I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 186 The special topic is completed! 5 rewards!

Since his feet were half in the air, he hardly needed any strength, so Yuwen Chengdu had to endure Gao Chong's blow.

He put his arms around his chest to resist Gao Chong's kick.

The next moment, Yuwen Cheng let out a groan, and then, the whole person flew out and landed in the crowd not far away.

Fortunately, before landing, Yuwen Cheng managed to control his legs and stabilize his body before falling to the ground.

Although Yu Wencheng was not seriously injured, according to the rules of the competition, he had already fallen into the ring, so this time, Gao Chong won the battle.

Knowing the result of the competition, no one said anything, but they were far apart, and they bowed their hands to each other, and there was a sense of heroic sympathy.

Gao Chong won the horse battle and hand-to-hand combat, and the archery and foot-battle Yuwen Chengdu won.

"I declare that in the end, Gao Chong won!

Cao Cao stood up at the right time.

"Roar! 35


"Roar!" 5

The surrounding soldiers raised their arms and shouted, cheering for Gao Chong.

"His Majesty."

After Cao Cao stood up and announced the result of the game, he immediately turned to look at the First Emperor, asking if he could end the game.

The First Emperor nodded slightly.

Cao Cao turned back slowly:

"I announce that the game is over, and all the soldiers who participate in the spectator will get a reward of melons and fruits!


As Cao Cao's voice fell, the surrounding soldiers burst into cheers again.

Many soldiers began to distribute melons and fruits to the surrounding soldiers.

In the distance, Shi Huangdi and Baihei looked at Cao Cao, who was mixed with his soldiers, and couldn't help nodding their heads in praise.

"Meng De is a very pragmatic man, and it is really rare that he can have fun with his soldiers.

Once again, the first emperor expressed his appreciation for Cao Cao.

Baihei fully agrees with the first emperor's words.

['Indeed, Cao Cao is a valuable and handsome talent. If he can be drawn any time, he will be earned. l

As he was talking, Shi Huang suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Hei:

"Little Rui Beast, Liu Bei, Lu Bu, and Meng Huo all died this time. After we return, we don't know what the 'immortal' will do? 99

When the First Emperor asked this question, Bai Hei was indeed stopped.

Not to mention, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

The five people who originally participated in the Q&A in the Luck Space have now lost three in an instant, and only the First Emperor and Cao Cao are left. I don't know what the points are 11, how will the Luck Space settle for themselves?

After thinking about it for a long time with no results, Bai Hei was too lazy to think about it.

Wouldn't it be nice to lie down and bask in the sun?

No matter what Lu Bu, Liu Bei, etc., what the air space tells him, he can do what he wants!

[‘Old Zhao, I advise you to be generous, we can listen to whatever the immortals arrange, and now it’s better to lie down and bask in the sun. 31

Since the first emperor's concept of air transport space has always stayed at the level of "immortal" understanding, it is better to explain it according to his words.

Sure enough, after listening to Bai Hei's explanation, the First Emperor was instantly relieved:

"Yeah, but I'm overthinking it."

【‘Okay, since you have figured it out, I will go out to sunbathe first, and come back to you later. "]

Baihei waved his paws at Shi Huangdi, and then a Gollum rolled into the courtyard.

Don't ask me why I don't go out, not only is it tiring to walk on two legs, but where can I roll quickly?

In a daze, after a few hours in the sun, a voice sounded in Bai Hei's head:

[Ding, congratulations, you have successfully controlled Emperor Xian of Han for fifteen days]

[The special topic has been completed, and the contributions of various forces are being counted...]

【Complete statistics】

[Returning to the Q&A space of Qiyun——]

When he opened his eyes again, Bai Hei had returned to the Q&A space of luck.

What was different from the previous lively was that there were three tablets in the original positions of Lv Bu, Meng Huo, and Liu Bei.

【‘I go, this is okay too?’】

Looking at the three tablets, Bai and Hei were stunned. Is there such an operation?

Even Cao Cao on the side lowered his head silently.

