I Fix The System Law

Chapter 645: Excalibur Zhaoming

Leng Shiqi withdrew his thoughts. He noticed that Li Juining had the power of the Spirit Aperture Realm after being transformed into a ghost slave, which was more powerful than the original Li Gui. Perhaps this was the benefit of the upgrade of the underworld.

Leng Shiqi thought for a while, this ghost slave is no longer suitable to be called Li Juoning, "Since you were good at sound killing during your lifetime, then you should be called the sound ghost."

"Thank you, Master, for your name." Yin Gui said, his intelligence is higher than when Li Gui was born.

Leng Shiqi dispatched Li Gui and Yingui. He looked up towards the underworld. At the top of the mountain, there was a huge palace called the Hall of Lost Souls.

All the dead who come to the underworld will be judged here. According to the sins and accumulated merits you have committed during your lifetime, you can decide which of the six reincarnations you will invest in in the next life.

As Leng Shiqi was thinking, his figure had appeared in front of the gate of the Ecstasy Hall in an instant. This was also a function after the Hades upgraded, moving instantly!

As the lord of the underworld, he can move at will in the underworld, and he can reach directly no matter how far away. This is his privilege as the lord of the underworld!

Leng Shiqi was standing in front of the Hall of Ecstasy, and now there were scattered souls here, but they all stopped at the door.

He estimated that it would be possible to open the gate of the Hall of Ecstasy and let these souls in after the next Hades upgrade.

Leng Shiqi was still very curious about what would happen to the soul after experiencing the Hall of Ecstasy. Now that he thought of the Underworld upgrade, he immediately came to the capital city not far away.

The gate of Fengdu City was still closed, and Leng Shiqi stepped forward and immediately saw the conditions for Hades to upgrade again.

"The current level of the Hades territory: Tier 3."

"The Hades Territory Upgrade Conditions:

1. Recruit three members of Hades, 0/3.

2. Collect two senior souls, 0/2.

3. 40,000 system coins. "

Seeing these three conditions, I was not too surprised by the first and third Leng Shiqi.

The recruitment of members needs to continue, and Leng Shiqi already has a preliminary candidate in his heart. As for the system currency, it was what he expected. Anyway, he now has more resources and can still afford it.

What surprised Leng Shiqi was the second condition!

In the past, he was asked to absorb some souls, but this time he became a high-level soul?

So what is an advanced soul?

In the past, the underworld upgrades required thousands of souls, but this time there are only two. Just judging from this number, you know that advanced souls are by no means easy!

Leng Shiqi suddenly thought of Li Gui and Yingui, "Couldn't the soul of a spiritual practitioner in the Unity of Heaven and Man be considered a high-level soul?"

If this is the case, it will cause him a headache. Even though he has killed two great masters of the Unity of Heaven and Man so far, it has been extremely difficult every time, and he almost lost his life!

If he waits until he can kill the Heaven and Human Unity Realm, I'm afraid there will still be some distance to go. However, it is not entirely impossible. After a battle with Li Juoning, Leng Seventeen's spiritual power cultivation base has been one step closer, and the use of all spiritual skills has become more handy.

Especially the power and characteristics of Zhou Tianxing Divine Gang made Leng Shiqi very satisfied. The ability to claim that space isolates heaven and earth spiritual power can be said to be the nemesis of the unity of heaven and man!

The most powerful part of the Harmony of Heaven and Man is to mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Zhou Tianxing Divine Gang can directly isolate the spiritual power of heaven and earth from the outside world, so the Harmony of Heaven and Man only has a deeper spiritual advantage in front of him.

But the problem is that Zhou Tian Xing Shen Gang is unique to the Star Clan. If Leng Shiqi can kill the opponent, once he uses Zhou Tian Xing Shen Gang but does not kill the opponent, but is recognized, then he Will usher in a murderous disaster!

So now he needs not only the hole cards to save his life, but also the hole cards to kill the enemy!

He thought of this, and suddenly thought that he had used a challenge card, the task was to kill a spiritual practitioner in the Unity of Heaven and Man. He should have completed the task of the challenge card even if he killed Li Juening, and the reward for completing it was a chance to present a top prize draw.

He opened the system's lottery interface, and as expected there was a "top lottery" option.

Before Cold Seventeen, he also got top prizes in the unlimited lottery. For example, the skill of destiny was the top prize, and it was also a means for him to travel thousands of miles a day.

So he is still looking forward to this top prize draw.

Leng pressed the lottery button at 17 o'clock, Guanghua flashed, and a very strange sword appeared before his eyes!

The reason why this sword is said to be strange is that there is only a sword shadow exuding a dazzling brilliance in front of Leng Shiqi's body, and it has no entity!

"Congratulations to the host for winning the top prize: Excalibur Zhaoming (consumable)."

"Excalibur Zhaoming?" Leng Shiqi looked at the name of this sword, and he began to search his memory.

This sword seems to come from a game world called "Ancient Sword" from a previous life. It is said that when the sword was cast, the three realms vibrated and the brilliance of the three worlds was shaken, hence the name.

Leng Shishi recalled the information about Excalibur Zhaoming~www.ltnovel.com~ His eyes shrank suddenly. If he remembers correctly, the greatest characteristic of Excalibur Zhaoming is to cut everything in the world. Spiritual connection!

We must know that in this world, whether it is a spiritual practitioner or a common spiritual practitioner, the spiritual skills used are based on spiritual power.

If he mastered this divine sword Zhaoming, wouldn't anyone be equivalent to an ordinary person in front of him? !

And those top sects, the three dynasties, including the hermit family, are guarded by large and small formations. As long as Leng Shiqi holds this sword, he can easily smash all formation barriers!

Whether it's fighting against spiritual practitioners or attacking sects, this is a genuine artifact!

Perhaps this sword also contains some powerful laws of heaven and earth.

It is a pity that the Zhaoming Divine Sword he drew is only a consumable, that is, it can only be used once.

However, Leng Shiqi was not greedy enough. According to the system's rating, Shenjian Zhaoming must be attributed to the god-level prize. And his draw this time is the top lottery, and it is already a big profit to get the one-time Zhaoming Sword.

Leng Shiqi held the sword shadow, and then the sword shadow fell directly into his arm.

He opened his sleeves and saw that there was an extra sword-shaped mark on his wrist. As long as he activated it, he could activate the Zhaoming Sword!

Leng Shiqi put a mustard seed bracelet on his wrist to cover up the mark, and then continued to practice and heal his injuries on the spot.

In this way, he just stayed in the underworld for more than ten days, and stopped until his strength recovered 80 to 90%.

Leng Shiqi opened his eyes, and a few sharp cold light flashed in them, "It's time to find the person who leaked my whereabouts."


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