I Fix The System Law

Chapter 642: Graduation


Li Juoning couldn't help but sprayed out a big mouthful of blood. He looked at the corpse of Leng Shiqi who had been cut in half and was still a little worried. He resisted his injury and felt the breath of Leng Shiqi again. After he confirmed that Leng Shiqi's breath had completely dissipated, he secretly relaxed.

Finally killed him!

Before the interception of Leng Seventeen, Li Juoning never expected that killing a mid-spiritual realm would be so difficult. He prepared ice silk clothes and treasures that ignored illusion. In this case, he also used his life-saving trump card. , This is worth killing Leng Shiqi.

The battle he thought could be solved with only a few tricks, actually forced him to burn his blood, and used the trick at the bottom of the box, causing him to suffer serious internal injuries!

He couldn't imagine. If he didn't have the ice silk clothes and the magic weapon to resist illusion, could he kill Leng Shiqi?

After Li Juoning thinks about it carefully, he really may not be able to do it!

"Fortunately, this time I have prepared very well. No wonder Li Juecheng takes him so seriously. The lion fights the rabbit as much as possible, and I will definitely not despise any opponents in the future...cough!" Li Juoning warned himself, but he suddenly violently Coughed!

Because he is still entangled in karma at the moment. If he was in his heyday, he could still be suppressed, but his combat power is now greatly damaged. He can only take a few pills and adjust his breath on the spot, in an attempt to strip the karma. .

But suddenly, a figure appeared behind him!

"Who?!" Li Juining noticed it in an instant. He turned around abruptly, but saw a person who was shining like hundreds of stars and gems. This person was Leng Shiqi!

"Liu Xingzhi? You, how could you still be alive?!" Li Juining was shocked immediately. He had just confirmed clearly that the breath of Leng Shiqi had completely disappeared, and even his body was cut in half. Can not die?

Li Juoning glanced to the side, and the two corpses of Leng Shiqi had disappeared. At this time, only a straw doll that had been broken in half was lying there!

This is the stand-in doll that Leng Shiqi had bought in the system mall, and could help him withstand a fatal injury!

Leng Shiqi saved his life with the substitute doll, but he did not escape this time, because he found that the substitute doll was not simply resisting the attack, but changed the time when he was about to die!

To be more precise, it is to rewind Leng Shiqi's own time a little bit, and it happens to be back to the state before he used the two styles for a brief moment.

At this time, Leng Seventeen’s spiritual power in his body was still half, and his blood and spiritual power were relatively sufficient, especially when Leng Seventeen saw that Li Juoning had also suffered severe internal injuries and was still entangled in karma. Isn't it the best opportunity to kill Li Jue-ning!

Li Juoning was too late to be horrified. He saw the cold and severe killing intent from Leng Shiqi's eyes. He knew that there can only be one person alive today.

"Although I don't know what method you used to escape, since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!" Li Juoning said viciously, but Leng Shiqi ignored him.

Li Juoning only noticed that Leng Shiqi’s eyes had turned into two colors of gold and silver at some point. In addition to killing intent, there was also a sense of indifference. Looking at Li Juoning was like looking at a stone on the roadside Like that.

Leng Shiqi used the avatar doll to escape the catastrophe, but he himself has indeed experienced life and death once, and even the horror of death is still in his heart.

The so-called not breaking and not standing, he has regained a new life through time backwards, and he has also entered an extremely mysterious state.

Leng Shiqi's arms stretched out, and the three hundred and sixty spiritual orifices in his body became more and more radiant, including the mysterious star map depicted on him. Immediately afterwards, he saw the starry light circling around him, streamers bursting out, and the sky went dark in an instant, but the bright sunny sky suddenly turned into a starry sky!

At the same time, star pictures flew out of Leng Shiqi, the star rivers turned, the nebula changed, and this space suddenly became a starry universe!

Zhou Tian Xing Shen Gang!

Li Juoning stared at all this in a daze. As a master of the Harmony of Heaven and Man, he shouldn't have been in this state, but he couldn't sense the spiritual power of heaven and earth anymore, as if he was no longer there. The original world.

How can this not make him shocked!

The strongest convenience of the Harmony of Heaven and Man is that he can use the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Now he has completely lost this dependence, and he is injured in his own body. Now he can only display the combat power of the late Linggang realm. That's it.

This kind of combat power is also a rare master in peacetime, but if you want to kill Leng Seventeen again with this kind of combat power, Li Juoning has no bottom in his heart!

A hint of earthy yellow flashed in the cold seventeen gold and silver eyes. Suddenly, the stars in the entire starry sky turned into earthy yellow, looking like countless Saturns.

Immediately after bursts of strange energy shed, this force actually contained both gravity and anti-gravity!

Leng Shiqi stepped lightly, and his body floated slowly. He stood in the air and looked down at Li Juoning. With a thought, Zhou Tian's stars continued to flicker, and the extremely powerful gravity suddenly appeared. The earth seemed to groan.

Then Li Juining was pressed down by the infinite gravity, and was immediately pressed to the ground. Now he can't move, even with a blink of an eyelid!

All the blood in his body is stagnant, and his bones are on the verge of breaking down at any time. If this continues, it will not take long before he will be crushed!

Li Juining finally started to be afraid, he had already felt the breath of death, and he said in amazement, "This, what is this?!"

He couldn't understand, if Leng Shiqi had such methods, why didn't he use them in the first place? Have to wait until now?

In fact, Leng Shiqi was completely following his heart, and he himself didn't know that he had such an ability!

Of course, Li Juning couldn't just wait for death. He opened his mouth with difficulty, and gently exhaled a syllable, "Ji."

Immediately, a faint sound wave radiated out, seemingly inconspicuous, but wherever the sound wave spreads, all gravity returns to heaven and earth and no longer exists!

This is a secret method that Li Juoning got from ancient times. According to legend, it is enough to cultivate to the realm of Dzogchen ~ www.ltnovel.com~ enough to return everything in the world to the original. He has only learned a bit of fur after cultivating for more than ten years, but this fur has become his biggest trump card and killer!

However, the price of this trick is also very high. Then Li Juoning's body is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. This secret method is overdrawing his life!

The sound wave cleared away, and a small area was propped up in Leng Seventeen's Zhoutian Star Map. Li Juoning had to escape from gravity.

That's right, he is a master-level master in the Harmony of Heaven and Man. He is here to intercept Leng Shiqi, but now he wants to escape!

Because he doesn't want to die!

But how could Leng Shiqi let him go?

Cold Seventeen hands folded together, the boundless sacred Buddha light suddenly appeared in the star map, and huge buddha lotus blossoms suddenly appeared. At the same time, countless stars in the star map instantly gathered and formed under a ray of Buddha light. A giant palm shadow covering the sky!

Buddha's Palm!

The shadow of the palm fell slowly, and every inch of the drop seemed to make the world tremble slightly!

Li Juoning was frightened, but he did not dare to stop, even if he knew that he had little hope of running away, he still had a hint of illusion in his heart.

At this moment, the earthy yellow brilliance flashed, and under the extreme gravity, it was like pushing a palm shadow behind the back, and the palm of the Tathagata instantly fell. What ancient mystery, what strange sound waves, are all shattered like paper under the palm of the Tathagata!

The palm of the Tathagata Destroyed all Li Juining's methods like a ruin, a fall, the gods and demons retreat, I am boundless!

The astounding Buddha's light shone thousands of miles away. When the Buddha's light dissipated, there was only a palm print as large as a few miles on the ground, and nothing else.

Li Juining, a master-level master of the unity of nature and man, death!


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