I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 160 Yuan Benchu ​​fights Meng Huo again! Yuan Gonggong snatchs the thr1 of the alliance!

"Be prepared to follow the original order."

Seeing that Yuan Shao was not happy, Liu Bei immediately retreated.

Just kidding, I managed to save a small life, even if there is no chance to escape now, I can talk about it later.

The hasty action will only arouse Yuan Shao's disgust and lead to a failure.

Seeing Liu Bei retreat silently, Yuan Shao nodded in satisfaction.

Although Liu Bei explained everything perfectly, but after all, Yan Liangwen Chou died because of Liu Bei, so this incident was like a thorn in Yuan Shao's heart.

After taking over 50,000 troops and horses, Yuan Shao led the army forward, while sending people to the third route near Luoyang City, where Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong's troops and horses reported the news.

In order to prevent accidents, Yuan Shao even wrote a letter in his own hand, telling Han Meng to change his strategy and lead a hundred thousand infantry to detour from the east of Luoyang City to attack the north of Meng Huo.

"My lord, Ju Yi doesn't need the cooperation of the rest of the people, and only needs ten thousand foot soldiers to defeat Meng Huo!"

Just when Yuan Jun had just arrived in the west of the city and just across the camp from Meng Huo, the deputy general of the Chinese army, Ju Yi, volunteered to fight.

Right now, Yuan Shao's army is 120,000 people, plus Liu Bei's 50,000 infantrymen, adding up to a total of 170,000 people!

If you add the 100,000 soldiers led by Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong, then Yuan Shao's army to attack Meng Huo will reach 270,000.

Such a prosperous military appearance made Ju Yi and other generals unable to hold back for a while, and they all wanted to show their faces in front of Yuan Shao.

But Yuan Shao did not agree with the generals' thoughts.

Yan Liangwen Chou, as a vanguard, has greatly dampened Yuan Jun's spirit.

Although their army is still strong now, Yuan Shao already has a clear understanding of Meng Huo.

Especially, regarding Ju Yi himself, Yuan Shao did not have the slightest doubt as he trusted Yan Liangwen Chou.

As we all know, in addition to being resourceful and not decisive, Yuan Shao also has a problem, that is, he is suspicious and untrustworthy.

Ju Yi, a native of Wuwei County, was in Liangzhou in his early years, proficient in Qiang warfare, served under Han Fu, and his private soldiers were all elite.

In the "743" year of Chuping 2, Ju Yi betrayed Han Fu, Han Fu personally led an army to conquer, and Ju Yi defeated him with his back.

Yuan Shao had always wanted to dominate Jizhou, so he formed an alliance with Ju Yi and jointly forced Han Fu to sell Jizhou.

Ju Yi also served under Yuan Shao from now on, but for Ju Yi himself, Yuan Shao has always been careful because of his previous behavior of betraying the master.

The appointment of Ju Yi has also been quite limited.

This is why Yan Liangwen Chou can lead the army alone, while Zhang He, Gao Lan, Ju Yi and other generals can only follow Yuan Shao's side and lead the army to a limited extent.

"Ju Yi, Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong's troops have not been in place yet, once their troops arrive, I will definitely let you be the vanguard! 35

Although he was extremely distrustful of Ju Yi in his heart, on the surface, Yuan Shao greeted him with a smile and promised to comfort him.

In this regard, although Ju Yi was unhappy in his heart, he had no choice but to quit.

In fact, in the real history, Ju Yi was finally beheaded by Yuan Shao because of his arrogance and arrogance.

But at this time, Ju Yi was still young, so although he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to act.

After the army arrived in the west of the city, Yuan Shao quickly ordered the sergeants to camp on the spot, with 170,000 troops and horses, divided into three large camps, the front, the middle, and the back, which were leaning against each other.

On the other hand, when Yuan Shao's army of 170,000 men came, Meng Huo's army of 10,000 vines seemed to be stretched.

Regardless of whether it was the defense in the camp or the battle formation, in front of an infantry army that was seventeen times his size, these 10,000-odd brute finally felt a sense of fear.

But obviously, this is not the end.

Less than two hours after Yuan Shao set up camp, Han Meng and Chun Yuqiong led a hundred thousand infantry out of the east of the city and appeared to the north of Meng Huo's army.

This time, Meng Huo's 10,000 horses were completely surrounded.

