I Fix The System Law

Chapter 462: The bait

   Soon after, Leng Shiqi came to a muddy pool.

   There was an old man in clothes sitting there fishing. He only heard a "puff", the old man picked up his fishing rod and caught a **** broken arm!

   Seeing this scene, Leng Shiqi raised his brows, it seems that he has found the right person.

  The old man in Yinyi took the broken arm and said to Leng Shiqi: "Young man, the old man just caught the fish. It's fresh. Would you like to take it back and taste it?"

"Is this again? I'm a little tired of playing." Leng Shiqi shook his head and said. He had encountered similar situations several times before he came here. Of course, there were a few more souls in his mustard bracelet. stone.

   The old man in Yinyi shook his hand, and the fishing rod took the broken arm and shook it directly, suddenly turning into a spear halfway through!

   The spear of destruction seemed to shatter everything. The appearance of this spear was too sudden and too weird, and even stabbed in front of Leng Shiqi, he still hadn't reacted.

   Leng Shiqi was strangled by this shattered gun intent!

   The old man in Yinyi smiled coldly and said, "I caught another big fish today. It's a good harvest, really..."

   But the next moment, his smile froze on his face, because Leng Shiqi's body did not spill blood, but disappeared like smoke!

   "This is illusion? When?!" The old man Yin Yi was taken aback. He didn't see any clues from the beginning to the end, let alone felt the slightest fluctuation of mental power.

   When did the other party cast an illusion, blinding his eyes?

"Tsk tsk, I missed my eyes this time. I have seen ghosts pretending to be adults before, but now I saw people pretending to be ghosts." Leng Shiqi's figure suddenly appeared behind the old man Yin Yi, Mo Yujian Ran There was a layer of blood, and the blood rushed into the sky in a short time, and the sword light formed a sword net and fell.

   The old man in Yinyi shot his spear horizontally, and the pure aura rushed out wildly. There seemed to be beasts roaring in the aura, shattering one after another sword light.

   Leng Shiqi suddenly retracted the sword, and the dark golden brilliance lit up in his palm, and the big handprint of Zhiyang Tongyou appeared in shock, yin and yang reversed, and all the spiritual energy was swept away.

   The old man's complexion suddenly changed. Faced with the great yangtongyou mudra, which had the power of both strong and cold, he was powerless to resist. Now all he can do is escape!

   The aura of his whole body changed, and the clothes on his body instantly collapsed and flew out, revealing his true face and strong body.

   Where is he an old man, he is clearly a young man in his thirties!

   Leng Shishi recalled it in his mind. This person seemed to be in the group of Wood Yao, but he couldn't remember what it was called.

   He said coldly: "I just want to escape now, is it a bit late!"

   The land within a radius of one hundred feet suddenly turned into a piece of mud, and it was covered with sticky cobwebs, which greatly restricted the person's speed!

   The big handprint fell, and the man had to resist it with all his might, only to hear a loud sound like a golden goo. The spear in the man's hand shattered and his body flew out like a broken kite board.

   If talking about the eruption of a single body, this Zhiyangtongyou large mudra is the unique skill of Leng Seventeenth second only to the god·flash. Coupled with the blessing of Leng Seventeen's physical power, it will win so easily.

   But the man was only seriously injured and not yet exasperated. He said in horror: "There is something to say, and something to say! We are all here to participate in the elite meeting, there is no need to fight you to death."

   Leng Shiqi did not pay attention to him. He hadn't thought about it that way when he attacked Leng Shiqi before.

  Cold Seventeenth, the whole body's demonic energy rose, and a magic cloud rose up, and a demon dragon that did not see the head and tail turned through the clouds and spit out the fog. Two ferocious claws of the demon dragon tore the man into two!

   Only one mustard bracelet was picked up by Leng Shiqi. In addition to a large amount of resources, there were actually a full four catties of soul stones and two tokens!

   This also means that at least two people have died in his hands!

   They only entered a total of eighteen people. If you count the green-robed people before, at least four people have fallen by now!

   The competition this time was fiercer than he thought.

   But Leng Shiqi turned to think about it, this person's approach is indeed quite creative.

   He used a secret method to disguise himself as a human being and not a ghost. Even Leng Shiqi was deceived from the beginning. However, most people will try it out first when encountering such a situation, and they will definitely not move the truth right away.

   This also gave this person a good opportunity to make a sneak attack.

   He can kill two people in such a short time, which shows that this method is indeed very useful!

   Leng Shishi touched his chin, and then he thought of the sound of "cracking" in his body, and his body became small and squatted.

   He took out the old man's human skin mask that he had used for a long time and put it on his face. With a thought to his heart, the aspiration technique started working, and the breath on his body became volatile, which made people elusive.

   Finally, he picked up the blood-stained garment on the ground and put it on his body, and started fishing here just like the man before.

   It's a pity that Leng Shiqi didn't seem to be lucky. He waited for a long time and didn't see a single figure. However, he was not in a hurry. Perhaps some people were already trapped in the Five Elements area. He believed that with the abilities of those people, it was not a big problem to come to the Chaos Area.

   Sure enough, the next day, he finally waited for the first "fish"!

   This is a young man in light armor, but his light armor is good for breaking the burn marks. It looks like it came from the area of ​​fire, and there are some injuries on his body.

   The young man was slightly taken aback when he saw Leng Shiqi~www.ltnovel.com~ Then he frowned and looked around, there seemed to be a few brown auras flashing in his eyes.

   What he did was thinking that it was impossible for a fisherman to appear inexplicably here, and he began to wonder if he was in an illusion.


   A sound attracted the attention of the youth. He turned his head and saw that Leng Shiqi had fished out a broken arm from the pool!

   "Young man, the old man just caught the fish, it's fresh, do you want to take it back and taste it?" Leng Shiqi imitated the old man's voice and said.

   The young man listened, but his face was solemn, he hesitated for a few breaths and suddenly the sun smiled, and said: "The junior is just passing by, how dare you ask for something from the old senior?"

   "Old man, I'm in a good mood, so take it for you." After Leng Shiqi said, he threw the broken arm directly.

   The young man dodged subconsciously, but what he didn't expect was that at the moment he dodged, Leng Shiqi's figure also disappeared.

   The next moment, the Demon's War Sword appeared, and a terrifying sword light that was condensed to the extreme fell down!

   It's a flash in the pan!

   The young man was already injured, but now he was caught off guard and was beheaded by Leng Shiqi!

   "I caught another big fish today and it was a good harvest."

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