I Fix The System Law

Chapter 435: kill him

   In the following days, Wan Shaoyuan followed Leng Shiqi to practice Han Ming Qiansi Shou.

   Leng Shiqi did not lie either. Wan Shaoyuan's foundation with extremely cold ice silk hands is indeed a multiplier with half the effort, and he has already started in just a few days.

   Moreover, Wan Shaoyuan held a boundless hatred in his heart, and he was practicing almost day and night. Leng Shiqi estimated that he could reach the realm of proficiency in just a few days!

   Han Ming Qiansi, who is proficient in realm, used it to kill a Zhu Lean with his hands, it was completely enough!

   Leng Shiqi said this day: "Shao Yuan, Han Ming Qiansi Shou, you have already cultivated to the state of proficiency. Now even if you face Zhu Lean head-on, it is easy to defeat him as long as you play normally."

   Wan Shaoyuan also nodded with confidence. He has been using the Han Ming Qiansi Hand for a few days, and he is the most clear about the power of this spiritual skill.

   "When I go back, I will post him a war post. I will defeat him face to face and take back Yilan!"

   At this time, Leng Shiqi showed a somewhat weird look. He said, "I'm afraid Ji Yilan you mentioned can't be taken back."

   "Huh? Senior, what does this mean?" Wan Shaoyuan asked suspiciously.

Leng Shiqi explained: "You have been practicing spiritual skills here these days without contacting the outside world. In fact, Zhu Lean has already given the betrothal gift to Ji's family a few days ago. In terms of etiquette, Ji Yilan is already Zhu Lean's. Wife."

   "No!" Wan Shaoyuan's face changed suddenly, "Yilan can't marry that **** Zhu Lean! She is unwilling in her heart, she is forced!

   Besides, who doesn’t know that Zhu Le’an has a heart-to-heartedness, he has never known how many girls have been ruined, and Yilan will not end well when marrying him! "

   "Oh." Leng Shiqi suddenly sighed, "But they have cooked rice and cooked rice."

   Wan Shaoyuan was struck by lightning immediately. He was taken aback and shouted: "Impossible! The two of them are not married yet, besides, Yilan is not such a person!"

   Leng Shiqi shook his head and said: "Who told you that you can't have **** without getting married? Besides, Ji Yilan is just this kind of person. Their Ji family is just a small family. She has no strengths except that she looks better.

   She chooses between you and Zhu Lean, but Zhu Lean defeated you in public, and he is also very good at coaxing girls, so why should people choose you?

  Since she had chosen Zhu Lean, she naturally had to tie him up. The method Ji Yilan could use was of course to tie Zhu Lean with her body. "

   "No, no...I don't believe it!" Wan Shao Yuan felt the world spin, he muttered roughly in his clothes, "But, but Yilan came to me for help a few days ago, saying she was forced."

Leng Shiqi said: "Obviously, that was her last temptation to you, just like seeing if you would act. However, you have been cultivating here these days, and she did not see your actions. Think you gave up.

   So she fell into Zhu Lean's arms. "

   "Ah!!" Wan Shaoyuan yelled, holding his head in both hands, "Yilan is not such a person, she won't lie to me!"

   "If you really don't believe me, I can show you with my own eyes."

Wan Shaoyuan stopped immediately, and then Leng Shiqi threw a large black cloak to him first, "You put this on first, don't let others recognize you. Also, if you hear something Do not take it to heart."

   Wan Shaoyuan took the cloak suspiciously. He did not understand Leng Shiqi's meaning, but he put on the cloak honestly.

   Then the two rushed all the way to Shaning City.

   It was late at night, but as soon as they entered the city, Wan Shaoyuan could hear his voice everywhere in the streets and alleys.

   What everyone said was how unbearable and incompetent he was. Not only did he lose the ring and repair the extremely cold spiritual pool, but even his beloved woman lost.

   What a waste is coming home!

   Wan Shaoyuan's hands were trembling. He didn't expect that in the eyes of outsiders, he was such a trash, and his anger was almost uncontrollable!

   However, Leng Shiqi held him down, took him directly to the famous restaurant in Shaning City and booked a private room.

   Before Wan Shaoyuan was confused, Leng Shiqi directly sealed the meridians in his body, making him unmovable.

   Leng Shiqi whispered: "I'm afraid that what you hear will irritate you later, so I will control you for now, lest you do anything stupid."

   Wan Shaoyuan couldn't even move his mouth, he could only show a look of confusion with his eyes.

   Leng Shiqi drank the small wine on his own. According to his plan, Ji Yilan will soon bring Zhu Lean.

   Sure enough, after about a stick of incense, the door next door was opened, and a man and a woman could be heard talking and laughing.

   Leng Seventeenth National Congress waved his hand, and a strange spiritual power swayed out. The wall that had been soundproofed well was immediately useless, and the sound from the next door came over clearly.

   As soon as he heard the voice of the man among them, Wan Shaoyuan's eyes immediately stared, and the owner of that voice was Zhu Lean!

   However, when he heard the voice of another woman, he was a little lost, because that woman turned out to be Ji Yilan!

   In the middle of the night, Ji Yilan and Zhu Lean actually came to this private room together. Do you still have to guess what they are going to do?

   A wave of grief and anger rushed to Wan Shaoyuan's forehead, but he still retained a trace of hope in his heart, hoping that all this is a fake, a dream!

   But not long afterward, there was the sound of clothes rustling and the sound of the two people laughing.

   "Hey, my little baby, you want to kill me, you still wanted to follow Wan Shaoyuan that stupid boy~www.ltnovel.com~ How can he be as good as me."

   "I hate it, why don't you mention that rubbish? It's just a toad. You don't even deserve to give Xiang Gong your shoes."

   "Hahaha, of course, come and come, let Xiang Gong love you so much."


   The words of these two people fell into Wan Shaoyuan's ears verbatim.

   At this moment, the person is already so angry that his eyes are bloodshot and the blood vessels all over his body are violent. He is constantly panting and trembling.

   This is really the case, they have been in the same room long ago!

   His most beloved woman, but betrayed him, has been using him. It turned out that he was just a ridiculous plaything in the eyes of Ji Yilan and Zhu Lean!

  In his life, he has never wanted to kill someone like this at this moment!

   If Leng Shiqi hadn't stopped him early, he would have rushed out directly.

   Seeing this time, Leng Shiqi decided to add another fire. The colorful streamers in his eyes flashed, and a direct spiritual voice appeared in Wan Shaoyuan's brain.

   "Go, kill Zhu Lean!"

   Then he quietly withdrew from control of Wan Shaoyuan, Wan Shaoyuan instantly slapped it, smashing the wall in front of him!


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