I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 187 Back to Daqin! Planning for Jingyang Mansion!

So far, among the remaining three rewards, Shi Huangdi only needs to choose two, even if he has completed the selection of this reward.

The three remaining awards are:

[Emperor Road Chixiao Sword (force +8, has the power of Emperor Dao Chixiao.)]

[Business Talent Summoning Card x1 (can randomly summon a business talent with a business ability value of not less than 95)]

[Agricultural Talent Summoning Card x1 (can randomly summon an agricultural talent with an agricultural ability value of not less than 95)]

Apart from the Emperor Dao Scarlet Heaven Sword, which had just hesitated for a while, the First Emperor's eyes quickly turned to the remaining two rewards.

"Business Talent Summoning Card, Agricultural Talent Summoning Card..."

The first emperor pondered for a while, then looked at Baihei:

"Little auspicious beast, how about we choose the Emperor Dao Scarlet Heaven Sword and the Business Talent Summoning Card? 99

White and black are undecided.

"Then choose the Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword and the Agricultural Talent Summoning Card?"

The first emperor asked again.

Bai Zhi still didn't speak.

In this regard, the first emperor also fell into silence.

The Emperor Dao Scarlet Firmament Sword is really one of the weapons he really wants, and it is a great pity to miss it last time.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Bai Zhu immediately came up with an idea.

【‘Lao Zhao, let’s talk about science with you, the Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword is the sword used by Liu Bang to slay the White Snake uprising. 1

Sure enough, when Liu Bang was mentioned, the first emperor's face turned dark.

Good guy, is it actually Liu Bang's weapon?

"I choose to give up the third reward!"

Resolutely, the First Emperor immediately gave up the Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword.

As a result, the remaining two choices are only the business talent summoning card and the agricultural talent summoning card.

The two rewards immediately turned into golden light and disappeared in front of Shi Huangdi and Baihei.

In the end, the five rewards turned into five streams of light, and finally fell into the hands of the First Emperor.

Two Talent Summon Cards.

A miniature map card.

A "fertilizer" card.

A longevity pill.

Immediately, the First Emperor put the Lifespan Pill into his mouth and swallowed it.

Ten years of life!

Add the previous twenty years of life, and add up to thirty years!

I still remember the three words of Zhou Shizong Chai Rong:

"Ten years to expand the world, ten years to support the people, ten years to bring peace!"

That's enough!

Immediately, an energy full of vigor and vitality melted from the stomach, and then swam to the limbs of the First Emperor. Suddenly, the First Emperor felt that his body was much more relaxed.

Due to the influence of the last time, the appearance of the First Emperor had hardly changed.

The main purpose of this elixir is to detoxify the first emperor and prolong the function of body organs, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

Seeing that the First Emperor was so eager, Bai Hei silently lowered his head.



Looking at the remaining rewards in his hand, the First Emperor handed over the "Chemical Fertilizer" card, the remaining miniature map, and two talent summoning cards to Bai Zhu.

"Little auspicious beast, you are the auspicious beast of Daqin, and these things will be handed over to you.

He solemnly handed the four things into Bai Zhu's hands, and the Shi Emperor's expression was very solemn.

But soon, Bai Hei realized something was wrong.

What do you mean to yourself, man?

Could it be that you still want me to farm?

Still want me to go to sea?

【‘Lao Zhao, can I refuse? 1

Bai Hei's heart is very refusal.

Although the Daming Treasure Ship is very grand, life at sea is really...indescribable!

Not only is it difficult to supplement vitamins and the like right away, but the entertainment life at sea is also very monotonous. Is there any?

But now, he couldn't bear to think so much.

Regarding Baihei's rejection, the First Emperor did not say much, but patted Baihei on the shoulder and said in a heavy tone:

"Xiao Rui Beast, the future of Da Qin is handed over to you."

White and Black:

Well, the future is mine!

Looking at the four things in his hand, Baihei nodded.

If you want to conquer the world, you must first have money to support activities. If you want to have money, you must develop business. If you want to develop business, you must have enough food.

If you want to have enough food, you must develop agriculture, and if you want to develop agriculture, you must have corresponding talents.

So, in the final analysis, the first to be revealed should be the Agricultural Talent Summoning Card!

