I Fix The System Law

Chapter 820: Army pressure

In the small town, Princess Kahlo stood on a stone platform, and she said with grief: "My father has exhausted his efforts for Zhu Luguo. He has never had a trace of slack in his life, but in the end he was killed by an adulterer!

After the death of the father and the queen, my mother and I were still hunted down, but I was the only one who managed to escape.

I built Ten Thousand Gu Caves to endure the humiliation, in order to regain everything that belongs to me, you are willing to follow me! "

After saying these words, Princess Kahlo didn't feel at all in her heart. She didn't think that these few words could instigate these people. But before Leng Shiqi made a special trip to explain to her casually, Princess Kahlo didn't know why, but she still did.

She stood on the stage and saw that everyone underneath was a little stupid, as if she was in a daze?

Just when she was a little unclear about the cause, everyone immediately burst into voices!

Immediately after the blockbuster, the crowd knelt down at the same time and shouted: "I will wait to die and follow Her Royal Highness Princess Kahlo!"

There are not many people in the small town, and there are only tens of thousands of people who are dedicated to watching the excitement. Now these people are all kneeling at the feet of Princess Kahlo, making her never recover.

She couldn't understand, was she speaking too well or too attractive?

How could it not be so?

But Princess Kahlo immediately thought that it was most likely that Leng Shiqi had made hands and feet in secret. She took a deep breath, raised her head slightly, and the power of a superior appeared.

"Get up."

"His Royal Highness Princess Xie!"

Everyone got up one after another and stood there honestly.

Princess Kahlo glanced at the spiritual practitioners in the Celestial Silkworm Temple, and they all had a fanatical expression, including the spiritual masters.

"What kind of method is this, even the Linggang realm can easily change the mind, which is many times better than that of the heart control Gu!" Princess Kahlo was shocked, but there was no expression on her face.

She bowed her head and said: "You are my pioneer and my backing. All spiritual practitioners are ready to set off for the city of Lemburg tomorrow!"


The city of Lemberg is the nearest city, the next step is to occupy this city, and then use Lemberg as the foundation.

After everyone dispersed, Princess Kahlo walked into an inn, and Leng Shiqi had been waiting for him here long ago.

"His Royal Highness, it's been a long time since the feeling of being bowed down by thousands of people?"

When Princess Kahlo was still a princess, people would often kneel down, but in the past few years, I can't enjoy this feeling.

"It doesn't feel much, I want to ask a question."

"tell me the story."

"Occupying Lemburg with your abilities is effortless, but this will definitely attract Gus's attention, and maybe he will send combat troops directly." Princess Kahlo was a little worried: "Even if we are not weak, But if you want to fight against the combat army, you will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

In my opinion, it is better to sneak into the royal city and find the opportunity to attack the royal palace! "

Leng Shiqi nodded his head in a serious manner, "His Royal Highness is very thoughtful. This is a better way."

"Huh? You should have thought of it long ago."

"Yes, it might be easier to do that, but you don't forget that Gus has been in power for several years, and officials and ordinary people in Zhulu Country have accepted the king.

But at this moment you suddenly took the throne, even with the support of the clan, it will cause instability of the people, and there will even be many rebels!

What we are doing now is to let the people of the world know that you exist. You are on the right side. When you sit on the throne, you can settle everything in the shortest time.

Do you want a chaotic Zhulu country, or a stable Zhulu country? "

Princess Kahlo pondered for a while and said: "So, you still have a long-term vision, but this country of Zhu Lu is not mine."

Hearing this, Leng Shiqi’s mouth smiled, “Princess Kahlo is too worried, Zhulu Country belongs to you, and no one will take it away. Your Royal Highness should make arrangements, and we will usher in a fierce battle in the city of Lenburg. ."

A day later, Princess Kahlo rushed to the city of Lemburg with the surrendered spiritualists in the town. They must be fast and must occupy the city of Lemburg before the news reaches the city.

Said to be occupation, in fact, only an extremely brief battle broke out here.

That is, Princess Kahlo showed off her supernatural power to kill the city lord of Lemberg, and then easily took over the city lord's mansion and the city guard. Leng Shiqi used illusion to completely control the city of Lemberg.


Zhulu King Palace.


There was a sudden shout in the palace. King Gus flew the dragon case in front of him and said angrily: "Carol, a girl dared to turn the scene!

Gu thought she had already died on Gu Shenfeng, but unexpectedly she escaped. It's a pity, since I escaped and I don't know how to hide, don't blame me for being cruel.

Come, immediately mobilize the Tianzhu army to strangle the anti-thief in Lenburgh, remember to bring Kahlo's head back, and I will choose it above the gate of the king's city, so that the people of the world will know what will happen to the wrongdoing! "

"Your Majesty, stay safe and restless." At this time, a general in cloth stood up and said.

"Deya, what do you say?"

This Deya has been following Gus all the time. He also experienced the Gu Shenfeng battle back then. It can be said to be one of Gus's most trusted people.

So Gus suppressed his anger and let him speak.

"Your Majesty, that girl Carol is certainly hateful, but since she dared to start the matter openly, she must be a little dependent. Now we don't know anything about Lemburg, or even how many masters Carol has around him. Two-pronged approach.

First mobilize the Tianzhu army, and at the same time send people to inquire about the intelligence inside the city of Rhombus, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can send a few masters to follow in secret just in case. "

"Well said, just do what you said, this time you will be responsible for killing Kahlo! Gary, Percy, you help Zodia."

Gary and Percy are the two masters of the unity of heaven and man that Gus has brought over. They had seen these two people when the Leng Seventeenth National Congress made trouble in King City on Zhulu Road.

"Chen, take orders!" The three of them retreated.

Deya was secretly happy, he didn't underestimate Kahlo, but he led the Tianzhu army is equal to the victory, and this great achievement of crushing the anti-thief will fall into his hands.

Others also cast envious eyes in the past.

Soon, Deya led 10,000 troops to the city, and Princess Kahlo and the masters under his command were already standing on the top of the city.

Deya saw the beautiful face of Princess Kahlo riding a horse, and he shouted: "Princess Kahlo, she has become more beautiful after a few years. It is a pity that this face will hang under the royal city soon. ."

Princess Kahlo said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, since you are here today, stay here forever!"

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