[Ding, the fourth special topic, the force that controlled Emperor Xian of Han on the fifteenth day and completed the task was the "Yingzheng force". l

[Total points are now announced. 】

[Emperor Ying Zheng, this question gets 10 points, and the total points are 16 points. (Get five rewards)]

[King of Wei and Cao Cao, this question will get 6 points, and the total points will be 12 points. (Get three rewards)]

[Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Shu Han Dynasty, got 0 points for this question. Due to his death, the points are cleared. (No reward)]

[Wenhou Lu Bu, this question gets 0 points, because of my death, the points are cleared. (No reward)]

[Nanman King Meng Huo, this question has 0 points, and the points are cleared due to my death. (No reward)]


With the cold introduction of the Qiyun Q&A space, Baihei's eyes became more and more fiery.

The three people who died have their points cleared!


Simply a surprise!

Originally, the more points, the happier the white and black would be. After all, the points of everyone present were linked to the flat points he could get in the end.

But unfortunately, Lv Bu and Meng Huo were two dogs who were not good enough, and they all scored negative numbers. Now, because of their death, the points are cleared, which is equivalent to earning 6,000 lying flat points.

If it is rounded up, it is one hundred million!

【Rewards are being distributed—】

[King of Wei, Cao Cao, received three rewards, please choose:]

[1. One hundred thousand stones of grain and grass. 】

"I choose 100,000 stones of grain and grass!"

The latter options have not yet come out, Cao Cao immediately locked down the first reward.

White and Hei, who was watching next to him, couldn't help nodding.

One hundred thousand stones of grain and grass, according to the conversion method of later generations, one stone is one hundred and twenty catties, and one hundred thousand stones is equivalent to 12,200,000 catties!

Don't think that the number is very large. In history, Yuan Shu promised to give Lü Bu 100,000 stone grains and grass, and let him send troops to conquer Liu Bei.

At that time, Lu Bu had 50,000 horses in his hands, which he said could last for two years.

According to Cao Cao's current military strength, the number of new troops will be at least 100,000, and the number of troops dispatched from various places will not be less than 200,000.

Equivalent to four times that of Lü Bu, 100,000 stone grains and grass were only enough for them to eat for half a month. In ancient times, let alone half a month, Yuan Shao fought Cao Cao's Guandu battle, and the two sides fought for eight months.

Therefore, 100,000 stones of grain and grass seem to be too much, but in fact, it can only solve the urgent need, not once and for all.

But for Cao Cao, it was enough.

At present, most of the princes in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty were almost wiped out by Shi Huangdi and Bai Zhu. Except for the heirs who defended the city, the other princes had almost no mobile forces to mobilize.

Right now, Cao Cao can recruit at least 200,000 troops, and what is lacking is food and grass!

As long as the food and grass can support them for half a year, and then they will be dispatched from various places to advance slowly, the world of the Three Kingdoms will be Cao Cao's sooner or later.

[2. One thousand siege equipment. 】

"I choose the second reward!

Another god-level reward, Cao Cao took decisive action and won it without hesitation, not even interested in seeing the rewards that follow.

For Cao Cao, the first two rewards are enough.

One hundred thousand stone of grain and grass, plus a thousand siege equipment, with so many things, the days when Cao Cao will go south to fight the north and unify the Eastern Han will not be far away.

[Three, one hundred thousand sets of armor and ordnance. 】

"I choose the third reward!

Without hesitation, Cao Cao immediately locked the third reward.

One hundred thousand sets of armor and ordnance!

Produced by Qiyun Space, it must be a boutique!

100,000 sets, Cao Cao can use to assemble a team of his own old, truly experienced soldiers and horses loyal to Cao Cao!

Watching Cao Cao lock three rewards in a row, Bai and Hei were stunned, good guy, locked them without even looking at the rewards behind him?

It stands to reason that, with three reward options, there must be eight options to choose from, right?

['I said Cao Thief, you are so sloppy, don't you want to see what's behind you?']

Even if he returned to the space of luck, Bai Hei did not change his name.

Cao Cao was neither angry nor annoyed, he was not angry because of the name Baihei.

