I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 159 Liu Xuande escapes and meets Yuan Benchu ​​by chance!

"Yan Liang!

Wen Chou shouted loudly and stepped forward with a gun.

But obviously, it was too late.

All Yan Liang's soldiers and horses were taken by the Fujijia Army, and Yan Liang himself was beheaded by Meng Huo.

Seeing Yan Liang's head flying high, then falling to the ground, and being trampled by the brutal soldiers, Wen Chou instantly filled his chest with anger.

Yan Liangwen Chou, whether in this life or in the future, has almost always been put together – discussed.

This is of course because the two have the same super-strong martial arts, but more, it is the emotion between Yan Liangwen and Chou.

Yan Liangwen Chou has been a fellow villager since he was a child, both from Changshan, Hebei.

After he became an adult, he joined Yuan Shao together again, and together with Zhang He and Gao Lan, he was called "General of the Four Courts of Hebei".


Historically, after Yan Liang was killed, Wen Chou was even more furious, and immediately led his troops to shame. Although he was also killed by Guan Yu later, at least it could be seen that the relationship between the two was stronger than that of Jin.

So now, seeing Yan Liang being killed with his own eyes, Wen Chou was even more angry and furious.

Originally, from Wen Chou's perspective, it was not difficult to see that the most important thing to do at this time was to withdraw troops.

At this time, his troops had not been surrounded by Meng Huo and Zhu Rong. If he retreated at this time, it would be a good choice.

But unfortunately, Yan Liang's death made him lose his mind.

He led 8,000 foot soldiers and rushed straight to Meng Huo and Zhu Rong's army, but he ignored the Wu Tugu behind him.

At this time, after killing the soldiers at the gate of the former military camp, Wu Tugu immediately rode a war elephant and launched an attack from Wen Chou's rear army!

"Meng Huo, give me your life!"

At this time, Wen Chou had no idea what tactics to use. From his point of view, Yan Liang was beheaded right in front of him, and his goal now was to kill Meng Huo and avenge Yan Liang!

But in fact, playing at this time is really disadvantageous.

If Yan Liang was around, and the two could still echo each other, it would be possible for them to break through.

It's a pity that the 8,000 soldiers of Wen Chou are really not enough to see in front of the Fujika Army.

And he himself, not long after, was surrounded by Meng Huo, Zhu Rong and Wu Tugu.

Different from Yan Liang, Wen Chou can wait for work, so for a while, even if he is against three people at the same time, it is very easy.

Meng Huo had already exhausted his strength during the battle with Yan Liang, and Zhu Rong also suffered a lot of injuries in the battle with Yan Liang.

Only Wu Tugu, riding on a war elephant, could be called a sweep against Yuan Jun's infantry.

Therefore, Wu Tugu had the most strength left, and the three of them simply used Wu Tugu as the main force, with Zhu Rong and Meng Huo as a supplement, dragging Wen Chou to Gai Xin.

Although it is not certain whether there are reinforcements behind Wen Chou, but according to the report of the spies of the Fujika Army.

Originally nearby, a large camp with tens of thousands of military horses rose from the ground and retreated.

In this way, the three of them are more at ease, it seems that Wen Chou has also been abandoned just like the red-faced man before!

On this side, Wen Chou was struggling to support him. He hoped in his heart that Liu Bei would find out in his conscience and come to support him.

Even if Yuan Shao personally leads the army to come here!

But unfortunately, neither Liu Bei nor Yuan Shao appeared.

After waiting for a while, Wen Chou reluctantly gave up when he saw that there was no one there.

It seems that if you want to break through, you can only rely on yourself!

The soldiers around him began to fall one by one, and the eight thousand soldiers were being reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye in the melee with the Fujika Army!

In the city, Bai Zhu, Shi Huangdi and others were looking at Wen Chou who was fighting alone in the city, and they were amazed.

[‘Lao Zhao, don’t say it, this ugliness is much better than I understand, even if the mind is not clear, it is natural to die. ’]

For Bai Hei's ridicule, the First Emperor nodded: "Indeed, this Wen Chou is indeed much stronger than Yan Liang, but unfortunately, he is still a reckless man after all."

"Among the Four Court Pillars in Hebei, there are both literary, ugly, civil and military, but unfortunately, in the end, they failed to keep their senses!

