I Fix The System Law

Chapter 464: Kill all soon

At the beginning, there were very few people who knew about Leng Shiqi's trip to Xihuang County. He remembered that there were only seven people present.

That was the inspector Yu Ruifeng, his right-hand man Li Hong, and Duan Chun and other three major supervisors. In addition, they were Lian Ye and Gao Yi.

Leng Shiqi of these people first excluded Lian Ye and Yu Ruifeng.

Lian Ye doesn’t have to say much, the bitter grudge between her and Leng Shiqi has been resolved long ago, and Leng Shiqi came with Lian Ye on the order of Heiyan Tianzun, if Heiyan Tianzun killed him first No need to work so hard.

As for Yu Ruifeng, he had no motive. He was the father-in-law Gao, and he was on the opposite side of Li Juecheng. Then it was almost impossible for Li Juecheng to instigate an inspector.

Moreover, Leng Shiqi also saved his life. He also wanted to pass his position to Leng Shiqi. The most important thing was that there was no benefit for him to kill Leng Shiqi, so he was also ruled out first.

Then there are only Gao Yi and Duan Chun, the most suspicious of them are Gao Yi and Duan Chun!

Gao Yi is the most proud son of Gao Gong, and Leng Shiqi is the direct disciple of Gao Gong, and he is also a big celebrity around him.

Although Leng Shiqi and Gao Yi have only met a few times, and there seems to be no intersection, but they have always been less than a contradiction, that is, who will take the seat of Gao? !

Seeing that the Leiyan dynasty was about to carry out the change of power, the seat of the four chief executives, Gao Gonggong, was mostly going to step down. After all, the emperor and the courtier.

So who will replace him?

From the current point of view, apart from the deputy directors, the only promising ones are Leng Shiqi and Gao Yi, so in Leng Shiqi’s view, Gao Yi has the motive to kill him!

Moreover, they had fought against Xingzhi Pavilion, and the relationship was inherently very bad.

In addition, that Duan Chun might also be secretly bought by Li Juecheng!

This Duan Chun was also Leng Shiqi's boss, but because he was jealous that Leng Shiqi made a fortune, he secretly stumbled him. Later, Leng Shiqi directly replaced Duan Chunbei County's supervisory post, and did not give him the slightest face.

That Duan Chun might have a grudge for it, so he secretly took refuge in Li Juecheng and betrayed Leng Shiqi's intelligence!

Of course, this is only Leng Shiqi's guess, and the other people have nothing to do with him, so Gao Yi and Duan Chun are the most likely.


Half a month later, the Dark Thunder Mansion in the Western Desert City.

There are rare human traces here, because most of the Dark Thunder Guards have been sent out to inquire about the news, and only Yu Ruifeng is in control of the overall situation.

Especially now that the delegations of Zhulu Country, Beiliu Country and Dayue Kingdom have entered the Western Wilderness City, Zhulu Country has simply lived in the post house of the Western Wilderness City for a few days.

These missions are naturally hosted by special personnel, but it also requires a lot of manpower to secretly monitor them, which leads to the fact that as long as they can be used, the Dark Thunder Palace will appear empty.

Yu Ruifeng kept receiving pieces of information, but what he worried most was not this, but Leng Shiqi!

It has been more than two months since Leng Shiqi left Xihuang County to go to the six countries of the Western Regions. According to intelligence, the missions of the Xingyi Dynasty are about to enter the country. When all the missions arrive, they will be together. Go to the imperial capital.

It stands to reason that Leng Shiqi should have returned long ago, but so far there is no message from him!

He didn't care what Leng Shiqi found out, he was already worried about Leng Shiqi's safety.

After all, going deep into the six countries of the Western Regions also involves the Starfall Dynasty. The danger is still very high. If Cold Seventeen exposes your identity, you may be left there!

Just as he was worried, Lian Ye walked in.

Yu Ruifeng immediately got up and said, "Miss Lian Ye."