Although Bai Zhu and Shi Huang were no longer a threat to him, all the troops had returned to Da Qin.

But Cao Cao knew in his heart that everything he had today was bestowed by Shi Huangdi and Bai Hei, without them, he would never be what Cao Cao is today.

Therefore, after Bai and Hei made fun of him, Cao Cao naturally made his own explanation.

"The minister has always been a pragmatic person. Since the first two awards have been very much in line with the minister's expectations, there is no need for the minister to hesitate."5

What Cao Cao said was exactly what was in his heart.

"Meng De is right. I hope you can rule the world and benefit my descendants."

The First Emperor gave Cao Cao a satisfied look.

"Follow Your Majesty's orders.

Cao Cao bowed respectfully to the First Emperor.

['By the way, Cao Thief, how are your daughter, Zhen Mi and Guan Yu?']

"In the words of Lord Rui Beast, the three of them are now in the palace, waiting for the summons of the Lord.

【'good. ’]

White and Black nodded.

"Next, is my reward!

The Emperor's eyes were full of anticipation.

【Rewards are being distributed—】

【Emperor Ying Zheng has five rewards, please choose. 】

[1. God General Summoning Card x1 (Can summon generals with military power and a commander of not less than 100.)]

Be nice!

As soon as the first reward came out, Cao Cao was immediately tempted.

If this is your own reward, why not take it on the spot?

It is a pity that what is being distributed now is a reward from His Majesty the First Emperor.

Not to mention Cao Cao, even the first emperor himself moved his fingers slightly, obviously, the first emperor was also moved.

Military generals with a single item of military force and commander not less than 100!

too difficult!

You must know that no one can achieve this even among the current Five Tiger Generals!

If you really choose this option, you will at least not have to go to Baihei every time in the future. From the point of view of mental tendency, Baihei naturally tends to be the first choice.

However, whether it was the First Emperor or Bai Hei, the two of them did not speak in the end.

They are waiting for the subsequent options to appear before making a final decision.

[2. Peerless Advisor Summoning Card x1 (Can summon advisors whose political and intelligence items are not less than 100.)]

Taking a deep breath, Cao Cao tried his best to suppress the strong desire in his heart, and continued to look at other options patiently.

[3. Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword (force +8, has the power of Emperor Dao Chixiao.)]

Emperor Dao Scarlet Firmament Sword!

The reward that the First Emperor was forced to give up last time has now appeared again!

The first emperor's eyes suddenly lit up!

[4. Elite troops, Dahan Tiger Ben Army x30000 (Han Dynasty Imperial Guard)]

[5, dynamic 3D world detailed map. 】

[6, 300,000 catties of chemical fertilizers. 】

[7, a lifespan Dan (increase ten years lifespan)]

[8. Business Talent Summoning Card x1 (can randomly summon a business talent with a business ability value of not less than 95)]

[9. Agricultural Talent Summoning Card x1 (can randomly summon an agricultural talent whose agricultural ability value is not less than 95)]

[10. Huasheng Pill: (for pets, after taking it, you can be proficient in all existing languages)]

All the rewards are listed in front of the two in one breath, there are ten choices in total, half of them can be chosen!

Before Bai Hei could take a closer look, the First Emperor immediately said in a deep voice:

"I choose the seventh reward and remove the fourth reward at the same time!"

The seventh reward, a Lifespan Pill, increases your lifespan by ten years!

When the first emperor saw this option, if it wasn't for his status, he had to be like Cao Cao and take it on the spot, and it was not easy to endure it until now.

Immortality was the first emperor's lifelong pursuit. Although it is still impossible to achieve it, it is not impossible to accumulate a little bit.

As for the fourth reward, the Great Han Tiger Ben Army, whoever has anything to do with the Great Han, will be discarded by the First Emperor!

No doubt!

Choose one and delete one. Among the remaining eight options, Shi Huangdi can choose four.

"Little auspicious beast, how about I take the tenth reward as a gift for you?"5

The First Emperor said in a deep voice.

After all, in this question and answer, if there is no white and black, where will so many points come from?

