I Fix The System Law

Chapter 597: Advanced 10 consecutive draws

  Since the treasure house cannot be opened, Leng Shiqi is also a bit disappointed. Li Changtao only has such a huge amount of resources in the mustard bracelet, so there will only be more resources in the treasure house!

   He waved his hand to signal Xiang Zhicheng to retreat. He first used the sound transmission array here to present information to Father Gao, and then found a secret room and sat down cross-legged.

   Leng Shiqi is still sorting out his various resources. He divides all resources into two major categories.

   is something he is useful or likely to use, these take up the bulk.

   There is also a small part of resources that he definitely can't use. He directly sold all these resources to the system, and his system currency instantly skyrocketed to more than 40,000!

   Cold Seventeen has never had so many system coins since he got the system. Perhaps all his previous system coins may not add up to more than 40,000. This made him more and more aware of the importance of strength and identity.

   Since I have more than 40,000 system coins in my hand, of course, I have to exchange these system coins for power.

  He made a simple plan and planned to conduct ten high-level draws and ten unlimited draws!

   The resources that can be drawn in the advanced lottery are basically Tier 5 or Tier 6. Although Leng Shiqi is not lacking now, the system draws things from other worlds, and he is somewhat expected.

   Infinite lottery and advanced lottery consume 1,000 system coins, but the upper limit of the infinite lottery is very high. Anyway, he is rich and he can give it a try.

   As for the remaining more than 20,000 system coins, Leng Shiqi prepared to train the Gu King and the four-legged gold swallowing beast on a large scale, and then reserve some system coins for backup.

   After making a plan, Leng Seventeen immediately opened the lottery page. In order to stabilize his mind, he first chose the advanced lottery option and pressed it ten times!

   Then a pair of strange things appeared in front of him, and at the same time a system prompt came.

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: 100 poisons do not invade the body."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the premium prize: premium challenge card."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the premium prize: clavicle hook."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: Tier 6 spiritual skills, double flying fire."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the premium prize: Zui Sheng Meng Di."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: the fifth-order quality and the first-class skill."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: Fengfei Sycamore wood."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: ethereal chessboard."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the premium prize: Xiuyun Poison Needle."

   "Congratulations to the host for winning the high-level prize: the fifth-order exercise "Kuangsha Gong"."

   Cold Seventeen began to check these prizes one by one. First of all, 100 poisonous non-invasive physical fitness is something similar to talent, which can make him basically immune to toxins.

   But from Leng Shiqi's point of view, it is a bit tasteless, because his own physical strength is already very strong, and he also raises some gu worms in his body, so general poisons have long been effective for him.

   Then he picked up a lavender card in front of him, which was the advanced challenge card. With a light turn of the spiritual power in his body, the challenge card immediately turned into a line of words: "Challenge task: kill a spiritual practitioner in the Unity of Heaven and Man.

   Reward: A top prize draw. "

   Seeing this challenge mission, Leng Shiqi almost yelled at him!

   If he got this challenge card a few days earlier, he would be able to complete it directly. Now he is going to kill the great master of the Unity of Heaven and Man again. Where can he go to kill?

   You have to know that there are many reasons why Leng Shiqi can kill Li Changtao.

   First of all, Li Changtao himself belongs to the bottom of the realm of Harmony of Heaven and Man. Even if he possesses the Shifang Snow Spear, he cannot display the real strength of Harmony of Heaven and Man.

  Secondly, Li Changtao broke through the door under the star point mineral vein, and fought fiercely with the statue for a while, consuming a lot of spiritual power. Under this circumstance, Leng Seventeen and the six Linggang Realm teamed up sneak attacks and they were all resolved!

   Later, everyone even exhausted their hole cards before killing it. It can be seen that the union of heaven and man is indeed terrifying!

   And now he got a challenge card and had to kill the Heaven and Human One Realm, which made Leng Shiqi feel a headache.

   Fortunately, there is no time limit for this challenge task. The big deal is to wait for him to become stronger before doing the task.

   Leng Shiqi continued to look at the prize, and picked up a strange-shaped weapon from the ground, the clavicle hook.

   The front of the clavicle hook is an extremely curved hook with a very sharp tip, and there are many weird rills on it. There was a long chain attached to the back, and the one held in his hand felt like an angel of hell.

