addition to the menu, "Fruit Chowder"


"Oh? Dare you ask what kind of fruit chowder is?"

The boy was stunned, who knows what the fruit chowder Hu Hai made?

But the guest had doubts, so he had to make his own explanation:

"This is the latest dish created by our chefs.""

"Have one!"

Visitors have always appreciated Jingyanglou's cooking skills, and now that there are new dishes, they must support it.

The servant nodded silently, then observed three seconds of silence for the diners.

Good guy, who doesn't know that Hu Hai's cooking skills can eat dead people, it's bad luck for the diners to meet Hu Hai!

When the servant passed the news to the back kitchen, Hu Hai's eyes were all excited:

"Seriously, does anyone actually order fruit chowder?"

The boy nodded:

"Yes, son.

"Good! Good! Many rewards!

He threw out a small piece of gold and gave it to the servant, and Hu Hai immediately set about making a fruit chowder.

Of course, the canned food must not be served with the bottle, otherwise, with the current reputation of Jingyang Canned Food, it will be discovered by others in less than half a day.

After thinking for a while, Hu Hai found an opaque clay pot and poured the Jingyang can into it.

In addition to the half jar he ate, there was also an unopened jar, and the amount added up was enough to support customers ordering several times.

Not daring to add more, Hu Hai quickly motioned to the servant to bring the "fruit chowder", then hid himself and watched the diners' reactions secretly.

When the servant brought the "fruit chowder", the guests were dumbfounded.

All the dishes in Jingyang Tower are served on plates, which is clear at a glance, but what is the matter with the opaque clay pot in front of you?

Although they are doubtful in their hearts, but the reputation of Jingyang Tower is outside, the diners are dubious and ready to try the mysterious new dishes.

He picked up a pair of chopsticks, reached into the clay pot, rummaged for a long time, finally picked up a piece of can, and brought it to his mouth.

Hu Hai, who was observing in the dark, was already in a hurry:

"You eat, eat quickly!"

Finally, under Hu Hai's anxious gaze, the diners finally ate the canned food into their stomachs.

"Hmm! Good food!

After the first bite, the diners quickly praised loudly.

Seeing the appreciation of the diners, Hu Hai was finally satisfied.

It seems that there are still goods!

The voice of the diners quickly attracted other diners around, who looked over curiously and quickly noticed the clay pot on the table.

"Little Er, what's in the clay pot?"

"It's the chef's latest creation - fruit chowder. 35

"Fruit? Is there fruit at this time?

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