Where can I get so many rewards?

Therefore, when he saw the tenth reward, Shi Huang was immediately moved.


Baihei looked at it, [10. Huasheng Pill: (for pets, after taking it, you can be proficient in all existing languages)]




Huashengwan Baihei can understand, and the effect can be said to be extremely suitable, but what the hell is this "pet only"?

Your motherfucker is a pet, your whole family is a pet!

['I want to delete the tenth choice! Delete it!']

Bai Zhu roared in his heart.

"Okay, if you say delete it, I will delete it. 95

The First Emperor agreed immediately.

"I choose to delete the tenth reward.

Soon, the golden light flashed, and there were only seven options left.

After deleting the options that made him extremely unbalanced, Bai Hei began to seriously check them one by one.

The first option, [1. God Summoning Card x1 (can summon military generals whose single item is not less than 100.)]

I have to say, the temptation is great.

The value is over 100, and even if the value is over 100, it is very difficult.

But combined with the current Daqin, it is not the best choice.

The current Daqin is full of talents, and it can even be said that there is nowhere to use it.

Every time he goes on expedition, people like Han Xin are completely useless, so to get a divine general now, even if the value exceeds 100, it is just icing on the cake, not the actual need.

As for the second option, [2. Peerless counselor summoning card x1 (can summon counselors whose political and intelligence items are not less than 100.)]

Like the first item, in the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and tricks are useless, and now there are many civil servants and generals in Daqin, and they are also not in short supply.

After Bai Hei communicated with the First Emperor, the two quickly reached an agreement that the first two choices were all given up!

"I give up the first two options.

As soon as the first emperor's voice fell, Cao Cao's heart that had been hanging on the side immediately twitched, and sure enough!

Regarding the two options that he was thinking about, Shi Huang finally chose to give up.

As a result, there are only five options left, and the First Emperor has to choose four of them as the final reward.

Emperor Dao Scarlet Firmament Sword!

As soon as he saw the third reward, the first emperor's eyes suddenly lit up. The last time he was forced to other options was too tempting, so he was forced to give up the Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword. must!

Just when Shi Huang was about to speak, Bai Zhu stopped in time.

【‘Lao Zhao, why don’t we look at it again?’】

As for Baihei's suggestion, Shi Huangdi always obeyed his words.

Immediately, he turned his attention to other rewards.

[5, dynamic 3D world detailed map. 】

"world map?

The First Emperor looked at the fifth option in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The last time he chose the Daming Treasure Ship, Bai Zhi had mentioned to himself that there were many countries outside the Daqin territory.

In later generations, they will even step on the territory of Da Qin and slaughter Da Qin's descendants.

Do not!

I will never let this happen again!

"Little Rui Beast, what kind of world map is this, is it beneficial for Da Qin to conquer other countries?"

[‘Of course, with a detailed world map, and it is dynamic 3D, the effect is too great. l

You know, in the process of sailing, besides the wind and waves, the most feared thing is getting lost.

Under the display of Dong Tao's 3D map, even if there are wind and waves ahead, it can give timely reminders. Therefore, in combination with the treasure ship, it is simply a rare treasure!

"I choose the fifth reward!"

Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and the fifth reward disappeared.

"300,000 catties of chemical fertilizer?"

The First Emperor frowned:

"What is fertilizer?

[‘Chemical fertilizers are things that can make crops grow better. For example, the original yield of one kilogram per mu can be doubled with chemical fertilizers!’]


The first emperor's eyes moved, and his heart suddenly had the thought of taking down the fertilizer.

[‘Chemical fertilizers can indeed be cultivated with super rice seeds, and we can even study them, maybe we can build a small fertilizer plant?’]

The importance of chemical fertilizers to agriculture cannot be overemphasized.

Especially after Baihei obtained the vast grasslands of the Huns, he could do more things.

It is an eternal truth that you must fill your stomach before you go to war and develop business!

"I choose the sixth reward. Year

The first emperor was not a hesitant person, since it was beneficial to Da Qin, he immediately took it down!

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