To the north of them were the 100,000 infantry of Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong who had just arrived.

To the west of them were Yuan Shao's generals, the 70,000 soldiers of Zhang He and Gao Lan.

To their south, Yuan Shao personally led Ju Yi and Liu Bei's 100,000 infantry.

There were a total of 270,000 infantrymen, and their strength was 27 times that of Meng Huo!

After Han Meng arrived, he immediately followed Yuan Shao's orders and set up camp on the spot.

At this time, Yuan's army of 270,000 infantrymen had been camping continuously, directly enclosing all of Meng Huo's more than 10,000 people.

And Bai Hei was also happy to see a dog bite a dog, so he didn't let the arrows go, and even the sentry didn't bother to let them go. Since Yuan Shao was determined to take Meng Huo out of power, then two tigers would fight, and one would be hurt, or even both would be hurt.

Moreover, these two are their own enemies, and there is no reason for white and black to hinder them.

Even so that Yuan Shao could besiege Meng Huo with all his strength, Bai Hei deliberately withdrew half of the Wudang Flying Army, so that they hid in a place where they could not see the city for defense.

In this way, as long as Yuan Shao saw that the defense of the city was greatly reduced, he would definitely be able to relax and attack Meng Huo with all his strength.

After Han Meng set up camp, the sky was getting dark. Yuan Shao decided to launch a general attack tomorrow morning and rest for the night.

['Yuan Shao, this idiot, if he can spare no effort and launch an attack directly on Meng Huo, I am afraid that Meng Huo will not be able to withstand us. l

After nightfall, Bai Hei and Shi Huang deliberately put a banquet on the city wall in order to paralyze Yuan Shao.

"Little Rui Beast, what do you mean, that Nan Manzi will break through tonight?"

The first emperor looked at the large camp under the city lights and asked.

[‘If I were Meng Huo, I would definitely do this. 】

[‘But Meng Huo is simple-minded, if it wasn’t for Zhu Rong here, he might have been wiped out by the entire army long ago. ’]

Now, Meng Huo is facing a dead end.

Surrounded by nearly thirty times the force, if he didn't take the opportunity to break through tonight, Meng Huo would be a big fool.

Sure enough, just as Bai Hei expected, Zhu Rong immediately came to Meng Huo's tent as soon as it got dark, and made a plan.

"Husband, we must break out of the siege tonight, if we wait until tomorrow, that fellow's army of hundreds of thousands will surely wipe out our entire army! 55

As early as when the new Yuan Jun appeared in the north, Zhu Rong had already made plans to break through.

Right now, they still have 500 Viking Berserkers in their hands, plus more than 9,000 rattan armies, although they are not worth mentioning compared to the hundreds of thousands of troops who come.

But if these hundreds of thousands of troops want to stop them, I am afraid it will not be easy.

But the premise is that the breakthrough of Meng Huo and others must be sudden and not easy to be discovered.

So the night became their best cover.

After some discussions among the three, Meng Huo finally decided to break through overnight!

First rush out of Yuan Shao's encirclement, and after returning to the Nanzhong area, discuss other matters!

Presumably with the Fuji armor of the Fujijia Army and the bravery of the Viking Berserkers, it is not difficult for them to break out overnight.

On this side, Meng Huo and others were ready to go.

On the other hand, Yuan Shao and the others were not completely unprepared.

On the contrary, many of them, including Yuan Shao, expected Meng Huo to break through tonight.

Therefore, they also prepared meticulous defenses in advance. Even generals like Ju Yi who were not trusted by Yuan Shao were sent to the battalion to inspect and supervise the battle.

Sure enough, at midnight, the lights in Yuan Shao's and Meng Huo's camps were all extinguished, but similarly, the two armies did not really rest.

In Meng Huo's barracks, the Fujijia Army and the Viking Berserkers were already ready to go. As long as Meng Huo gave an order, they would immediately attack the north!

This direction was Zhu Rong's final choice. Since the troops from the north were the last to arrive, it seemed that the situation was full of dust and the soldiers were overworked.

In addition, the south of Luoyang City is now the location of the coalition forces. If they break through to the south, they are likely to be surrounded by the coalition forces.

So in the end, under Zhu Rong's suggestion, Meng Huo chose to break through to the north.

