I Fix The System Law

Chapter 421: Return to Donglin County

   Yu Ruifeng's words shocked Leng Shiqi secretly, so it seemed that this elite would really be a great opportunity.

   "Since Mr. Gao asked you to participate in the elite meeting, it seems that he intends to train you vigorously. Maybe you are the next inspector of the Western Wilderness County." Yu Ruifeng said.

   Leng Shiqi's heart tightened, and he quickly said: "Uncle Master, I have no intention of this."

   "A good nephew does not have to be like this." Yu Ruifeng waved his hand: "Before I went to Zhulu Country, I actually pursued power. But the experience of Zhulu Country let me know that power is the most important thing!

   I wasted too much time fighting for power, but I never thought about one thing. That is, no matter how much credit I have made, it is impossible to be promoted to the position of the four directors.

  Because there is a father-in-law on top of me, as long as he does not die for a day, I will not have the slightest chance. Even if he died, he would only pass on the position of chief executive to his cronies.

   So I understand now that the inspector is already my limit. In that case, I might as well pursue the peak of strength!

   Although I was still far away from the Heavenly Origin Realm, there was no chance. If I were lucky enough to break through the Heavenly Origin Realm, the position of the Four Chiefs would not be my eyes.

   After all, strength is the respect! "

   Yu Ruifeng's words also made Leng Shiqi feel deeply, and this is what Leng Shiqi has always pursued. Although he also fights for power, he has never been lost by power!

   As Yu Ruifeng said, if he is in the Heavenly Origin Realm, then Father Gao would have to nod and bow when he saw him!

   However, how can the Heavenly Origin Realm be broken so easily?

  Think about Na Sang Hetong, in order to break through that realm, he sacrificed blood to the entire sect's disciples and there were a large number of guards, but unfortunately they failed in the end.

  Think again that Meng Tianzong, the strong man ten thousand years ago, also used such cruel methods in order to achieve even stronger power.

   So we can’t blindly seek power and use all means!

At this time, Yu Ruifeng finally talked about the Elite Club, "The Elite Club brings together the geniuses from all over the Leiyan Dynasty. From the very beginning, a round of tests will be conducted. This test will wipe out most of them, and those who pass the test Eligible to enter the dragon veins for a period of time!"

   Speaking of this, Yu Ruifeng's eyes flashed with eager light, and Leng Shiqi was also surprised.

   Dragon veins, that is the foundation of the Thunder Yan Dynasty!

   It is said that it is full of unimaginable magical powers, which not only can greatly increase people's cultivation skills, but can also reshape their foundations and improve their own qualifications!

  Of course, the most important thing is that the dragon veins are the place where the thunderyan dynasty's luck gathers. Usually, it is guarded by the many powerful heavenly origins in the imperial consecration hall. Not to mention ordinary people, even the royal family members want to go in and practice.

  If you can practice in the dragon veins for a period of time, the benefits will be unimaginable!

"At the beginning, I broke through the Linggang realm in the dragon veins, and when I returned to Xihuang County, I directly served as the great supervisory envoy. After that, I also made a steady progress and successfully sat on the seat of inspector envoy." Yu Ruifeng said with a few nostalgic tone Said: "From the perspective of your qualifications, if you can practice in the dragon veins for some time, it is not difficult to advance to the spiritual gang state.

  In the future, when your qualifications and strength are enough, you can take my class. "

   Leng Seventeen finally understood what he was going to do. The Elite Club was actually the geniuses of the Leiyan Dynasty who trained the Dark Leiwei and Zhenfusi. The key point is still that test, the winner's cultivation base, status greatly increased, and one step to the sky.

   Losers, they can only go back wherever they come.

   "Uncle Master, do you know what the test is?" Leng Shiqi directly asked the key point.

  Yu Ruifeng shook his head slightly and said: "As for the content of the test, it is different every time. I can't say this, but it must be a task that tests multiple abilities at the same time!

   But about this test, I am a little guessing, just guessing. "

   "Teacher nephew is very good at listening."

   "Each elite meeting was held in the Imperial City in the past, but I received news that this time it was in Donglin City!"

   East of the city?

   Cold Seventeen eyes flashed, Donglincheng is the prefecture of Donglin County! This time the elite will be chosen in Donglin County!

   He did not expect that after nearly a year, he would return to Donglin County.

   He thought to himself: "That's good, there are still a few grievances in Donglin County that have not been resolved."

   Yu Ruifeng continued: "As far as I know, the dragon body of your majesty today is not safe, and it is getting worse. This time the elite will be held in Donglin City. This may be related to this."

   Hearing this sentence, Leng Shiqi's mind suddenly changed.

   This situation is similar to that of Zhu Lu State. As long as the Emperor's body has a problem, the most important and urgent thing now is to seize his daughter!

   But Leng Shiqi had not specifically learned about the princes within the dynasty, and he was not interested in understanding. But this time the elite meeting will probably involve a little bit of seizure. This is an unfathomable maelstrom, and if you are implicated in it, you will be crushed!

   This makes Leng Shiqi a headache.

"But you don't have to worry." Yu Ruifeng also noticed Leng Shiqi's slight strangeness, and said: "Even if your majesty is hugged by the dragon body, it can last for several years. According to my guess, your majesty wants to be with him. Pave the way for the next generation before the funeral!

   The east side of the county is rich in terrain and sea areas, which can be said to be a big piece of fat. But this piece of fat was first divided up by the major forces in Donglin County, and there was only a little soup left in the Dynasty.

   Therefore, the test you will face after you go to Donglin County is likely to deal with the spiritual forces in Donglin County! "

   When mentioning the spiritual forces in Donglin County, the most impressive thing is of course the Shanhai School!

   As Yu Ruifeng said, Donglin County is rich and rich, but most of its resources have been swallowed by various spiritual cultivation sects.

   Among these, the Shanhai faction is naturally the majority!

   It can be said that the top force of Shanhai Sect is the thorn in the flesh of the Leiyan Dynasty!

   Leng Shiqi was secretly surprised~www.ltnovel.com~ Is the Dynasty trying to do something against the Shanhai faction? Your Majesty wants to get rid of this thorn in his eyes before his death! "

   But when he changed his mind, he felt that it was impossible. How could the Shanhai faction be the opponent of the Shanhai faction if he only relied on the dozens of people participating in the elite meeting?

   "These are just my guesses. You will naturally know when the specific test is." Yu Ruifeng took out a mustard bag and said:

"Well, we Xihuang County and Donglin County are at the east and west ends of the dynasty, the farthest distance. Later I will take you to activate the Xihuang County teleportation array, but with my authority, I can only help you teleport three times. As for the rest of the journey, you have to walk by yourself. Fortunately, the elite meeting will not start until three months later, and there is not enough time.

   The stuff in this mustard bag was specially prepared for you by me. You represent my Dark Thunder Guard of the West Barren County. You can't lose my face when you arrive in the East Lin City. "

  Cold seventeenth, the mustard bag arched his hands and said: "Thank you, Master, for your reward."

   "Okay, come with me."

   Then, Leng Shiqi followed Yu Ruifeng to the City Lord's Mansion in the Western Desert City to start the teleportation array.

   After half an hour, Leng Shiqi was bathed in the light of the teleportation array and disappeared. Since then, he has embarked on a journey back to Donglin County!


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