The agricultural talent summoning card can summon an agricultural talent with an agricultural ability value of not less than 95. Although it is a random summon, if the agricultural ability value is above 95, it can be regarded as a guarantee.

Soon, Bai Hei held the Agricultural Talent Summoning Card in his hand, and then lightly crushed it.

A golden light flashed, and the voice of the luck question and answer space quickly sounded:

【Agricultural talents are being extracted, please wait-】

At the same time, a row of agricultural experts' names appeared in front of Bai Hei's eyes.

The number one is Shennong, whose agricultural ability value is as high as 150!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Shennong clan can really be drawn, Daqin can guarantee that there will be no shortage of food in the future.

It's a pity that Bai Zhu clearly knew that it was impossible for Emperor Ou to become Emperor Ou, and it was impossible for Emperor Ou in this life.

After a few rumblings, finally, a name appeared in front of Bai Hei.


The agricultural ability value is 98!

White and black suddenly lit up, good!

Seeing that Baihei's spirit was lifted, the First Emperor nodded silently, it seemed that Baihei had recruited satisfactory talents.

Jia Sixie, a native of Yidu, Qingzhou.

Minister of Northern Wei Dynasty and Eastern Wei Dynasty, outstanding agronomist in ancient China.

He used to be the governor of Gaoyang, and authored a comprehensive agricultural book "Qi Min Yao Shu".

It systematically summarizes the agricultural science and technology knowledge that has been circulated in the Yellow River Basin for hundreds of years, and its material layout provides a basis for future agricultural works to follow.

These involve farming, grains, vegetables, fruit trees, trees, livestock, brewing, seasoning, conditioning, foreign products, and more.

Not only that, but Jia Sixie, who was summoned through the Agricultural Talent Summoning Card, was Jia Sixie at his peak.

Although he is only in his twenties, he has gathered the knowledge and knowledge of his life.

With this one, Jia Sixie who came to Daqin is not the "official old man" or "Master", but Jia Sixie who has gone to the fields himself and enjoys it.


['Okay, really good!']

Seeing that the character chosen by the lottery was Jia Sixie, Bai Zhu was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Although it can't be compared with SSR's Shennong, Jia Sixie is at least an S-rank card.

For the current Da Qin, it is enough.

Especially with chemical fertilizers and super rice seeds, I am afraid that in a year or two, the grain output of Daqin will be unprecedented!

With a solid agricultural foundation as the backing, the next thing to do is naturally how to develop business.

【'Let me see what characters can be drawn from this business talent summoning card!']

【Commercial talent selection, please wait...】


Similarly, Bai Hei can clearly see that the first place in the business talent ranking is Fan Li, whose business ability value is as high as 120!

【Successful extraction of business talents】

【Congratulations for obtaining: Shen Wansan】

Shen Wansan!

Baihei wiped his eyes, as if he couldn't believe his luck.

Isn't Shen Wansan a rich man in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty?

He started his career by working hard, helped businessman Lu Daoyuan manage his finances, obtained huge sums of money, and then devoted himself to developing trade activities, and quickly became the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River with "a huge amount of assets and more than Wuxia".

In particular, what Shen Wansan is best at is maritime trade, which is just the right time to cooperate with the Daming Treasure Ship to go overseas to find business opportunities!

Another god-level lottery result!

[The two talents will report to Jingyang Mansion later. 】

The air space quickly reminded.

After running out of two summoning cards, Bai Zhu only had the "fertilizer" card and the miniature map in his hand.

Baihei shook his head and looked at the miniature world map in his hand.

With a thought, Bai Zhu's thinking quickly entered a new world.

In it, Bai Hei couldn't feel his existence at all, but he was able to control the tactful movement of the map with his mind.

The mountains, rivers, lakes and seas on the map seem to be alive, and even the features of the sea can be seen clearly.

Where there is a tornado, where there is an earthquake, and where there is a volcanic eruption, all are marked accordingly.

Even Baihei can choose a place as the base camp. As long as there is any abnormality near the base camp, the miniature map will immediately issue an early warning.

After a good swim in it for a while, Baihei was reluctant to retreat from it.

Where is the miniature map, it is simply a super high-definition, 1 million K super surveillance satellite!

That's it, while the sun is shining in the future, white and black have something to do!