As long as they successfully break through from the north, they will eventually be able to get rid of the siege of the coalition forces, and then go all the way to the east and detour south, and finally return to the Nanzhong area.

So, after deciding the direction of the breakout, Meng Huo gave an order, and five hundred Viking Berserkers took the lead and charged towards the military camp to the north!


"Come on!"

One after another, shouts came from Meng Huo's camp, and these rattan armies were not afraid of death and attacked the military camp in the north.

At this time, the generals stationed in the northern Yuan army camp were Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong.

Han Meng, along with Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, and Gao Lan, is also known as the "Four Courts and One Pillar" in Hebei, and is also a great general under Yuan Shao.

As for Chunyu Qiong, people's impression of him mostly stays on the fact that Cao Cao cut grain in Wuchao, but he was too drunk to wake up.

But in fact, Chunyu Qiongzi Zhongjian, a native of Yingchuan, was appointed as one of the eight captains of Xiyuan in the fifth year of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty.

After that, after defecting to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao trusted him even more. Even Zhang He and Gao Lan, in front of Yuan Shao, were far less trustworthy than Chunyu Qiong.

Therefore, whether it was Han Meng or Chunyu Qiong, they were both Yuan Shao's confidants and favorite generals. Long before Meng Huo expected to send troops, Yuan Shao sent someone to report the matter to the two.

As a result, although Meng Huo launched a surprise attack, the two were well prepared.

When Meng Huo launched the raid, 50,000 of the 100,000 infantrymen in the north were still waiting and did not rest.

Therefore, the 50,000 horses were immediately thrown into the battlefield, led by Han Meng, and fought with Meng Huo and others.

The remaining 50,000 horses, under Chunyu Qiong's organization, quickly climbed up from the barracks, then dressed neatly and came to help.

As a result, the effect of the raid that Zhu Rong had expected did not appear.

Yuan Jun not only responded immediately, but also urgently transferred troops from each battalion to support Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong in the north.

What was originally a raid war turned into a positional war.

Under the command of Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong, the 100,000 infantry quickly surrounded Meng Huo's more than 10,000 troops.

Not only that, Yuan Shao, who got the news, also continuously dispatched elite troops from each battalion, led by Zhang He, to come to support the second general.

Facing an enemy ten times his size, Meng Huo's vanguard army of five hundred Viking Berserkers became more and more brave!

The last time, after they broke out in the battle with Zhang Fei, they hadn't fallen into such a fighting stance for a long time.

In less than half a stick of incense, the five hundred Viking Berserkers erupted one after another, turning into a violent state.

They waved the giant axe in their hands and slashed towards the Yuan Jun soldiers in front of them indiscriminately.

Under such a suicide attack, even Han Meng, who has always been known for his bravery, had to avoid his edge, leading his soldiers to retreat dozens of meters.

But even so, Yuan Jun still suffered heavy losses. The losses caused by only five hundred Viking Berserkers far exceeded three thousand!

In other words, every Viking Berserker killed at least six Yuan Jun soldiers in front of him!

Under the indiscriminate attack of the Viking Berserkers, Meng Huo's breakthrough finally regained its direction.

With the loss of 3,000 combat power almost in an instant, Yuan Jun's defense line was quickly torn apart, Meng Huo and Zhu Rong quickly swung their troops to cover and kill, wanting to use this as a breakthrough to rush out in one fell swoop.

But obviously, Yuan Jun was already prepared for this.

Just when Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong were almost unable to resist, they saw that Meng Huo was about to break out of the encirclement.

Zhang He led the five thousand elite cavalry to appear outside the encirclement in time, blocking Meng Huo's attack.

"Two generals, the lord asked me to come to support!

Zhang He jumped on his horse with a gun and took Meng Huo directly.

With the addition of these 5,000 freshmen, Meng Huo's pace of breaking through the encirclement was forced to slow down again.

The battle between the two sides was soon dragged into a long-term slaughter, although Yuan's army was far superior in number, making it difficult for Meng Huo to rush out for a while.

However, the individual combat ability of the Fujijia Army is extremely strong, and at most, it can even kill more than four or five people with the power of one person!

Therefore, Yuan Jun did not dare to persecute too much for a while, narrowed the encirclement, and could only strive to completely surround Meng Huo's army on the periphery, and waited for the arrival of Yuan Jun's support, and then stepped forward to kill again.

