I Fix The System Law

Chapter 443: Join hands

   Faced with doubts, Leng Shiqi took out his identity token and sternly said: "In Xiadonglin County, the Supervisor of Dark Leiwei, Liu Xingzhi!"

   Dark Thunder Guard!

   Xiao Jingwu and Hao Yushan glanced at each other. Obviously, they didn't expect that the person coming would be from Dark Thunder Guard.

   They carefully looked at the token in Leng Shiqi's hand. It was indeed the Dark Leiwei's big supervision order. This thing cannot be faked, and no one dares to fake it!

   It’s just that, as a second-rate sect, Shuangji Shanzhai naturally has to deal with Zhenfusi and Anleiwei. There are only a handful of great supervisors in Donglin County. How come they have never heard of the name Liu Xingzhi?

   Besides, why did the other party help them?

   Leng Shiqi did not deceive them either. This token is real, but it is not entirely true. If Xiao Jingwu sees the back of the token, he will find there are two small characters: "Western Wilderness".

  He is using the sword of the previous dynasty to cut the official of the dynasty.

   Xiao Jingwu put away the spiritual pressure, and said, "It turned out to be Master Liu, but I am very curious. Why did Master Liu help me destroy the Extreme Volcano Village?"

   "Credit." Leng Shiqi said these two words, "It's true that I am a new transfer here. You have also seen that my cultivation level is only in the Spirit Aperture Realm. Some people can't understand me.

   So I need a huge amount of credit to stabilize my position, and the evidence for the crime of Jihuoshan is extremely conclusive. It is a pity that although I have some masters, it is impossible to bring down the huge Jihuoshan Village.

   In addition, although the strength of Bipolar Shanzhai is stronger than that of Extreme Volcano Village, it is not easy for Xiaozhai Master to gnaw off this hard bone. Since neither of you nor me can easily get rid of the Extreme Volcano Village, then why don't we join hands, this is a win-win situation! "

   At this point, Xiao Jingwu and Hao Yushan looked at each other, and they both moved!

   Leng Seventeenth Belt killed a large number of masters in Extreme Volcano Village, including Ji Wen, a master of the Linggang Realm, resulting in the overall strength of Bipolar Shanzhai being higher than Extreme Volcanic Village.

   But as Leng Shiqi said, it would not be easy for them to destroy the Extreme Volcano Village.

   Even if it was a strong attack, they would kill one thousand and lose eight hundred, so that it would be more than worth the loss.

   If you add Leng Shiqi and the power in his hands, it will be completely different!

   When they thought about it, since Leng Shiqi can kill Ji Wen, it means that there must be a master of Linggang realm behind him to help.

   As long as Xiao Jingwu and Hao Yushan drag Zhu Huorong and Hehou, let others go to slaughter the disciples of Jihuoshanzhuang first, and finally join forces to encircle Zhu Huorong, and it will be a big deal!

   Leng Shiqi saw their thoughts, and then said: "The number of people I can use is not many, there are only a dozen people, but these people are all in the Spirit Aperture Realm!"

   More than a dozen masters of the Aura Realm!

   If this is the case, this battle can be completely crushed and won!

   Leng Shiqi’s words were like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, making Xiao Jingwu directly open his mouth and say: "Okay, I promise you!"

Hao Yushan gave Xiao Jingwu a vague wink, but Xiao Jingwu didn't notice it. He had to ask: "Master Liu, forgive me for being a villain and then a gentleman. If the Extreme Volcano Village is really eliminated, what do you want? ?"

   He doesn't believe that Leng Shiqi only needs one credit. Jihuoshanzhuang is a magnificent second-rate sect, and the collection of resources is an amazing amount. Even though they had been stolen by monsters a lot, those fixed resources could not be stolen.

   such as the spiritual force ground vein, the spiritual field, and the extremely cold spiritual pond, etc.

   Leng Seventeenth National Congress waved his hand and said, "I want all the resources that can be taken away from Jihuoshan Village!"

   Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingwu and Hao Yushan frowned.

   "Master Liu's appetite is too big, right?" Hao Yushan said in a slightly displeased tone: "We are the main force in the attack on the Great Volcano Village!

   After this battle, we don't know how many disciples will fall into it, and that Zhu Huorong and Hehou will also be resisted by us. Mrs. Liu wants all the mobile resources, and forgive me to say bluntly that I don’t want to do this transaction. "

   Hearing these words, Leng Shiqi smiled in his heart.

   He also guessed that the opponent would refuse, but the reason why he deliberately opened his mouth was to completely turn the topic into the distribution of benefits after the war. In this way, it also acquiesced that they would join hands to destroy the Extreme Volcano Village.

Although he thought so in his heart, his face still sank, "The two village owners, as far as I know, the resources in the Extreme Volcano Village are actually not many. After all, all the territories of the Extreme Volcano Village Your spiritual veins, business, and especially the resources of your disciples are all yours. This is a great advantage!

   If the two of you care about even this little profit, then the envoy could leave immediately, presumably Zhu Huorong would welcome me very much. "

The last words of    cold seventeen made Xiao Jingwu two people completely surprised!

   They also immediately thought of a possibility, that is, what Leng Shiqi needs is a huge credit. So since Leng Shiqi can choose to help them destroy the Extreme Volcano Village, he can also do the opposite!

   As for whether Shuangji Shanzhai has made any mistakes, whether there are guilt, it is not Leng Shiqi's decision!

   "Are you threatening us?" Hao Yushan said solemnly.

Leng Shiqi shook his head, "I came to see the two with the heads of the extremely volcanic masters. It is already the greatest sincerity. But the two of you now want to care about a little bit of resources and benefits with me. This vision and The pattern is really disappointing."

   Xiao Jingwu coughed dryly, and said, "Ah, Master Liu, stay calm, just do as you say! Next, let's discuss the specific plan."

   "Plan?" Leng Shiqi raised his brows and asked: "Does Xiao Zhai master know the approximate number of masters in the Extreme Volcano Village Spirit Aperture Realm?"

   Xiao Jingwu picked up a few from the heads all over the floor and put them aside, saying, "Except for these people, there should be only eight or nine people left."

Leng Shiqi smiled and said: "Eight or nine spirit aperture realms? What plans are needed, and we will be done directly. There are more than 20 masters in the spirit aperture realm of both of us. In the face of absolute strength, What are you doing with so many calculations?"

   Xiao Jingwu was taken aback first, then burst into laughter, "Brother Liu is right!"

   As soon as the phrase "Brother Liu" came out, Leng Shiqi knew that it was done!

   After Leng Shiqi left, Hao Yushan immediately said, "Zhailor, this Liu Xingzhi has a problem."

Xiao Jingwu should say: "He must have a problem~www.ltnovel.com~ But our goal is the same, we all want to destroy the Extreme Volcano Village. When attacking Extreme Volcano Village, we must take more precautions against him. "

   Two days later, as far as the Polar Volcano Village, Zhu Huorong and He Hou were walking back and forth in the hall.

   Especially Zhu Huorong was sweaty. As the helm of the second-rate sect, he shouldn't have been in this state.

   But he can't blame him, because after He Hou's reminder, he did think that Bipolar Shanzhai might come to attack Extreme Volcano Village!

   After all, the hatred between them is really accumulated too deep!

   Of course, they couldn't just sit still, and soon sent their disciples to the nearby spiritual sect for help, hoping that they could come forward to mediate.

   But so far, no one has come back!

   All the disciples sent out like a mud cow into the sea have all lost contact, and they don’t know their life or death!

   The entire Polar Volcano Village seemed to be shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, and the people could not breathe.

   Hehou deeply felt that Jihuoshan Village must be caught in a huge conspiracy, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

   Suddenly, Zhu Huorong slapped the table violently, "I'm tired of it! Instead of waiting here, it's better to just break the net with Xiao Jingwu!"


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