I Fix The System Law

Chapter 850: 4-phase kendo

     Wuchang exploded immediately!

   More than 90% of the people present didn't know Leng Shiqi's record. When he stood on stage, no one else could see his cultivation.

   Whether it is the Harmony of Heaven and Human Realm or the Heavenly Origin Realm, it is an existence that everyone will look up to all their lives.

   But when they learned about Leng Shiqi's cultivation base, they were all shocked!

   The Heavenly Origin Realm is a super strong person who surpasses the four realms of heaven and man. The Unity of Heaven and Human Realm is like an ant in front of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

   This cold seventeen actually dared to fight in the Tianyuan realm, but he couldn't die!

  On the stage, Leng Shiqi ignored everyone and faced his opponent.

  Wu Changyu of the Demon Slayer is a bit short and mediocre, but standing there, he feels like a volcano is about to erupt. I don't know how powerful the body is.

   An astonishing fighting spirit rushed toward his face.

  He did not despise Leng Shiqi!

   Regardless of what others think, if he wants to defeat the powerhouse in the early stage of the Primal Retreat, he may not be able to do it himself!

   Maybe it can, but it must also be the best effort.

   But according to the information he received from Leng Shiqi, Leng Shiqi easily defeated Elder Shao, obviously not exhausting his best.

   So he never underestimated Leng Seventeen from the beginning.

   The two walked into the phantom array, Leng Shiqi sat cross-legged on a piece of jade, and immediately after his mental body plunged into the phantom array, a person identical to his body appeared.

   And the scene around him has also turned into a barren land, with several small hills one after another in the distance.

   Leng Shiqi stretched out his hand and grabbed it, seeming to catch a wisp of air, "It's almost the same as the outside world. This magical array is not simple."

   "I heard that you are very strong, and I don't know how good you are under your hand." Wu Changyu's voice came, and he also entered the phantom, standing in the void and looking down at Leng Shiqi.

   "Try it and you will know." Leng Shiqi stepped lightly and stood up in the air.

   He did not control the heaven and earth power, but used the anti-gravity of the law of the earth.

   This scene is different in everyone's eyes, and those who don't know thought he had already broken through the Heavenly Origin Realm!

   Wuchang also caused a burst of exclamation.

   Wu Changyu's expression in the magic array condensed. He originally wanted to stimulate Leng Shiqi through words and attitudes. Whoever wanted to have no effect at all, Leng Shiqi's calmness and methods attracted more and more attention.


   A spirit sword illusioned and stood in front of Leng Shiqi. It was the eighth-tiered Qianhuan Dao sword.

   With a movement of thought, a layer of red gold flames of gas on the sword, which seemed to have a dragon soul swimming.

   "Thousand Illusion Dao Sword, Red Golden Earth Dragon Flame." Wu Changyu murmured.

   The Thousand Illusion Dao Sword is an eighth-tier land soldier, and it is also the treasure of the town of the Thousand Illusion Sword Sect. This level of spiritual weapon is rarely owned even in the Tianyuan realm. The different fires of the heavens and the earth are even rarer than the eighth-tier soldiers. Even though Wu Changyu had known that Leng Shiqi had these, he felt the sword intent and the raging flames and frowned at this moment.

   With a wave of both hands, the surrounding heaven and earth's vitality condensed instantly, and with one finger pointing out, the power of this finger shook the void, containing extremely violent power. Wu Changyu has been fighting with monsters all his life. His spiritual practice is just two words, fighting!

  Fighting with monsters, those bells and whistles have no effect. The simpler and more rough the power is, the more effective it is.

   Cold seventeen fingers flicked the blade, the Thousand Illusion Dao Sword immediately let out an excited contending sound, the sword chanted and the dragon roared, and the fiery flame sword intent roared out.

   The pure violent fingers collided with the Chijin Dragon Sword, and a powerful wave suddenly appeared. The force was enough to cover the sky and the sun to make the sky in the illusion suddenly gloomy.

   If you are fighting in the Wei Capital, this kind of power might overthrow the entire Wei Capital!

   The audience outside the venue was also overturned. Once they met, it was such a terrible scene, which made them feast their eyes and blood.

   But for the two fighting against each other, this level is only a tentative offensive, in other words, they have not yet used their real skills.

   When the light dissipated, both of them were safe and sound.

   It’s just that the expressions of the two are different, Leng Shiqi has a calm look, but Wu Changyu has a cold expression.

   His claw fell, and the heaven and earth's vitality condensed into a huge handprint hundreds of meters in size and crashed down, madly magnifying and unstoppable!

   The Thousand Illusion Dao Sword in Leng Shiqi's hand suddenly split into four, and the power of the four spirits of earth, wind, water, and fire exploded. The surrounding void was torn apart, and the endless birth and death contained in it, which seemed extremely terrifying.

   The four-phase power is a kind of the origin of the world, and it also contains the way of birth and death. At this time, the power of the world is displayed!

   During the retreat, Leng Shiqi did not give up the comprehension of other powers. He had a deeper understanding of the four-phase power, and he had never integrated into the kendo and became the four-phase kendo!

   What he cares about is not how powerful four-phase kendo can bring to fighting, but to comprehend the power of the five elements.

   The power of the five elements has been haunting Leng Shiqi. After a long time, he thought of a trick.

  The earth, water, and fire in the four phases correspond to the invisible earth, water, and fire. He uses the four phases to integrate into the kendo, and then uses the four phases to deduct the five elements of kendo to comprehend the power of the five elements!

   Of course, this is an ideal situation. Leng Shiqi doesn't know if he can succeed. It's always a way.

   For him, the four-phase kendo used purely for transition is very different in Wu Changyu's eyes!

   The four original Taoist swords hovered around Leng Shiqi, and the terrifying four-phase sword intent made Wu Changyu's pupils shrink. How could these powers be mastered by a realm of heaven and man?

   With a cold move of seventeen fingers, the four Taoist swords whizzed out, and there were many visions between heaven and earth, strangling towards Wu Changyu.

   Facing the four-phase kendo, Wu Changyu felt unprecedented pressure. It was a huge pressure that the seventh-order monster could not give him ~www.ltnovel.com~Wu Changyu had no fear. On the contrary, his whole body's fighting spirit was already burning. The stronger the cold seventeen, the more powerful he can be stimulated.

   Stepping out, a figure appeared behind Wu Changyu, that figure looked like an ancient demon god, tearing the sky with his hands and shattering the ground with his feet.

   One punch blasted out, and every punch shook the illusion!

   The four-handed Dao Sword was stopped by the shadow of the fist, and each handle hit dozens of shadows at the same time. The harsh clashing sound was deafening, and the bursting spiritual power stimulated everyone's vision.

   Everyone kept exclaiming, this is the terrifying scene brought about by the strong players of the Tianyuan realm!

   Before they knew it, they had long forgotten that Leng Shiqi's cultivation base was only a realm of harmony between man and nature.

The battle between the two naturally fell in the eyes of other Tianyuan realm powerhouses. The old man muttered first: "Good fellow, the four-phase power was actually integrated into the kendo by him, no wonder this kid has not broken through the Tianyuan realm. The original picture is very big."

   Xuan Haoying nodded slightly, "Your Majesty’s eyes are indeed harsh, I am afraid that Leng Shiqi’s future realm will surpass you and me. There is no need for such a dynasty to restrict it, as long as he is willing to stand by the dynasty is enough.

   Including Shui Liuli, who has never spoken before, is also full of brilliance.



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