And with the miniature map, after going to sea, Baihei doesn't have to worry about dying in the vast sea.

"How about it?"

The First Emperor looked at Bai Zhu.

['Very well, they are all we need most now. ’l

Bai Zhu put away what was left in his hand and replied.

[Ding, all rewards have been distributed, and this luck quiz is over. 】


After the first emperor's five rewards were all obtained, this luck question and answer also came to an end.

Without even giving Cao Cao a chance to say goodbye to the First Emperor, the pure white space around him began to distort, the entire air space began to collapse gradually, and everything returned to nothingness.

[Three months later, the fifth luck question and answer will begin]

【Please be prepared】


Before losing consciousness, Bai Zhu, Shi Huangdi and Cao Cao heard this sentence respectively.


Baihei fell into the Jingyang mansion.

Different from the dizziness of Shi Huangdi and Cao Cao, Bai Zhu felt like he was in an elevator.

Just as he was about to stand up, a voice sounded in his head:

[In the process of clearing the flat points...]

[Emperor Ying Zheng got 16 points, Cao Cao, King of Wei, got 12 points, Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei got 0 points, Wenhou Lu Bu got 0 points, and Nanman King Meng Huo got 0 points. 】

【Total: 28 points (x1000)】

[Congratulations to the host, get 28,000 lying flat points]

【Remaining points: 28000】


Along with the distribution of lying flat points for the fourth luck quiz, the small treasury that had been depleted of white and black has become a lot more enriched.

Great Qin.

Jingyang House.

Bai Hei slowly opened his eyes.

In the eyes of Ying Yinman next to him, Bai Hei seemed to have just woken up.

After all, no matter how long has passed in the Q&A space, it seems like only a moment has passed in the real world.

At the first moment of regaining consciousness, Bai Zhu immediately thought of Guan Yu, Cao Jie and Zhen Mi who were still stranded in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

【‘Exchange Era Crossover Token x2’】

Bai Hei thought silently in his heart.

Soon, the system's voice appeared in Bai Zhi's mind.

[Ding, successfully redeemed 'Era Cross-Border Talisman x3', consumption of lying flat points x 3000]

[Remaining flat points × 25000]

Bai Zhu only felt a pain in the flesh, and an era crossover talisman actually required 1,000 flat points!

Why don't you grab it!

['Use the crossover talisman x3 to transmit characters Guan Yu, Cao Jie, and Zhen Mi. ’]

In addition to being able to transmit across the era immediately, the era cross-border symbol also has a function, that is, remote transmission.

As long as Bai Hei initiates the transmission invitation, no matter who it is, as long as the other party agrees, he can immediately transmit to Bai Zhi's side.

Of course, the time limit is one hour.

If there is no response within an hour, the system will automatically cancel the transmission.

Fortunately, the three of them were waiting for Bai Hei's order.

Even when Zhen Mi Xiaonizi was sending it, she was still holding the pear that Cao Cao offered.

"Guan Yu pays respects to Lord Rui Beast.

"Cuckoo. 99

With a mouthful, Bai Zhu's complexion immediately changed.

Don't say it, it's really inconvenient to speak without Huashengwan.

Fortunately, Zhen Mi on the side helped Bai Hei out of the siege and called Guan Yu.

Looking at the three people who suddenly appeared, Ying Yinman was stunned for a moment, and then happily ran to Zhen Mi and Cao Jie.

"You two are also brought back by the little auspicious beast, we will be good sisters in the future!"

"What's your name?

"My name is Ying Yinman.

"My name is Cao Jie.


Chatting, as soon as Zhen Mi and Cao Jie landed, Ying Yinman brought Cai Yan and Diaochan together, and the five little girls gathered together, chatting non-stop.

In this regard, Guan Yu was not bothered, and stood beside Bai Hei as if nothing had happened, without squinting.

While the girls were chatting, Bai Hei silently said something in his heart.

Home 1. Open the system mall. "

Soon, the items sold in the system mall were lined up in front of Bai Hei.

Opening the search interface, Bai Hei thought about it, and the words "Huasheng Pill" were quickly entered into the search bar, and a search was carried out.

