I Fix The System Law

Chapter 461: Refined Soul Stone

   The boy jumped to Leng Shiqi's side, staring at him with big slick eyes, full of curiosity.

   The boy asked in a whistling voice: "Big brother, do you know what you are eating and drinking?"

   Leng Shiqi looked at the food and drink on the table, and said, "Of course you know, but you have this skill? Are there any other methods?

   Still saying that very few people have been able to do this for so long, so you don’t have any preparations. "

   The boy's expression instantly became extremely cold. The original innocent eyes were also covered with a layer of infiltrating gray mist. All the surrounding villagers also reduced their smiles, staring coldly at Leng Shiqi.

If it is an ordinary person, under this environment and atmosphere, I am afraid that my legs are weakened by fright, but Leng Shiqi smiled coldly, "Why, if I say it is broken, I will kill you? The method you use is to make me Lost here, became a lunatic, and finally forced himself to death.

   I have to say that your methods are indeed very clever. This is a bit like illusion but detached from illusion. No matter how strong the mental power is, it is useless, but it will sink deeper.

   So if you want to break the game, if you want to kill you, what you need is not strength, but mood! "

   At this point, Leng Shiqi lightly flicked, and a burst of translucent ripples rippled out, and all the scenes where the ripples went were turned into nothingness.

   Including the old man, the strong man, the tables of banquets and the houses disappeared.

   In the end, only a half-human bizarre monster remained in front of Leng Shiqi's eyes. This thing resembled an irregular cloud of smoke, just floating in front of Leng Shishi.

   At this time, the hollow eyes of the monster showed a boundless surprise, "You, how can you break my illusion!"

   "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Leng Shiqi said without emotion, and then held up his palm with a knife, Mie Shen Zhan Void Sword slashed and attacked the monster's soul.

The monster seemed to have no entity, and it was difficult to deal with at first, but the God Slashing Void Sword precisely targeted this kind of creature. The monster was instantly cut in half and returned to chaos in the screams, leaving only a fist-sized piece. Spar, that is the soul stone.

   Leng Shiqi weighed the soul stone twice in his hand. This soul stone does not look small, but the weight is only about three or four. Immediately he compared the soul stones obtained by killing the stone monsters before, and found that the large soul stones seemed to be much more refined.

   The sum of the two is half a catty, which is worth half a token.

   "The harvest is not bad." Leng Shichi murmured.

   But at this moment the voice of Jiuli suddenly appeared!

   "Hey, this is the smell of the soul..."

   Hearing these words, Leng Shiqi was shocked, "Senior Jiu Li, are you awake?"

   "No, I haven't completed the advanced stage yet, now it's just a ray of my consciousness, attracted by the breath of the soul."

   Leng Seventeen Secret Path is so, but listening to what Jiuli means, this soul stone actually contains the power of the soul!

   "This thing can directly increase the strength of the soul after refining, and help me collect some. As for the reward, I will talk about it after I fully wake up." Jiu Li continued, but her voice sounded a little weak.

   "Okay, but Senior Jiu Li, how should this thing be refined?"

   "Just eat it."

   Cold Seventeen: "..."

have eaten?

   Jiuli is a demon beast, so it’s nothing more than to eat it, but can it be eaten directly in cold seventeen?

   However, when Leng Shiqi asked again, he couldn't get Jiuli's answer.

   Leng Shiqi pinched this soul stone to his mouth, and suddenly there was a foul smell, which was really hard to swallow.

   He quickly held his breath, thinking that he had eaten any disgusting things in that illusion anyway, and that was nothing.

   He was cruel, opened his mouth and swallowed the soul stone!

   Immediately, he felt a strange force penetrated into his brain, as if a pair of gentle hands were calming his soul, giving him a feeling of airiness, and then his mental power also increased a bit.

   Leng Seventeen carefully realized that the mental power increased by such a small piece of soul stone is comparable to the one he refined for half a month!

   He muttered with joy on his face: "This soul stone is really a good thing! No wonder even Jiuli is greedy!"

   Of course, although this thing is a good thing, if you want to get a soul stone, you have to get it first.

   Cold Seventeen From the soil area to the wood area, and then here, the danger experienced is extremely high.

   Just like the strange monster just now, if it weren't for his extraordinary ambition, I am afraid he would have lost himself.

   Then again, if he wants to refine soul stones by himself to increase his mental power, and he has to collect some for Jiuli, then how can he pass the test?

   You must know that Lei Muyan once said that the top five people with the most soul stones and tokens can pass the test.

   So now Cold Seventeen needs a lot of soul stones, a lot of soul stones!

   Leng Shishi looked around and chose a direction to move on!

   At the same time, on the other side of the Chaos Zone, there is a thick and boundless sea of ​​blood.

   An exquisite body stands proudly in the center of the blood sea, it is Gu San!

  At this moment, the blood sea around Gusan congealed **** spears into her body fiercely!

   Then the scarlet spear disappeared, but a spear appeared again from another angle.

   Now, there are dozens of blood holes in Gu San's body!

   The blood in her whole body gurgled out, but her expression was extremely tough and indifferent!

   Her eyes are as bright as gems, and they reveal a cold color, "Is there only this ability, only this bit of pain and fear?

   is not enough, not enough!

   The pain I have endured is far beyond your imagination! "

   Bone San roared like a madman, and she pointed it into a sword, and a translucent blood sword was condensed in the void. The blood sword was cut down, and it directly tore the sea of ​​blood and hooked out a monster that has always been like an octopus!

The sword light flashed, and the monster's head was suddenly different. A pile of soft flesh was still squirming on the ground, and the surrounding blood sea disappeared, even the wounds and blood on Gu San's body disappeared. Up!

  If Leng Shiqi was present, he would definitely recognize it, again by this method.

   is similar to illusion, but the level is higher than illusion!

  Bone broke three rounds~www.ltnovel.com~ Her wounds are fake, but if she didn’t break, those wounds are real!


   In a gloomy wasteland, a group of monsters with only one mouth are devouring a body, and that body is finally left with a skeleton.

   However, there is still a faint yellow light shining in this skeleton, "Eat, eat, no chance if you don't eat."

   Soon, this skeleton turned into fleshy bones, and instantly turned into a thin middle-aged man, he was Wood Yao!

   Wood Yao waved his hands, but there was no aura. The ground suddenly turned upside down, and the land was all surging like ocean waves. In just a few breaths, the human-eating monsters were buried here forever.


   In a magnificent palace, more than a dozen young girls are dancing gracefully, and a few people are sitting around a young man with a jade face, their ears and temples rubbed together, touching and touching.

   And the young man's eyes didn't move at all, on the contrary, they were full of disdainful killing intent.

   "Just rely on this kind of goods to tease this young master, get out!"

   Immediately afterwards, the young man stretched out his five fingers, the starlight dotted on his palm, the infinite stars shining through the palace, and those girls were all turned into fly ash.

   This young man is Zhuge Puhe!


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