Lian Ye lightly smiled and said, "Master Yu, you are welcome."

Then her smile narrowed, "I just came to ask if Liu Xingzhi hasn't come back yet?"

Yu Ruifeng shook his head and said: "No, but Miss Lian Ye don't worry, you and I know Liu Xingzhi's ability and strength, and he won't get into trouble easily."

"That's how it is said, but the foster father is very fond of him. If something happens when he infiltrates the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions, it will also be the loss of the Dark Thunder Guard."

"Hey." Yu Ruifeng sighed: "It is true, but it is a pity that the Dark Thunder Guards under me are all involved, and the people who spread to the six countries of the Western Regions did not find him.

Now no one knows where he is..."

The two of them were talking, but Yu Ruifeng's eyes suddenly kicked, and his figure immediately disappeared in front of Lian Ye!

Lian Ye was puzzled first, and then there was a loud noise outside!

Along with the shaking of the ground, waves of terrible spiritual power fluctuations continued to oscillate, and even Lian Ye, the spiritual aperture realm, couldn't help but turn on the body armor to resist!

"What happened outside? Did the missions of the Six Nations of the Western Regions really lead people to trouble?!" Lian Ye exclaimed, she hesitated for a moment and rushed out.

However, when Lian Ye ran to the source of the sound, she stayed for a while. She saw that half of the Dark Thunder Palace was collapsed. Before she was completely close, she felt the power of King Kong rushing toward her face. .

It even made her body armor fluctuate!

Just the aftermath made her this Spirit Aperture Realm a little difficult to resist, so what kind of master is doing it in the Dark Thunder Palace?

It's a pity that Lian Ye didn't see who was doing it. He only saw a corpse lying on the ground. There was a huge hole in the heart of that corpse, and it seemed that some kind of force directly penetrated the heart and died!

Lian Ye's heart frightened the most is that the owner of the corpse turned out to be Gao Gonggong's righteous son, Gao Yi!

Gao Yi was killed? Or was it killed by a single blow? !

How could Gao Yi be a master in the late Linggang realm, how could he be killed directly by someone? Could it be that the person who shot is a master of the unity of heaven and man?

At this time, Yu Ruifeng was also standing next to Gao Yi's corpse with a gloomy look~www.ltnovel.com~ Just now he suddenly noticed that an extremely powerful spiritual power appeared in the Dark Thunder Palace.

He felt uncomfortable and came as fast as he could, but he was still a step late. He didn't even see the figure of the man who did it. He only saw that the man was exuding a dazzling golden light, and finally disappeared into a red and blue. In the yellow light.

Gao Yinai is the most proud son of Gao Gonggong, and also holds an important position in the imperial palace. Now he died in Xihuang County, or in the Dark Thunder Palace, Yu Ruifeng, the supervisor, cannot escape his blame!

While bitterly hating, Yu Ruifeng had to be amazed at the strength of the assassin. Even though he only saw a figure of that person, he could also see that that person was definitely a cultivation base of the Linggang realm.

But Gao Yi is also in the Linggang realm, or the pinnacle of the Linggang realm!

Gao Yi also cultivated the Cold Dark Tome created by Gao Gonggong. His strength is definitely not weak. How could he be beheaded before he even had time to react? !

The strength of the person who shot is so strong!

"Master Yu, what's the matter?" Lian Ye asked in a trembling voice. Someone dared to kill Gao Yi under Yu Ruifeng's nose in the Dark Thunder Mansion. He was really bold and powerful.

Yu Ruifeng was about to speak, but there was another riot outside the Dark Thunder Mansion. His brows were furrowed, and soon Dark Thunder Guard rushed in and shouted: "Master Yu, Master Duan Chunduan was suddenly killed. !"

Yu Ruifeng suddenly exuded a fierce aura soaring to the sky, "Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head and look for death!"

And dozens of miles away from the Western Wilderness City, Leng Shiqi retracted the Linghu Lianhua Bow and said to himself: "Whoever betrayed me, just kill them all."


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