I Fix The System Law

Chapter 444: Attack on Extreme Volcano Village

   But at this moment, a disciple of Jihuoshanzhuang suddenly pushed open the door, his face full of panic.

   Zhu Huorong couldn't help but scolded: "What kind of demeanor is it to be in a panic! Besides, we are now discussing matters, who let you in without permission?"

   The disciple hurriedly said: "The owner and the elder are not good! The people from Shuangji Shanzhai are about to hit the door!"

   Zhu Huorong and He Hou were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed another panic.

   How come here so fast!

   But Zhu Huorong is also the owner of the house, anyone can panic, but he can't, he waved his hand, "Go, go out and have a look."

  At this time, thousands of disciples of Bipolar Shanzhai gathered at the gate of Jihuoshan Village, all with a sense of solemnity.

   Zhu Huorong walked to the door with a group of disciples. The moment he saw Xiao Jingwu he shouted: "Xiao Jingwu! You indulge the disciples to kill my son. I haven't gotten your revenge yet, but you dare to trouble me!"

   Xiao Jingwu is also very ruthless, he said viciously: "Huh, let's talk nonsense, there will be a battle between us sooner or later, today it is either you or I!

kill! "

   He gave an order, then slapped both palms, and the majestic extremely cold Linggang directly smashed the gate of Jihuoshan Village!

   Thousands of disciples swarmed up immediately with red eyes!

   Zhu Huorong never thought that Xiao Jingwu would start a fight without saying a word. Isn't he really afraid of breaking the net? Who gave him the confidence?

   However, he didn't have time to worry about it at this time, because Xiao Jingwu had already killed him!

   At the same time, Hao Yushan also found Hehou.

   The four Linggang realm masters played against each other, and suddenly, within a radius of hundreds of feet, they were filled with bursting Linggang, making people afraid to take a step closer.

   The remaining people are kings against kings and generals, and the battle of thousands of people kicks off. The killing sound shook the sky in an instant, and the blood was overflowing.

   And among them, the fiercest battle situation is the battle between the masters of the spiritual aperture of both sides.

   There are thirteen masters in the Spiritual Aperture Realm of Bipolar Shanzhai, which is five more than those of Jihuoshan Village! So once they played, they had a great advantage.

   However, the Spirit Aperture Realm is a Spirit Aperture Realm after all. Even though the Extreme Volcano Village is at a disadvantage, it is not easy to kill them in a short time.

   But at this time, fourteen figures came to this battlefield quietly. Since the people in Jihuoshan Zhuang were in a bitter battle and had no time to be distracted, they didn't pay much attention at first.

   However, when the fourteen people approached, a powerful aura belonging to the Spirit Aperture Realm burst out!

   The people in Extreme Volcano Village were immediately shocked, but before they had reacted, more than 20 masters of the Spirit Aperture Realm erupted with all their strength, and they killed all the eight Spirit Aperture Realms in Extreme Volcano Village within a short time!

   The fourteen people who suddenly appeared are naturally Leng Shiqi and others.

   However, Leng Shiqi didn't bring everyone, and he only brought people from the middle and later stages of the Spirit Aperture Realm, including Zhai Chuan, Dongfang Qi and others.

   As for the rest of them all went to another place!

   The appearance of these people in Leng Shiqi completely changed the situation of the battle. The extremely volcanic village spiritual aperture masters were killed and injured, and the remaining spiritual veins and low-level disciples were simply slaughtered.

   Of course, the scene where they killed the Eight Spirit Aperture Realm with the power of thunder fell into the eyes of others.

   For the disciples of Jihuoshanzhuang, all of them were horrified, and some even started to run for their lives!

   Zhu Huorong was suddenly frightened and his eyes were bloodshot.

   He never expected that the Bipolar Shanzhai had invited more than a dozen masters of the Spirit Aperture Realm! No wonder Xiao Jingwu is so emboldened!

   But where did Xiao Jingwu find so many masters?

   Zhu Huorong couldn't understand it, he didn't want to think about it at this moment, because he also saw that Jihuoshan Zhuang had already lost! Whether the twenty-odd Spirit Aperture Realm masters are going to torture and kill the low-level disciples, or to besiege him and Hehou, they are doomed to fail!

   Failure means destruction.

   Ji Volcano Village has been passed down for hundreds of years, and I hate that it was ruined in his hands today. Zhu Huorong's heart was filled with infinite hatred, he just wanted to kill Xiao Jingwu now!


   Zhu Huorong suddenly burst into a loud shout, and a crimson cloud of fire suddenly appeared above the sky, causing the temperature of the entire Polar Volcano Village to rise sharply. Many low-level disciples were sweating profusely, and they were almost out of breath.

   Suddenly a pillar of fire descended from the fire cloud, and Zhu Huorong bathed in it. His body was growing rapidly, and his black hair turned into a fiery red color and fluttered.

   And his breath is infinitely close to the harmony of heaven and man!

   This is the most profound secret of Jihuoshanzhuang, which can make Zhu Huorong's cultivation soar in a short period of time, but the price is to burn his lifespan!

   In other words, he was squandering his life!

   Xiao Jingwu's expression is extremely solemn, Zhu Huorong's soaring killing intent is locking him, this Zhu Huorong is going to fight him desperately, he must be treated with caution.

   And Xiao Jingwu also saw that Zhu Huorong in this state would not be able to support him for long, as long as he could hold Zhu Huorong.

   Then Xiao Jingwu's whole body intersects with red and blue bright colors, and the hot flames and the cold frost are intertwined, forming a mysterious pattern.

   The two master-level masters of the late Linggang realm are already doing their best!

   The disciples of the Spirit Aperture Realm in the Bipolar Shanzhai all wanted to come forward to help. Although their realms are quite different, they can still harass from the side as long as they unite.

However, Leng Shiqi said: "The two of them are ready to fight to the death~www.ltnovel.com~ Once we meet each other, we may be affected before we get close. Moreover, the master cannot tolerate the slightest distraction. If we rush forward, we will not only worry ourselves but also disturb Lord Xiao Zhai.

   In addition, Zhu Huorong must have used a certain taboo secret method. As long as Xiao Zhai master can hold it for a moment, Zhu Huorong will not defeat himself.

   We might as well get rid of the disciples of the Extreme Volcano Village Spirit Vein Realm as soon as possible. As long as those people die, the Ji Volcan Village will be completely destroyed! "

   The people in Shuangji Shanzhai thought for a while, and felt that what Leng Shiqi had said also made sense, so they killed the other disciples of Jihuoshan Village.

   Leng Shiqi smiled secretly, what he said just now didn't deceive anyone, just a little evasive.

   Zhu Huorong really couldn't hold on for a long time, but his combat effectiveness at this time was definitely much higher than Xiao Jingwu. The most important thing is that the mentality of the two sides is different. Zhu Huorong is fighting with the will of death, but Xiao Jingwu only wants to delay.

   In this way, Xiao Jingwu will lose!

   Of course, it is still difficult for Zhu Huorong to kill Xiao Jingwu. After all, Xiao Jingwu is the head of the second-rate sect, and he must have a hole card to save his life.

   So in the end their battle will definitely lose both!

   Until then, it's their turn to take action.


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