At this time, Zhang He Gaolan's reputation had not spread to the outside world. Although he and Yan Liangwen Chou were also known as the Four Court Pillars of Hebei, the reputation of the latter two and Yan Liang Wen Chou must have been much worse.

Therefore, in Cao Cao's view, it is really a pity that Yan Liangwen Chou died at the hands of Meng Huo this time.

At the same time, he also secretly sighed that Shi Huangdi and Bai Hei, whoever subordinates Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong, or even Guan Yu.

The force of these few people is higher than Yan Liangwen Chou.

No wonder the two were indifferent to Wen Chou's death. Although Wen Chou was a general in Cao Cao's view, it was difficult for them to get into Bai Hei's eyes.

[' But this Liu Bei is also really insidious. Facing Yuan Shao's two generals' defeat, he was able to sit by and watch safely, which is indeed a villain. ']

Under the city, Liu Bei, who was several miles away, was waiting anxiously.

He constantly sent sentries to patrol around and inquire about Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

You must know that once someone between Yan Liang and Wen Chou survives, Liu Bei will not be able to explain it to Yuan Shao.

Although he was going to establish his own business, if he completely offended Yuan Shao, it would still not end well in the end.

So the reason why he didn't leave the camp was because he was waiting. If one of Yan Liangwen Chou survived, then Liu Bei would either be silenced or make another plan.

But soon, Liu Bei got the news he wanted most.

A scout who returned from the battlefield reported: "General Yan Liang has been beheaded by Meng Huo, and General Wen Chou has also been surrounded and is waiting for support!

Hearing such news, Liu Bei nodded.

It seems that most of Wen Chou will not be able to escape the fate of being killed. As long as he waits, he will definitely be able to wait for the news of Wen Chou's death!

So, he continued to sit firmly on Mount Tai and waited in the camp.

Right now, it was still early, and according to Yuan Shao's prior arrangement, Yuan Shao should not have set off at this time, as soon as the news of Wen Chou's death arrived.

At that time, Liu Bei raised his camp again and went straight to the south of Luoyang City.

According to the route set by Yuan Shao in advance, Yuan Shao will march to Meng Huo from the east of Luoyang City.

At that time, as long as Liu Bei avoids encountering Yuan Shao, he will be able to lead the 50,000 people to fly away and establish their own business.

Therefore, what he needs to wait for now is the news of Wen Chou's death.

As long as Wen Chou dies, everything will be fine.

As Liu Bei had expected, Wen Chou, who had no reinforcements, resisted the three, and it became more and more difficult.

In particular, after Meng Huo and Zhu Rong went through a period of "fishing", their physical strength had recovered by 80%, and the winning rate of the three people's siege of Wen Chou had increased a lot.

With the recovery of the three men's strength, Wen Chou gradually became exhausted after hundreds of rounds of battles.

Even if he was brave, it would be difficult to break through the siege of the three in a short period of time.

Especially watching the guards around him fall one by one, Wen Chou gradually came to his senses, he should not have rushed into the enemy line so recklessly!

After fighting with the three of them for more than 30 rounds, Wen Chou soon only had hundreds of infantry left beside him.

The original 8,000 infantrymen were divided into several small pieces under the siege of the Fujika Army, and then they were all killed by the 500 Viking Berserkers who caught up later.

After the battle with Zhang Fei, the Viking Berserker quickly began to cultivate and recuperate, and it was not until this battle that Meng Huo was released.

Due to the continuous fighting, the Fujika Army was still invulnerable.

But their attack had begun to decline visibly, and finally even fell into a stalemate with these foot soldiers.

As a last resort, Meng Huo had to release the five hundred Viking Berserkers.

The combat effectiveness of these 500 people should not be underestimated. As soon as they joined the battlefield, the balance of war immediately fell to Meng Huo's side.

Soon, Wen Chou's infantry was beheaded, and he himself was surrounded by five hundred Viking Berserkers.


Meng Huo raised his axe in his hands and looked at Wen Chou calmly.

"I am an admiral of Hebei, how can I descend to you barbarian? 99

Wen Chou raised his spear and launched the final blow at Meng Huo!

At this moment, his strength was almost exhausted, and this soft blow naturally did little harm to Meng Huo.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the long whip of Wutugu was inserted into Wen Chou's body.

A generation of famous Hebei generals fell to Meng Huo's army.

Soon, after Wen Chou fell, Meng Huo immediately regrouped and rested.

After several continuous battles, the Fujika Army was already exhausted and in urgent need of rest.

