I Fix The System Law

Chapter 849: Sure to win

  The martial arts field is said to be a martial arts field. In fact, it has a large area. The entire martial arts field is built in a ring shape with more than ten stories high, which looks like a giant arena.

   Hundreds of thousands of ants crowded in the martial arts field, and the passionate heat wave made people excited.

  They are about to witness many strong players from all over the mainland fight against each other!

   You must know that there are very few high-level spiritual practitioners that low-level spiritual practitioners can see in their lifetime.

   Just like when Leng Shiqi was performing his mission in the branch of the Xueyi Pavilion for the first time, even if he encountered a tomb of Bo Yuanhou, he attracted mostly low-level spiritual practitioners.

   There are two or three spiritual veins that can already be called a "master".

  Only when your cultivation base and strength are getting higher and higher, can you have the opportunity to contact more spiritual practitioners of the same level, or more powerful people.

   Leng Shiqi and others are all contestants. They came to the rest room from the special passage, but the group was still separated.

   The three Heavenly Origin Realms of the Leiyan Dynasty and Leng Shiqi were in the same room.

   The three were Xuan Haoying, the old man, and a mid-Tianyuan realm master. It was a woman in a blue dress with a veil on her face and her face was invisible, and she looked like a stranger would not enter.

  On the way here, the old man told Leng Shiqi through a voice transmission that this person is a rare woman in the royal consecration hall. She is a master of water system, named Shui Liuli.

   Since Leng Shiqi was going to participate in the battle of the Heavenly Origin Realm, it was also arranged here.

While the Ten Thousand Spirits event was still a while, a few people chatted, the old man muttered: "There are thirty-five players at the Tianyuan realm level, and there are four of us. It shouldn't be the first round of encountering each other. Right."

   This probability is actually not small, Xuan Haoying said: "I made a special trip to ask about this. The three dynasties in the first round of battles in the Tianyuan realm will have the principle of evasion. If the opponents of the respective dynasties are drawn, they can draw lots again."

   Then a few people also talked about the various rules of the All Souls Event.

   There is no audition for the All Souls Event, so now there are tens of thousands of contestants gathered in the martial arts field. If you play one-on-one, you don't know how long you will fight.

  The method used by the Northern Wei Dynasty was to wash the sand with big waves!

   There are dozens of high towers in the center of the martial arts field at this moment, which are called the towers of trials.

  The Tower of Trial can enter thousands of people each time, within half an hour, the ten talents who can finally get out of the Tower of Trial are eligible to enter the next round.

   It is said that there are many organ traps in the tower of trial, and even monsters exist!

  Of course, the Northern Wei Dynasty also couldn't let the contestants die casually, so there are some safe rooms in the tower of trial, as long as you enter the safe room, there will be no danger.

   Similarly, entering the safe room means that you have lost the opportunity to advance.

   Through the tower of trial, it only takes a few rounds before and after all low-level spiritual practitioners can be compared, and the efficiency is extremely fast.

   However, the battle fluctuations of the masters in the Harmony of Heaven and Human Realm and the Heavenly Origin Realm are too large, and the number is not large, so it is not suitable to use the tower of trial.

  They certainly can't directly do it in the martial arts field. The Northern Wei Dynasty used a wonderful thing, the spiritual magic array!

   When the two competing against each other enter the phantom array, they can transform into a scene and phantom body. Both sides can simulate what they have learned in the phantom array, and even the spirit weapon can be transformed into it!

   More importantly, people outside can watch the battle in the phantom array.

   It's rare to see the masters of the Harmony of Heaven and Human Realm and the Heavenly Origin Realm, and this is what everyone looks forward to most.

   However, there were too many contestants, and the Northern Wei Dynasty did not want the All Souls Fair to end too early, so it arranged several battles in the Tianyuan realm as the finale every day.

  As several people talked, time slowly passed, and the battles of low-level spiritualists, spiritual veins, spiritual apertures, and spiritual gangs ended partly one after another.

   Finally, it was finally the turn of the Tianyuan realm to fight!

   The hot atmosphere of the entire martial arts field instantly came to the top, and the first pair of opponents was drawn out in the eyes of everyone.

   Leiyan Dynasty Western Wilderness King Leng Shiqi, against Wu Changyu, the demon division of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

   Demon Slashing Division is a force similar to the town Fusi of the Thunder Yan Dynasty. The difference is that the main task of the Demon Slashing Division is not only to suppress the spiritual cultivation sect, but also to guard the extreme northern wasteland.

   In the northern land, many monsters often come to harass, and even some monsters with special abilities lurking in secretly to make chaos. The Demon Slayer has to deal with these monsters.

   This Wu Changyu is the boss of the Demon Slayer, and he is the second in command, with the cultivation base of the mid-Tianyuan realm.

   Wu Changyu had a great reputation in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and he had a glorious record of killing the seventh-order monster alone. When he saw that he was about to appear, everyone in the martial arts field immediately cheered.

   And when Leng Shiqi came out, almost no one cared, because everyone basically didn't know him.

The Leiyan Dynasty signed him up for the battle of the Tianyuan realm. Many big figures investigated him secretly, but for a large number of low-level spiritual practitioners, they were not qualified. They only knew that Leng Shiqi was the Western Wilderness King of the Leiyan Dynasty. Other than that, not much is known.

   On the highest floor of the stand, there were people with heads and faces. They saw Wu Changyu and Leng Shiqi in the first battle, and they all showed smiles that everyone knew.

   They know very well that Leng Shiqi has only the cultivation base of the Unity of Heaven and Man!

   Although they learned that Leng Shiqi had once defeated Elder Shao in the Liuhe Realm and was very strong, Elder Shao had just entered the Tianyuan realm for a few years after all, while Wu Changyu was in the middle of the Tianyuan realm.

  Besides, Wu Changyu is a fighting madman. He often goes deep into the wilderness and fights with monsters and monsters. The fighting power is definitely the top of the same rank!

   Even if it is cold seventeen, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to beat Wu Changyu!

   After all, the All Souls Fair was organized by the Northern Wei Dynasty~www.ltnovel.com~ The first heavyweight battle must of course be arranged.

   The Northern Wei Dynasty must win!

   The so-called soft pinch of persimmon, the only opponents who can ensure a stable win are Leng Shiqi and Meng Tiantian.

Meng Tiantian is a member of the Miaozong of Ten Thousand Magic Sects. Compared with Leng Shiqi, the Western Wilderness King of the Thunder Yan Dynasty and the fourth chief of the Dark Lei Wei, the first game to win Leng Shiqi is equivalent to hitting the face of the Lei Yan Dynasty. , Of course, it is the most cost-effective to win him.

   As for whether people will be accused of bullying the small?

   It is you who have to compete with the Tianyuan realm, who can be blamed!

   "Everyone of the Western Wilderness King should have known about it, it's a pity."

   "Hahaha, it's really a pity. If he participates in the battle of the Harmony of Heaven and Man, few of his opponents are his opponents with his strength. Who will let him know what is good or bad?"

   "I thought it would be invincible after defeating the Heavenly Origin Realm. The young man is still young after all."

  The big figures all thought that Leng Shiqi was sure to lose, and they couldn't help but ridiculed a few words.

   They did not deliberately conceal their words, these words also spread to the nearby spiritual practitioners, and then quickly spread them from ten to ten. At this moment, they knew that Leng Shiqi had only the cultivation base of the harmony of heaven and man!



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