[Congratulations to the host, finding "Huasheng Pill"! 】

[Huasheng Pill × 1, price × 2000 flat points. 】

[Huashengwan effect: proficient in all languages ​​in the world, including human language and animal language. 】


Without any hesitation, Bai Zhu immediately chose to exchange "Huasheng Pills", which made it much easier to communicate with others in the future.

[Congratulations on redeeming Huasheng Pills x1, consumption of lying flat points x 2000]

[Remaining flat points × 23000]

As soon as the sound of the system stopped, a sound pellet appeared in Bai Hei's hand.


Baihei moved his wrist, and the next moment, the sound-changing pill had entered his stomach.

As soon as the Huasheng Pill was eaten, footsteps sounded outside the hall.

Looking up, it was Gao Chong.

"Lord Rui Beast, two people came to see me outside, according to their own words, one is Jia Sixie and the other is Shen Wansan.

"Call them in.

White and Black nodded.


Gao Chong immediately felt that something was wrong. The voice just now came from Lord Rui Beast?

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up!

White and Black said angrily.

"Subordinates obey!""

Gao Chong immediately took the order and left.

"Little Rui Beast, you can actually speak!

Ying Yinman immediately rushed up with the four daughters, and the five people were surrounded by white and black circles.

The white and black voice is very magnetic, it sounds stable and full of security, it is very practical.

It's not very harmonious with Mengmeng's appearance.

It appears that Huashengwan also has the effect of creating and changing timbres.

Bai Hei is very satisfied with his current voice.

Not long after, Gao Chong brought Jia Sixie and Shen Wansan to Bai Hei.

"My subordinates have seen Lord Rui Beast.

On the way here, Gao Chong had briefly taught the two of them the basic etiquette and address.

"Ah, very good.

Bai Hei looked at the calculating Shen Wansan and the honest Jia Sixie, quite satisfied.

"Shen Wansan, if I give you one hundred thousand dollars, within ten days, will you be able to earn one thousand dollars back?

Bai Hei looked at Shen Wansan who was quite proud (Zhao Zhaohao) and asked.

"My subordinates will definitely be able to complete it, and it doesn't take ten days, only three days.

Bowing respectfully to Bai Hei, Shen Wansan's face was full of impending success, as if a thousand gold was already in his pocket.

"Okay, Gao Chong, you can go to Xiao He in a while and give Shen Wansan a hundred thousand dollars.

After speaking, Bai Hei looked at Shen Wansan again:

"If you can really do it, when you come back, I will make you the Minister of the Household of Jingyang Mansion.

The minister of household in Jingyang Prefecture!

As early as when the two of them appeared, Bai Hei had already drawn a new blueprint for Jingyang Mansion in his heart.

As early as when Jingyang was sealed, the first emperor gave white and black the power to disrespect Qin's law and to have a unique official system.

In other words, Jingyang Mansion is a country within a kingdom of Da Qin, not only taxes are calculated separately, but everything can be independent of Da Qin.

Of course, in the early stage, the first emperor had unlimited trust in white and black.

If there is no white and black, he knows that he will never live today.

In the past, Bai Hei was too lazy to deal with this matter and always threw it to Xiao He.

But now, after Jingyang established the mansion, there are more and more things, and it is no longer that Xiao He can handle it properly.

Therefore, Bai Hei decided to set up six departments in Jingyang Mansion, with Xiao He as the prime minister, to lead the six ministers, and to assign all the affairs of Jingyang Mansion to all the ministries.

In this way, not only will Xiao He's courage be relieved, but everything in Jingyang Mansion will become organized.

People make the best use of their talents.

"Subordinates obey."

Shen Wansan quickly led the way and left.

"Jia Sixie, you come with me.

Unlike Shen Wansan, what Jia Sixie wants to do cannot be done easily overnight.

Therefore, Bai Hei was not in a hurry, and brought Jia Sixie to the most fertile soil in Jingyang Mansion.

Since this place is sheltered by the "Shen Nong Temple", it is most suitable as an experimental site for "super rice seeds" and "chemical fertilizers".

The task of the experiment was naturally best left to Jia Sixie.

"Tomorrow, I will ship everything here, and within a month, I will see a great harvest of super rice seeds!

Due to the special bonus effect of Jingyang Mansion, a month is not a short time.

"I respectfully follow the order of Lord Rui Beast.

Jia Sixie immediately cupped his hands and led the way.

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