I Fix The System Law

Chapter 821: Strength of Hades

"Arrogant!" Deya suddenly shouted. He got information and knew that although there were many spiritual practitioners in Rimburg who followed Princess Kahlo, there were not many masters among them.

The most important thing is that there is no harmony between man and nature!

And behind Deya, there are not only tens of thousands of Tianzhu army, but also two celestial beings in one realm. This is a battle without suspense.

Deya drew out her long sword and shouted, "Kill!"

Princess Kahlo waved her hand, and immediately hundreds of people jumped down from the top of the city, all of whom were masters in the four realms of heaven and human.

When Deya saw this scene, she scolded Princess Kahlo for being extremely stupid.

Not to mention that people can't resist the Tianzhu army at all based on this point. Princess Kahlo might be able to hold on for a while, but now she actually gave up the tall city wall and took the initiative to fight!

This is simply looking for death!

"Sure enough, it's still a girl movie, I used to look at you highly."

Among the people who rushed out of the city, there were four people standing in the front, all of whom were wearing large cloaks and different masks of evil spirits.

When Deya saw them for some reason, there was a fear in her heart!

"Damn it." Deya murmured in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously, and immediately rushed over with the army.

And those four are Gusan, Yushu, Xiaoming, and Ou Tzuyu!

The two armies clashed, Fierce Ming took the lead, and a black energy quickly spread around him, and it instantly covered a radius of several miles, covering everyone in it.

"What the hell?"

"I can't see anything."

"This black energy is weird, not only can it block my vision, but it is also slowly eroding my spiritual power!"

The Tianzhu Army was in chaos at once, and at this moment a weird round of blood moons hung high in the air!

Behind Gusan stood three human-like blood shadows, one holding a knife, one carrying a gun, and one drawing a bow. Perceiving the past, the three blood shadows all have power comparable to the peak of the spiritual aperture!

Immediately, Bone's three hands held a sharp bone sword, and the blood suffocated all over his body, and the nearby Tianzhu army immediately turned red eyes and hurt the people around him!

"Huh!" Gu San rushed out like a **** sharp arrow and entered the Tianzhu army.

The ordinary soldiers of the Tianzhu Army are also spiritual practitioners, but their cultivation bases are basically in the Spirit Gathering Realm and Pure Spirit Realm. Where can they stop Bone III?

Dozens of people died in her hands in a single encounter!

The nearby Tianzhu army immediately encircled and suppressed her. Two blood shadows around Gusan blocked her back like a guardian, while the blood shadow holding a bow shot and killed the person who wanted to sneak attack.

However, Gu San went on to kill Deya!

At the same time, there was a half-length phantom of a demon floating on Yushu's body. The devil held a blood blade like a meat grinder to kill the Tianzhu army.

As for Ou Tzuyu, he was much more graceful, seeing his long sword lighter, his magical sword aura shot in all directions, and those low-level Tianzhu troops lost their lives in the illusion.

There is no pain.

As soon as these four talents took action, hundreds of people died on the Tianzhu Army's side, and everyone was afraid, and there was already a trace of the army's distraction.

This is something Deya never thought of.

The Tianzhu Army is one of the three strongest combat troops in Zhulu Country. Everyone is carefully selected, and they practice regularly on weekdays. It is definitely impossible to be so unbearable.

To blame, you can only blame Bone Three, they are too terrifying!

Especially now that all the Tianzhu army is shrouded in a fierce black air, in this case, it is inevitable that there will be fear in the heart.

However, the Gu third and other people were slaughtering other people continuously, and the screams in their ears never stopped. All the nine thousand Tianzhu troops behind had already thought of fleeing before they even fought against each other.

Of course, it is impossible for them to escape.

Deya burst into violent spirits and forced a part of the black energy back. He hurriedly said, "Master Gary, Master Percy, please do it."

The strength and threat of the Gusanji people is extremely great, if this goes on, even if the city of Lenburg is taken, there will be a lot of losses, and they must be eliminated first.

Gary slapped his hands, and immediately heard a loud noise, and the fierce black energy was twisted to the edge of collapse.

Next to him, Percy raised a red giant axe, and the giant axe smashed down like the sky opened, cutting the black energy in two!

The black gas dissipated like smoke, and the Tianzhu army finally settled down.

Gary instantly locked the Gu San who had been killing here, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Looking for death."

Immediately after he pointed out, the invisible finger strength stirred the situation to penetrate!

In his opinion, no matter how strong Gu San is, it is only in the Linggang Realm, with only one death word in the ending.

However, at this time, a gloomy wind blew, causing Gary, the great master of the Unity of Heaven and Man, to chill behind his back.

Immediately after the shocking sword intent rushed into the sky, a stern sword aura appeared, tearing the sky and directly cutting off Gary's fingers.

The person who shoots is the ghost slave that Qianhuan Jianzun transformed into, the sword ghost!


Gary was shocked at once, being able to cut off his power in this way, the opponent's strength is probably higher than him!

Percy on the other side was also locked in by a weird aura, a translucent figure fell from the sky, and he waved his hands and condensed into terrifying monsters directly at Percy.

That was the ghost slave who transformed after Zhuo Zhou died, the beast ghost!

The Sword Demon and the Beast Demon immediately fought with Gary and Percy, and violent spiritual power fluctuations broke out. Instead, the Tianzhu Army was affected and hundreds of people died.

Deya was stunned for a moment, just now they were really strong in strength, but Deya held the army firmly.

But at this moment he was not only blinded, but also panicked!

There are two realms of harmony between man and nature hidden in the city of Lenburg!

This is something they haven't inquired about before, otherwise he wouldn't be able to kill it like this.

Although he still has the Tianzhu army, there are also many low-level spiritual practitioners on Princess Kahlo who have not taken action. Coupled with the masters of Bone III, this originally easy battle suddenly becomes extremely tricky!

Princess Kahlo on the top of the city was also surprised to see the following scene, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com Leng Seventeen still has a realm of heaven and man in his hands, which even Princess Kahlo does not know.

"Is this deliberately hiding from me?"

But Princess Kahlo also knows that it is not time to think too much, the morale of the Tianzhu army is low, and the two opposing celestial beings are entangled again. This is the best time to counterattack!

"Everyone obeys the order, go out of the city!"


The gate of the city of Rhenburg was opened, and more than a thousand low-level spiritual practitioners swarmed out to kill the Tianzhu army.

If it were in the past, such a mob would basically be equivalent to a local chicken and dog to the Tianzhu Army, not an opponent at all.

However, the Gusan few people in the Tianzhu Army are like no one, even if some of the Tianzhu Army's Linggang realm masters come over, they can't resist it at all!

Deya's face was gloomy, and all this happened so quickly that he was almost caught off guard.

Even an absurd idea appeared in his heart, failure!

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