I Fix The System Law

Chapter 420: ready

   Three days passed quickly.

   For three days, Leng Shiqi was constantly refining the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone, and he absorbed a lot of wind and thunder power in his body.

   These wind and thunder powers can be used not only to defend against enemies, but also to help him condense Linggang in the future. It's just that these powers are rootless water, and use a little less, so they cannot be used at will.

   Other than that, Leng Shiqi felt that it was a pity that he did not feel the mysterious and mysterious power of luck in the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone.

   Perhaps it is that there is no such power in this Feng Lei God Luck Stone. Even if it does exist, it would have been thoroughly studied by Feng Lei Que, and it will not be his turn.

   When three days came, Jiu Li woke up very punctually. She sucked the Wind and Thunder God Luck Stone into her mouth without saying a word. Then she hiccuped and closed her eyes again.

   Leng Shiqi didn't care, he stretched his body and walked out of the door, and then walked towards the chamber.

   In the past three days, he explained that no one can disturb him, so he is going to see if there are important things to deal with.

   However, as soon as he walked out of his own courtyard, he saw Guan Feihong approaching him with a little anxiety.

   "Laoguan, what happened?" Leng Shiqi asked with a frown.

   Hong Guangji arched his hands and said, "My lord, yesterday, Master Yu sent you a message to see him in the Western Wilderness City, saying that there is something important."

   Leng Shiqi's heart immediately thought of the "elite club" that Wang Tai mentioned. He guessed that Yu Ruifeng's visit to him should be related to this elite club.

   So, I am afraid that he will not be able to return in a short time. He still has to arrange matters.

   It has been more than twenty days since he became the Great Supervisor. Whether it is the Dark Thunder Envoy or the Blood-Clothed Pavilion Assassin who was pulled in, he has been able to adapt and be familiar with the various tasks of Dark Thunder Guard.

   The other supervisory envoys are all very honest, and they are quite well arranged in this regard.

   Leng Shiqi is most concerned about Jiuli now.

   Once in Donglin County, after Leng Shiqi entered the phantom realm, Jiuli got involved in the second-rate force Jihuoshanzhuang and was hunted down. Fortunately, the secret realm collapsed at the time, and most of the masters who chased her returned.

   Not long ago, Jiuli made a big trouble in East County, and was chased by a large number of East County masters!

   In the end, she pretended to be caught and hid in Fengleique. She was still dishonest and stole the treasure of Fengleique town.

   Leng Shiqi was thinking right now, when he returned from participating in the elite meeting, God knew what trouble Jiuli would cause again!

   But it is not convenient for him to take Jiu away to the elite club, not to mention that he has too many secrets. In other words, the evil spirit on Jiu Li's body was definitely not hidden from many masters, and it would be good if there was another Demon Slayer Conference at that time.

   So Leng Shiqi still has to consult Xia Jiuli.

   Then Leng Shiqi summoned a few dark thunder envoys, explained everything and returned to the room to wake up Jiu Li, "Senior Jiu Li, I may be away for a while, what are your plans?"

   Jiu Li opened his eyes, turned his eyes humanely, and said, "I'll go with you."

"Huh?" Leng Shiqi obviously didn't expect Jiuli to decide so quickly, but he was also worried in his heart. "Senior, I am going to participate in a rally this time. I'm afraid I will meet a lot of masters above the Linggang level. ."

   "It's okay." Jiu Li shook his head and said: "I have recently devoured a lot of precious resources, especially the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone, which contains extremely large power, and I am already on the verge of advancement.

   As long as I completely refine the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone, I can almost advance, and my soul will fall asleep. As long as you collect my physical body, you will not be noticed. "

   Leng Shiqi was shocked after hearing this!

   Jiuli is going to advance again?

   He clearly remembered that the last time Jiuli advanced to Tier 4 Monster Beast was a few months ago!

   These short months have passed, but Jiu Li is about to advance again. It is conceivable that she must have swallowed countless precious resources these time!

   Even Leng Shiqi could not help but feel sympathy for those forces in East County.

Leng Shiqi was also at ease when he was surprised. Jiu Li's advanced fifth-tier monster will enter a deep sleep state. Even if you bring her around, you don’t have to worry about her prying into her own secrets, and you don’t have to worry about being noticed by others. exist.

   For Leng Shiqi, this is the perfect situation.

   Before leaving, Leng Shiqi made another trip to the treasury.

   In the past two days, resources from all over the country have been gathered one after another, and the treasury has been piled up again.

   Cold Seventeen, of course, is here again!

  Since he is going to participate in this elite meeting, he will inevitably meet all kinds of people. It is much more convenient for him to carry spiritual stones and resources to do things back and forth. In addition, he also needs to deposit some system coins for emergencies.

   Finally, Leng Shiqi left Seoul City with 30,000 Lingshi, a lot of commonly used resources, and 3,000 system coins in the system.

   Hanzhou City is only three or four days away from Xihuang City. Since Yu Ruifeng sent him a message, it was already yesterday, so Leng Shishi directly used his'destiny' skills to come to Xihuang City in two days!

   After the system is fully opened, there are no more restrictions on the ‘Destiny’ skill, and he can use it anytime, anywhere.

   After seeing Yu Ruifeng in Leng Shiqi, he found that his condition was much better, and his cultivation was restored to the unity of nature and man.

However, Yu Ruifeng found that Leng Shiqi had some quite big changes~www.ltnovel.com~ Leng Shiqi’s cultivation level did not improve in any way, but Yu Ruifeng felt like a bottomless ancient well, calm and steady. There is also the power of terror underneath!

   What made Yu Ruifeng a little surprised was that Leng Shiqi had a strong demeanor in his gestures!

   The so-called strong demeanor is not that the tiger's body is shocked and domineering, on the contrary, it is a change in the pattern, it is the rise of the mood. The real powerhouse will not care about petty gains and will not be limited by his vision.

  Because what they are after is stronger power!

   But Yu Ruifeng felt this kind of feeling in Leng Shiqi's body!

   Yu Ruifeng smiled slightly and said: "Gao Gonggong really has a venomous eye. He is so insightful that he directly gave you the spot in the elite club."

   Hearing the three words "Elite Club", Leng Shiqi secretly said that it was true.

   After a few words of humility, he asked: "Uncle Shi, I only heard about this elite meeting a little bit and I don't know what it is actually doing. I also ask Uncle Shi to clarify."

   "Elite meeting..." A look of remembrance flashed in Yu Ruifeng's eyes, and he said, "That's where you can reach the sky in one step!"

   "In the beginning, I was only qualified to sit as an inspector after participating in an elite meeting."


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