"The fighting strength of this Fujijia Army is astonishing. It has actually blocked the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops with a scale of 10,000 people. It's really amazing!"

On the city, several people expressed their admiration as they watched the battle that was gradually stalemate under the city.

Especially Cao Cao, after seeing the incomparable fighting power of the Fujijia Army, the kind of love in his eyes cannot be concealed at will.

"What is there to envy Meng De, your tiger and leopard riding ranks are not higher than the Fujijia Army?"

The First Emperor looked up at Cao Cao and said.

In response, Bai Hei on the side also nodded silently:

[‘The Fujijia Army ranks over ninety, while the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry ranks over twenty. Compared to the two, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry’s combat effectiveness can simply crush the Fujijia Army into scum. ’]

At this point, White and Black can still see clearly, whether in terms of arms or in terms of combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is far above the Fujijia Army.

Right now, although Meng Huo and Yuan Jun seem to be fighting back and forth, it is because Yuan Shao's tactics are insufficient and the battle is too hasty.

If he can firmly set up the camp, and then destroy Meng Huo's rattan armor with fire attack, then within three days, Meng Huo will definitely be defeated.

Obviously, Yuan Shao didn't realize this.

He was constantly adding troops to Han Meng and Chunyu Qiong's army, trying to crush Meng Huo completely by crushing the number of troops.

But he forgot the wise saying of a soldier, underdogs will win!

These savage soldiers under Meng Huo knew that once they fell into the hands of these Han people, the end would be miserable.

Especially now, they have no way out. Only by fighting to the death can they have hope of surviving. The so-called underdog will win, and the brute at the moment is exactly like this.

Therefore, under the stimulation of such an environment, these rattan armies erupted in unprecedented combat effectiveness.

They formed a battle formation and rushed towards the surrounding Yuan Jun frantically, and each charge could take away the lives of one or two people.

But on the contrary, Yuan Jun's attacks were almost without exception blocked by the rattan armor of the Fujijia army, which led to the fact that the number of the Fujijia army that was actually killed in the end has been maintained at a very low number.

Yuan Shao, who got this news, was very angry, especially now that the two armies were already mixed up, so even if he thought of the fire attack strategy 2.2, he could not implement it immediately.

"My lord, the best choice for us now is to retreat, and we can no longer listen to Liu Bei's slander.

The person who said this was Yuan Shao's advisor, Guo Tu.

He has been dissatisfied with Liu Bei for a long time, especially after Liu Bei "pit" Yan Liangwen Chou, Guo Tu constantly took the opportunity to belittle Liu Bei in front of Yuan Shao.

Although he had immense trust in Guo Tu, Yuan Shao clearly knew that even if Liu Bei didn't speak now, it would be too late.

"Now that we have retreated, have we become the object of jokes by the princes?

"Then my position as the leader of the alliance is even more hopeless?"

Even now, Yuan Shao's heart is still the position of the leader of his alliance.

"But my lord, if we don't retreat now, the losses will be incalculable!

According to Guo Tu's estimate, if adding the 20,000 soldiers and horses that Yan Liangwen Chou lost before, and the fierce battle tonight, the total number of people lost will almost exceed 50,000!

Under the circumstance of conservative estimation, what Guo Tucheng did not expect was that in the desperate situation, the Fujijia Army broke out with even more terrifying combat power.

Especially in the densely packed army formation, the role of Viking Berserkers is infinitely magnified, causing Yuan Jun's losses to increase exponentially!

Under Guo Tu's persuasion, Yuan Shao thought about it, but in the end he was not able to overcome his desire to be the leader of the alliance.

"Order troops immediately, and I will personally lead people to kill Meng Huo!"

In order to boost morale and have a higher prestige in the coalition army, Yuan Shao decided to lead the army himself!

As a result, the originally stalemate situation, with the addition of Yuan Shao and 100,000 soldiers and horses, the balance of war quickly tilted towards Yuan Jun.

Originally, the Fujijia army had lost its strength after a long period of fighting, but now Yuan Jun has joined another 100,000 freshmen, and in just a blink of an eye, the situation has changed.

"Husband, we are your queen!"

Zhu Rong, holding a long sword, attacked with Wu Tugu left and right, blocking the new force that Yuan Shao came to support.

With the rattan armor of the rattan army, they really stopped Yuan Shao's attack in a short period of time!

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