I Fix The System Law

Chapter 598: Unlimited 10 consecutive draws

   I saw bursts of streamers flickering, and Leng Shiqi’s prize was quickly drawn out.

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the primary prize: primary booster."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the primary prize: Heavy hit."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: Tier 5 Spirit Skill, Drunken Eight Immortal Stick Technique."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the intermediate prize: basic alchemy."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the primary prize: exquisite dagger."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the primary prize: a handkerchief with Yuxiang."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the premium prize: Granite Shield."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the Intermediate Prize: Call of the Skeleton."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the Intermediate Prize: Tier 4 Spirit Tool, Realgar Double Blade."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: Tier 6 Spirit Skill, Sword Fury and Furious Flower."

   Seeing the results of these ten infinite draws, there is only one word left in Leng Shiqi's mind, that is, loss!

  Blood loss!

   Except for the three premium prizes, what are the other crooked melons? !

   It can be said that he lost a full seven thousand system currency at once. Even though he is now rich in wealth, the loss of seven thousand system currency still made him feel distressed.

   And among the three high-level prizes, there is also a Tier 5 spiritual skill, the Drunken Eight Immortal Stick Technique.

   Leng Shiqi is vaguely impressed, this seems to be the same as Da Guangquan, one of Shaolin's 72 stunts. But this drunk eight immortal stick method is very unpopular. To fully use the power of this stick method, you must be half drunk and half awake, but everyone knows that monks are not drunk, so this spiritual skill is very cold.

   But he remembered the drunk life and dreams he had just drawn. If he drank two sips of wine and played with the drunk eight immortal stick, it might have some effect. It's a pity that this spirit skill is only Tier 5, which is still somewhat low for the current Leng Seventeen.

Another sixth-order spiritual skill, "Sword Fury and Crazy Flower", is very appetizing of Leng Shiqi. This is a skill from a game world. The sword aura surging from the practice to Dzogchen is like a flower blooming layers. Stack is not only amazing in power, but it also fits well with the glamorous eyes of chaotic flowers!

   The trick of chaos flowers gradually becoming charming eyes is Leng Shiqi's first trick that he has understood, and he is constantly strengthening this trick as his strength continues to grow. For example, some time ago, he incorporated Xing Jue Sword Qi into it. He originally planned to integrate the Five Gods Illusion Body Art, but he has not succeeded yet.

   just now there is another sword rage crazy flower, he believes that if all these can be incorporated, the chaotic flower will gradually increase its power!

   As for the last premium prize, "Granite Shield", it also comes from a game world and is a passive skill of "Lava Behemoth".

   Leng Shiqi also drew a passive skill before, which is the curse of hell.

   Until now, **** curse has increased his mental power and physical strength a lot, and he also guessed that the souls in the underworld may also be related to this passive skill.

   So don’t look at passive skills, they will have miraculous effects!

   This passive skill can provide a layer of shield for Leng Seventeen. As for the thickness of the shield, it is related to his own body strength. The higher your body strength, the stronger the shield!

Leng Seventeen immediately learned this skill, because it is a passive skill without any level, he also knows the specific value of this skill, the granite shield can provide him with a body equivalent to 50% of the body surface defense. Armor.

   That is, when Leng Shiqi receives damage, he must first crush his granite shield before he can really hurt his body.

   This value is somewhat different from the game. Leng Shiqi remembers to increase the blood volume, but it is really difficult to calculate the blood volume in this real world.

   Then Leng Shiqi noticed that there was indeed a very thin layer of armor that fits every inch of his skin, and it was still transparent, which looked no different from his usual.

   Leng Shishi clenched his fists, and found that the granite shield did not affect his movements, so he was very satisfied. This is equivalent to adding a layer of protection to him. If he is attacked by others, this granite shield will play a very important role!

   After reading all the prizes, if Leng Shiqi is to give an evaluation, it is to take good care of the property and stay away from the lottery!

   He smashed a total of 20,000 system coins, but the things he got were far less worth the price. Even if it was ten high-level draws, half of it was useless. After all, he lost half of his extremely arrogant 20 consecutive draws this time!

   Seeing that there were only more than 20,000 system coins left, Leng Shichi made up his mind that he would never draw a lottery again until there was no new lottery option!

   Instead of using these system coins to gamble on luck, it’s better to use something more practical, such as cultivating pets.

   He immediately opened the pet space, and checked that the Gu King's advanced level had reached 88%. With a rough calculation, it would take about half a month to advance successfully.

   But the current Leng Seventeen is rich, so I wanted to try the effect of the advanced pill. He bought an intermediate advanced pill from the pet store for 2000 system coins and gave it to King Gu.

   I saw the Gu King's whole body began to flash with a faint multicolored light, and his body slowly floated up. Upon closer inspection, one could find that there was a pair of small wings growing behind it!

   After a few breaths, the colorful light flashed, and King Gu flew out of the pet space by himself. It flew around Leng Shiqi a few times, and finally landed on his hand.

  And King Gu is already a Tier 5 monster at this moment! It can be compared to the existence of a master in Linggang realm!

   It's just that Gu King is not a fighting monster, and it doesn't have a strong combat power. It is more of an auxiliary ability.

   Cold Seventeen used the system to check the information about the King Gu~www.ltnovel.com~ and found that in addition to the abilities of Kaihua, Spirit Devouring, and Flying, there are two more abilities, one is poison curse.

   This Gu King came from Princess Kahlo who smelted countless gu worms. It was already very toxic, and it was a mixture of multiple toxins. It's just that Cold Seventeen and more used the Gu King to transform it into armor before. This aspect has hardly been used.

The poisonous curse can be used by Leng Shiqi after the armor is transformed. The use of the poisonous curse is very flexible. It can be planted in the human body to make life worse than dead, or it can release poisonous fog, poisonous clouds and other restrictive enemies. It is also a good ability.

   But if you say it is strong, it is not strong.

  Because Leng Shiqi’s current opponents are basically masters in the Linggang realm, with the Linggang body, the effect of poison has dropped a lot.

   Another ability is that it possesses a powerful concealment technique. If Leng Shiqi is not able to find the trace of King Gu without applying the white eyes!

   With this kind of ability, coupled with the intelligence that the fifth-order Gu King has turned on a little, it will be very convenient to listen to information in the future.

   Of course, what Leng Shiqi is more concerned about is the power enhancement and various peculiar abilities that Tier 5 Gu King brought to him after his armoring!

   Then he bought a few more pet experience pills and fed them to King Gu, then put it back into the pet space, and instead summoned the four-legged gold swallowing beast.


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