I Fix The System Law

Chapter 436: Plan successful

   The wall collapsed, making Zhu Lean and Ji Yilan shocked.

But when Zhu Lean saw Wan Shaoyuan walk in from outside the wall, he suddenly smiled triumphantly and sarcastically: "So it's you. I heard that you cried after losing in the ring last time. Really incompetent.

   Now you dare to appear here, why, do you want to do something with me, or you want to watch me Yi Lanhuan? "

   At this point, Zhu Lean unscrupulously held Ji Yilan in his arms, and Ji Yilan also showed a charming smile, completely assuming Wan Shaoyuan did not exist!

   However, Zhu Lean did not expect that Wan Shaoyuan stretched out his hands with hatred, and dozens of threads of coldness suddenly rushed out, and Zhu Lean would be strangled.

   "Cut, it's still the same old thing..." Zhu Lean still looked down on Wan Shaoyuan a bit, thinking that he was still using the extremely cold ice silk hand, but he immediately found out that the sword was wrong!

   Wan Shaoyuan’s Han Ming silks were extremely fast, and in a flash, they twisted Zhu Le'an like a spider web, and there was still a lot of cold air rushing to make Zhu Lean’s body like an ice cellar!

   Zhu Lean finally noticed that something was wrong, but at this time it was too late for him to react. In a rush, he could only stab a few swords in a row, but it was a pity that the extremely fiery Ling Jue Sword he was so proud of was nothing short of Han Ming silk.

   Suddenly, those seemingly soft Han Ming silks instantly turned into spears, and instantly shattered Zhu Lean's long sword, and bitterly pierced into his body!


   Zhu Lean was **** all over, and what made him even more horrified was that a wave of nether power had invaded his body and was ruthlessly devouring his vitality.

   At this moment, Zhu Lean looked at Wan Shaoyuan's murderous and hateful eyes, and he finally began to regret it.

   Although he didn't know why Wan Shaoyuan suddenly became so strong, he knew that if he didn't run away, he would die here!

   Zhu Lean took out the scarlet beads from the mustard bag with difficulty. Wan Shaoyuan's sharp eyes moved his arms and the silk of the cold and dark became soft and boneless again, binding Zhu Lean, making him unable to move.

Zhu Lean was really desperate this time. The thread of the cold and the dark became more and more constricted, and the nether energy was constantly invading. He had to exclaim, "Wan Shaoyuan, you are crazy! Do you dare to kill me? Do you know? The consequences of killing me?!

   Extreme Volcano Village and Bipolar Shanzhai will never die! You are harming yourself, harming the bipolar cottage! "

   But Wan Shaoyuan seemed to have not heard Zhu Le'an's words. His spiritual power surged, dozens of cold and dark threads squeezed Zhu Le'an's body, causing it to ooze strands of blood.

   Seeing the blood, Wan Shaoyuan showed a ferocious smile, "Die!"


   Zhu Le'an was strangled by Han Ming's silk immediately, blood was flying, and he did not become human.

   The blood-red color in Wan Shaoyuan's eyes also began to fade slowly, and his body was about to fall, shaking, when he saw Ji Yilan with a frightened color.

   Ji Yilan immediately cried: "Shao Yuan, don't kill me, don't kill me, I was forced!"

   "Forced..." Wan Shaoyuan smiled sternly, without looking at her again, some desperately going to leave here.

   Now that Zhu Le'an is dead, his grievances have been avenged, but he doesn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

However, Leng Shiqi suddenly rushed over. He grabbed Wan Shaoyuan's shoulder and said angrily: "Why are you so confused! I told you that your spiritual skills are for you to defeat Zhu Lean, not for you to kill him! Do you know? You have brought so many disasters to the Bipolar cottage!"

   Wan Shaoyuan and Zhu Lean didn't fight for a long time, but the movement was not small. At this moment, many people had their heads together and looked here.

   At this moment, Wan Shaoyuan also recovered a bit of reason. He panicked and asked, "Senior, what should we do now?"

   "What should I do? Of course, I must flee as soon as possible. There are also many disciples of Ji Huo Zhuang in this city. Run away before they know this!"

   After hearing Leng Shiqi's words, Wan Shaoyuan reacted, and he hurried out.

   But when he was about to escape, he turned around and asked, "What about you, senior?"

   Leng Shiqi whispered: "I have my own way to get out, but I don't want to get involved in you for making such a big mistake. After that, the fate of you and me is exhausted, and there will be no future."

   Wan Shaoyuan's figure was in a halt, but he also knew that he had committed a big mistake and did not want to be involved in Leng Shiqi, so he immediately fled.

   After he left, Leng Shiqi turned his head and looked at Ji Yilan.

   At this time, Ji Yilan's face didn't have the kind of grievance just now, she said with a look of fear: "I have done everything you asked me to do, and you should fulfill your promise."

   "Don't worry, the Ji family will not worry about their lives, on the contrary they will get some precious resources, but..." Leng Shiqi said that at this time, looking at Ji Yilan murderously.

   Ji Yilan was horrified: "You, what do you want to do?!"

  After a few breaths, Ji Yilan became a corpse, and the method of death was the same as Zhu Lean!

   Leng Shiqi then quietly left.

   At the same time, those who watched the excitement also leaned in. When they came in, they saw two terrible corpses on the ground.

   From the outside, I can’t recognize who it is.

   But these people were still able to identify them based on the scattered blades and clothes. The two bodies were actually Zhu Lean, the young owner of Jihuoshan Village, and his fiancee Ji Yilan!

   They thought of Wan Shaoyuan, who had just fled in a hurry, and a shocking idea came to all of their minds.

   It was Wan Shaoyuan who killed Zhu Lean and Ji Yilan!

   It's nothing to kill Ji Yilan~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, the Ji family is just a small family, but Zhu Lean is different!

   Pole Volcano Village and Shuang Pole Shanzhai have had an enmity that lasted for decades. Now that Wan Shaoyuan actually killed Zhu Lean, then the two sides are likely to form an endless situation!

   Everyone present knows that the vicinity of Shaning City will definitely not be calm recently.

   And at this time, Wan Shaoyuan's killing of Zhu Le'an was driven by a caring person, and the news spread through the entire city of Shaning within a few quarters of an hour, as if it had grown wings!

   Ji Huo Zhuang and Shuang Ji Shan Zhai have many disciples in the city. When they heard this news, they all acted immediately.

The people of    Polar Volcano Village naturally went after Wan Shaoyuan, and the people of Bipolar Shanzhai had to protect Wan Shaoyuan.

   A battle broke out in the middle of the night!

   Originally, this battle was only centered around Wan Shaoyuan, but the battle inevitably resulted in deaths and injuries. In addition, the two sides had long seen each other uncomfortable, so it gradually evolved into a melee of a large number of disciples!

   There were about twenty people standing in a dilapidated house in Shaning City. After they heard the fighting outside, one of them said: "Brother Liu's plan has been successful, and we should play next."


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