   The rank of this thing is not low, it has six ranks, but cold seventeen can't be used.

   Generally speaking, the more unpopular weapon blades actually have miraculous effects, but in the same way, they must also have matching exercises and spiritual skills to use them freely, so this thing can only be stored first.

   Put away the clavicle hook, Leng Shiqi looked at the next prize, Tier 6 Spirit Skill: Shuangfeihuo!

   Leng Shiqi had no impression of this spiritual skill, and did not know which world it came from, but what made him shine was that it was actually an arrow magic skill!

   This is still the kind of extremely difficult arrow technique. You must fire both arrows at the same time. In fact, there are many people who can do this, and they can even shoot more arrows at the same time.

   But don’t forget, this is a sixth-order spiritual skill, not a random archery, so people who practice this spiritual skill must have strong control.

Leng Shiqi was able to ignore this restriction. With a little surprise, he directly practiced Shuangfeihuo to Dzogchen, and he took out the Linghu Lianhua bow, thinking that the seventh-order bow and arrow were paired with the Dzogchen Shuangfeihu. If What kind of terrifying power would it have after blessing the Dragon Flame on the Red Gold Earth? !

   He can't wait to find someone to shoot now!

   Of course, he still withdrew his thoughts and continued to check the prizes. He picked up a large jar of wine beside him, and the red post on it was written "Drunk Life and Dream of Death".

   It turns out that drunken life dreams of death is a jar of wine.

   Can a jar of wine deserve a premium prize?

   Leng Shiqi gently lifted a corner of the wine jar with a skeptical attitude, and immediately, an unspeakable aroma of wine rushed over his face, and he just inhaled a little, and he felt the whole body soft and ecstatic.

   Cold Seventeen's soul shook, and a pure spiritual force surged wildly, which made him wake up in an instant, and it also surprised him!

   He just smelled it, and it actually made him feel drunk. Who wouldn’t be drunk if he really took a sip?

   Although this Zui Sheng Meng Si is not a precious resource, nor can it increase combat effectiveness, if it is someone who encounters a good drink, then the value of Zui Sheng Meng Si is probably even more precious than the seventh-order treasure!

   Leng Shishi quickly built the wine jar. He couldn't use this thing temporarily, but that doesn't mean that he won't be able to use it in the future. Maybe there is something magical.

   Then he reached out his hand to draw a small group of spiritual energy floating in the air, this is a great skill. However, looking at the system's prompts, this is only equivalent to a sublime skill of a fifth-order spiritual practitioner.

   Leng Shiqi didn’t know how much power this group of spiritual energy contained, if so, just give it a try.

   He opened his mouth and swallowed the spirit energy, and then a majestic and pure spirit power sank into his star sea. At the same time, there is a fourth-order chaotic star and seven third-order stars floating in his spirit star sea. This is the result of his practice during the two months of retreat.

   But at this moment, the stars flashed, and a third-order star formed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

   and three condensed one after another!

   Spiritual Star Sea suddenly trembled ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ten third-order stars attracted each other and merged into the second fourth-order chaotic star, and Leng Seventeen's cultivation base instantly broke through to the second level of Linggang Realm!

   By this time, the aura finally weakened, but in that case, he helped Leng Shiqi condense four third-order stars.

   Cold Seventeen is a rough calculation, the skill of this fifth-order one-Jiazi is equivalent to the spiritual power of his condensing seven third-order stars. From this it can be seen that the fifth-order exercise method and Zhou Tianxing Shenjue, the supreme exercise method, are really the difference between the cloud and mud!

   No wonder many people can set off a **** storm for a high-level exercise.

   And Leng Shiqi also found that his cultivation speed was extremely slow after breaking through the Linggang realm. Even if he swallowed the Tiangang Pill, refined the soul stone, and added the Liangyi Spirit Gathering Array, the progress was still as fast as a turtle.

This is not because he has poor qualifications or too few resources. It is precisely because he has cultivated Zhou Tian Xing Shen Jue, the supreme technique, and the spiritual power and effort he needs to absorb to break through a small realm have to be doubled. of!

   As for the remaining four prizes, except for Xiuyun Feizhen, which is a good hidden weapon, the others are very general, not to mention it.

   After finishing all the prizes, Leng Shiqi clicked on the unlimited lottery on the lottery page again, ten times!


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