I Fix The System Law

Chapter 641: Buddha·Emergency

Li Juoning vowed to kill Leng Shiqi. Similarly, Leng Shiqi was also unreasonable and unforgiving. It was in his expectation that You Long Taixu could not kill Li Juoning. The long-lost blood-stained star demon sword came out of its sheath, and suddenly the devilish energy rose and the evil energy soared into the sky, and part of the ghost energy was still contained in it.

The blood-stained star magic knife trembles constantly in Leng Shiqi's hands, and it hums with excitement. Leng Shiqi can clearly feel the excitement of Qi Ling. It was the first time since he got the blood-stained star magic sword out of its sheath, and he had been holding the sword all these hours, which was considered to be broken.

In Li Juining's eyes, he did not expect Leng Shiqi to possess such a terrifying evil spirit. He could hardly imagine how many lives were contaminated by Leng Shiqi's hands!

In fact, Li Juoning still misunderstood Leng Shiqi. Although Leng Shiqi had killed a lot of people along the way, he didn't condense this almost substantive evil spirit.

It is mainly his passive skill of "Curse of Hell", which will absorb a certain degree of evil spirit while absorbing the remnant soul.

If this were an ordinary person, he would have been swallowed back by evil spirits and turned into a lunatic who only knew killing. Sooner or later, he would die in the siege of many spiritual practitioners.

But Leng Shiqi himself had cultivated the Blood Killing Seven Evil Art, able to transport the evil spirits for his own use.

What's more, Leng Shiqi's spiritual power is so powerful that he has already condensed the soul, and coupled with his body with the red golden dragon flames and Buddhist techniques, it is easy to suppress the evil spirits.

The violent power of the evil spirit was tossing endlessly, and the cold seventeen horizontal swords stood up, and the turbulent power of the evil spirit seemed to form a phantom of the evil spirit and also held the magic knife.

Leng Shiqi slashed, and the Demon God phantom behind him also slashed, and suddenly a light of the sword appeared, as if it could smash everything!

Devil, short-lived!

Li Juining never thought that he would fall into a passive beating situation, but he did not believe that Leng Shiqi's cultivation base in the middle of the Linggang realm could use one after another with extremely powerful spiritual power. So he decided to be more safe and defensive, as long as Leng Shiqi's spiritual power loses, he can only be slaughtered.

He took out the big drum again, and the sound waves gathered around him to form an invisible sound barrier.


Before the magic blade was completely close to Li Juening, it was constantly shaken by the sound barrier, and signs of collapse appeared at the edge of the magic blade!

Leng Shiqi's whole body's spiritual power surged wildly, and the magic blade slammed down, but when he heard a loud "ding" sound, the sky-reaching magic blade was actually bounced away!

Leng Shiqi's eyes shrank slightly, and Li Juoning's invisible sound barrier had an effect similar to that of the pulsation of the earth, allowing him to accumulate all the power of the demon in a flash that had almost no effect.

The reason why he didn't use God Flash in the blink of an eye was because he knew that Li Juoning had a treasure that could block illusion, so the effect of the God Flash in the Soul Slash would be greatly reduced.

However, Li Jue-ning could not be hurt by the magic blade of short-lived violence!

"Hahaha." Li Juoning sneered. He looked at Leng Shiqi's visibly collapsed look, and said: "The stronger your offensive, the stronger my sound barrier. How about it? I don't have any spiritual power.

I think you are still alive this time? ! "

Li Juoning was preparing to kill Leng Shiqi, but he did not know that Leng Shiqi was also trying to figure out what Li Juening said. Suddenly, he was very happy.

Leng Shiqi's sword posture changed, the evil spirit and devilish energy in his body suddenly disappeared, and the savage and violent sword posture became extremely slow. At the same time, the Buddha's light behind Leng Shiqi was prosperous, and he cut it down with a single knife. There was no killing intent in the knife's intent, but the sutra contained endless power for life!

This is the compassionate sword technique taught to him by Tuden, the sword cuts the bodhi, exterminates evil, and saves the world.

Buddha, a flash in the pan!

Buddha Yao sentient beings, this bizarre blade light fell, ignoring Li Jue-ning’s body-protecting sound barrier, and slashed directly on Li Jue-ning’s astonished eyes!

Your sound barrier can block most of the attacks, the stronger the attack, the more shocked you will be, but the Buddha has no intention of killing in a flash, not to kill you, but to save you!

The power of the compassionate Buddha's light envelops Li Jue-ning. As a realm of harmony between man and nature, he is also stained with a lot of blood and cause and effect on the path of spiritual practice. Under the influence of the power of crossing the world, his whole body is ablaze. Karma is coming.

Li Juining suddenly felt like he was falling into a boundless hell, and there was a burst of pain from all over his body. The terrible thing was that this kind of pain did not come directly from the body, but from his mind and soul!

Even his soul began to burn!

Li Juoning hugged his head and wailed, his body and soul were being punished by cause and effect, but his eyes became increasingly fierce. His eyes have become blood red, and there is only endless killing intent. Even if he is tortured, he will kill Leng Shiqi first!

Leng Shiqi has successively used You Long Taixu and the two styles in a flash. Now there are less than 20% spiritual power left, and the blood and spiritual power in the body are also consumed. www.ltnovel.com~ If Li Juoning shoots again, He might really die here.

At this point, his only chance was the secret method recorded in the Zhoutian Star God Jue, the Starfall Art.

This star and meteor technique can make Leng Shiqi burst out of superb power in a short time, and the price is to permanently lose a most advanced chaotic star!

Judging from his current cultivation base at the fourth level of the Linggang realm, it is equivalent to sacrificing his current cultivation base and falling to the third level of the Linggang realm.

This is not only a gap between the first level, but also a huge gap between the middle and early Linggang realms!

Cultivation is not easy, who wants to lose his own cultivation?

But this cultivation base is still not that important in the face of life and death, as long as you are alive, after some time, the cultivation base can still be cultivated back. But if there is no life, what about peace and cultivation?

In Leng Shiqi's spirit star sea, his mental power has already locked a fourth-order star, and he can use the technique of star meteor to desperately at any time.

At this time, Li Juoning was full of blood, and in order to resist the burning of karma, he had to start burning his own blood.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as he pointed out, the spiritual power between heaven and earth gathered frantically, and that finger seemed to directly break through the space, and a very thin thread was drawn in the air and shot at Leng Shiqi!

Leng Shiqi was already preparing to use the Starfall Art, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered something.

Immediately, he showed a panicked look. He seemed to want to struggle to escape, but his speed was far less than the black silk thread. But seeing the silk line passing, the legs below Leng Shiqi's waist were still running forward, and the upper body had fallen to the ground!

Cold seventeen, death!


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