Liu Bei's cronies who were in ambush in the dark also informed Liu Bei of the situation.

"What? You saw him fall?"

For this news, Liu Bei confirmed it again and again.

"Yes General, the villain saw with his own eyes the barbarian's weapon was inserted into his body, and then fell off the horse and died.

"Good! That's great!

When the news of Wen Chou's death was confirmed, Liu Bei was overjoyed.

Now, he can finally soar for nine days!

"Send the order, immediately pull out the camp and return to the south of Luoyang City, among the coalition forces!

As soon as Yan Liangwen Chou died, no one could take care of Liu Bei, and these 50,000 people naturally became his possessions.

As long as he can successfully escape Yuan Shao, he will have a solid foundation for the future.

According to the pre-established escape route, Liu Bei led the 50,000 people from the original road to the west of the city to return to the coalition camp.

Liu Bei rode on a high-headed horse, with Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang beside him, and at this moment he was complacent.

Although 3,000 white-eared soldiers and two younger brothers were lost, it was not a loss for these 50,000 horses.

At this time, Liu Bei didn't know how powerful Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were in history.

Therefore, he has almost no regrets about the loss of the two of them.

In the city, Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei who was complacent, and his heart was full of contempt.

Before, I had a friendship with Taoyuan, and I was really blind.

Thinking about it, apart from talking about his own blood, does Liu Bei have any other skills?

If we talk about the descendants of the royal family, then Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Zhang of Yizhou, which one is not a descendant of the royal family, but they have clear records in the clan, which is different from the fake royal descendant of Liu Bei!

Besides, now the great Han emperor Liu Xie is in this Luoyang city, what's the use of your identity as a descendant of the Han family?

Feeling the emotional fluctuations of Guan Yu beside him, Bai Hei waved his paws at him: ['Don't worry, it seems that he is complacent now, but he will be unlucky after a while!

This sentence is not black and white.

Just now, the soldiers in the south of the city came to report that Yuan Shao's army had begun to set off towards the west of the city.

This guy Liu Bei killed Yan Liangwen Chou, and according to his marching route, he will eventually meet Yuan Shao on the way, and then it will be up to him how to explain the matter.

Of course, this is from the perspective of white and black.

At this time, Liu Bei did not know that he was about to collide head-on with Yuan Shao!

Sure enough, half an hour later, Yuan Shao led five thousand light cavalry and met Liu Bei.

Because Liu Bei left in a hurry, he did not come and change the flag, and the word "Yuan" was still hung on the flag.

Seeing that the army coming towards him was actually his own army, Yuan Shao immediately restrained his horse's head and ordered someone to come forward to check.

"Who is in front of the army, why is it under the banner of the Yuan army, and the name is reported!"

Due to the distance between the two armies and the smoke and dust everywhere, no one recognized each other.

However, after Yuan Shao's general asked such a question, Liu Bei couldn't help but began to take a closer look at the army in front of him.

··For flowers....

Not to mention, the soldier who came to inquire was actually wearing the uniform of Yuan Shao's army!

Liu Bei looked intently, and saw that the banner of the army that was approaching also had the word "Yuan" embroidered on it.

"It's broken, it's broken! How could it be Yuan Shao's army? Could it be the third army led by Chunyu Qiong?"

Looking at the messenger in front of him, Liu Bei rolled his eyes, not only did not answer his question, but asked instead:

"Is the person here a part of General Chunyu?"

The messenger did not suspect him, and immediately replied:

"We are the subordinates of General Yuan Shao."

Liu Bei shuddered and almost fell off his horse, but it was actually Yuan Shao!

But how could he be here?

According to the original plan, shouldn't he be in the east of the city now?

Although Liu Bei was full of doubts.

But now, Yan Liangwen was ugly and died in battle, but he was rushing to the south of Luoyang city with 50,000 soldiers and horses. Liu Bei had to give Yuan Shao an explanation.

After thinking about it, Liu Bei rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea.

I saw that he took advantage of the lack of attention of the messengers, and immediately dipped some beads of sweat from the horse's back with his hands, wiped them on his face, and immediately burst into tears: "Benchu, I, Liu Bei, are sorry for you!

When Liu Bei cried like this, the messenger was a little overwhelmed.

"General Liu, are you...?"

"Take me to see Ben Chu, I will personally apologize to him!"

With a wink at Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang who had originally wanted to follow him, Liu Bei immediately followed the messenger to Yuan Shao's army alone.

He knew that it was not yet the time when he had to act, and Liu Bei was confident that he could make Yuan Shao forgive him!

After all, Yan Liangwen Chou is already dead. With his own mouth, he is afraid that he can't call the white one the black one?

Being brought to Yuan Shao by the messenger, Liu Bei cried even more, and in the end it was uncontrollable, and he burst into tears.

Until the end, Yuan Shao saw that it was not an option for him to cry, so he hurriedly asked, "Why is Xuande crying?

Although Wen Chou's messenger had already told him the cause and effect of the incident, Yuan Shao still wanted to see how this Liu Bei would argue.

Sure enough, the next moment, Liu Bei stopped crying a little.

"In the beginning, I'm sorry for you, Yan Liang and Wen Chou died in front of me, and I couldn't save them! 35

As soon as Liu Bei's words came out, Yuan Shao's heart suddenly "squeaked", "Good guy, Yan Liangwen Chou is really dead?"

"How did they die, and why didn't you send troops to rescue you in time?"

Yuan Shao remembered the fact that Wen Chou sent someone to report, and immediately lowered his face and questioned Liu Bei.

"It's my fault, just thinking about saving your troops and horses for the first time, thinking that with the martial arts of the two generals, you can at least fight Meng Huo for hundreds of rounds, but it's a pity...

Liu Bei's words are very clear, but it's not that I delayed the fighter plane, but that your two generals are really unsatisfactory.

"Then why didn't you bring your troops to avenge Yan Liangwen Chou, but instead walked in the direction of the coalition forces with your troops and horses?"

Yuan Shao was not a fool, and even his suspicious and resourceful personality made him extremely sensitive.

Before Yan Liangwen Chou sent troops, he repeatedly told him not to be reckless.

But in the end, none of Yan Liangwen Chou was left. If you had nothing to do with Liu Bei, Yuan Shao would not believe it.

And even if you, Liu Bei, are really unintentional, then why did you lead the troops to run behind after Yan Liangwen Chou was beheaded? Shouldn't you follow the previous agreement and attack Meng Huo on both sides with Yuan Shao?

"I didn't know it at first, but when I learned that I lost the two generals Yan Liangwen Chou, I was in a state of turmoil, and I was in a panic for a while, and I thought of General Chunyu Qiong, the third-line military horse who was patrolling the city.

"I'm thinking, if I can hand over these fifty thousand horses to General Chunyu Qiong, then I'm bound to be able to help Ben Chu recover the decline, so this is..."

I have to say, it's a pity that Liu Bei's eloquence doesn't whistle. After a few words, he actually explained his behavior flawlessly.

Even Yuan Shao wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, there was no loophole.

So for a while, the two were deadlocked in place.

"In the beginning, Meng Huo is now at a time when people and horses are exhausted. If we can send troops to take him down in one fell swoop, I, Liu Bei, would like to be the vanguard to comfort the spirits of the two generals in the sky!"

Seeing that Yuan Shao showed signs of being persuaded by him, Liu Bei immediately struck while the iron was hot and offered advice.

In his opinion, there is no sentence that is completely ineffective, just like Yuan Shao in front of him.

Now he is not thinking about how Yan Liangwen Chou died, but how to win this battle next.

Therefore, as soon as Liu Bei's words came out, Yuan Shao's mind was immediately pulled away.

Seeing Yuan Shao's temptation, Liu Bei immediately added another plan: "In the beginning, let's put aside the ugly thing about Yan Liangwen for the time being, and what we should do most now is to recall General Chunyu Qiong's third-path troops, so that we can form a north-south attack. Defeat Meng Huo in one fell swoop!" 5

"At that time, we can comfort the spirits of the two generals in the sky, if the generals want to kill me at that time, I, Liu Bei, will kill me!

Seeing the sincerity of Liu Bei's words, Yuan Shao nodded suspiciously: "Okay, let's just follow what you said for the time being and recall Chunyu Qiong's third party, so that he will detour from the east and start from the north of Meng Huo. Attack!"

"Get ready to do it!"

Seeing that Yuan Shao agreed to his plan, Liu Bei was overjoyed and immediately bowed to signal that he was willing to go.

But soon, Yuan Shao rejected his proposal: "You don't need to worry about this matter, you can stay in the Central Army with peace of mind!

Yuan Shao's words cut off Liu Bei's idea of ​​escaping.

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