I Fix The System Law

Chapter 412: Find fault

   When Leng Shiqi met Jiu Li not long ago, Jiu Li just took a few words about what he had experienced, so Leng Shiqi didn’t know what happened.

   Now that I heard what Wang Tai said, I also know the whole story.

   Leng Seventeen first still admires Jiuli's ability to do things!

   She actually ran to East County and provoked several spiritual sects one after another! He can continue to escape from the many masters who chase and kill her. If he hadn't been caught by Hong Guangjie deliberately, I am afraid he would still not be caught.

   When these things happened, Leng Shiqi was either far away in Zhulu Country, or he was in retreat, so he didn't know that Jiuli had done so many things.

  Secondly, Leng Shiqi felt that Hong Guangji did not recognize the form.

   Jiuli stirred up the wind and rain in East County. Those forces not only lost a lot of resources, but also lost a lot of disciples to create Jiuli, but they were picked up by Feng Lei Que.

   As Wang Tai said, the last thing Hong Guangji should hold is to hold this Slaughter Fair.

   Even if he secretly handed Jiu Li to those sects, it was better than now in exchange for some resources.

  Wind and Thunder Que blatantly invited spiritual practitioners to participate in the Slaughter Fair in order to gain reputation, but if those East County forces come to trouble, not only will the reputation not be brushed by the time, one may lose face if it is not handled well.

   As for Wang Tai's request, if it were in the past, Leng Shiqi would definitely not agree, because in this way it would be mixed into the contradiction between the spiritual cultivation sect.

   Zhen Fusi was in charge of this, and it was enough to intervene, but his dark Leiwei didn't want to mix up.

   But Leng Shiqi again thought that Jiuli asked him to help hold Hong Guangji, and his mind began to liven up.

Wang Taijian Leng Shiqi was caught in hesitation, knowing in his heart that he could not touch Leng Shishi by holding this mouth close, so he continued to transmit the voice: "Liu Master, rest assured, I will definitely not let Leng Shiqi get into trouble. Troublesome.

   Besides, regardless of whether it is for Zhenfusi or Dark Leiwei, we hope that everything in North County will be in peace, not for merit but for nothing.

   If Master Liu can help me deal with the matter smoothly today, I will owe Master Liu a favor. "

   Hearing this, Leng Shiqi was also moved.

   Town Fusi Da Tisi, the favor of the nine-level master of Linggang Realm is too valuable. If this favor is used well, it will be enough to play a vital role!

   So Leng Shiqi nodded softly.

   Seeing this, Wang Taiyang smiled. Although Leng Shiqi's cultivation base is not very high, his status is not low, and he is definitely talkable here.

   Zhen Fusi and Dark Leiwei spoke at the same time at the highest level in North County, and the deterrence is not ordinary!

   Wang Tai is more confident about today's task.

   After they secretly discussed a deal, Hong Guangji stood up, and the others stopped talking in a tacit understanding.

  Those Feng Lei Terrace also quieted down, they knew that the Slaughter Fair was about to begin!

   Hong Guangji's old face glowed red at this time, his mouth moved slightly, and his voice became clearer into everyone's ears.

   Then he spoke in a low voice like the leader's speech, and from time to time he also listed some of Jiuli's crimes, and explained how hard they had worked and how much they had paid to catch Jiuli.

   In short, it is how to say that Jiu Li is so sinful and evil, and how they are doing justice to the people.

   Hong Guangji's opening was two quarters of an hour later.

   Leng Shiqi even planned to deduce spiritual skills in a part of consciousness. At this moment, a group of people broke in fiercely!

  Behind this group of people, there are several disciples of Feng Lei Que shouting loudly: "Master, they don't know where they came from, we can't stop it!"

   There are four people standing in the front of these races who broke in, and the cultivation bases of these four people are all in the Linggang realm!

   There are twenty or thirty people behind them, all spiritual practitioners in the four realms of heaven and human!

   These people are all gloomy and connected, and it is obvious that they are not kind.

   The four one-armed people in the Linggang realm sneered: "The monster beast is clearly being chased by us, but you Hong Guangji quietly snatched it away!

   What kind of Slaughter Fair has been made, it is really ridiculous! "

   "Yes, when I was waiting to hunt down the monster, you said that you had never seen it before. Now I want to hear your explanation!" Another one-eyed man continued bitterly.

   Seeing these two people, everyone on the wind and thunder platform suddenly exploded.

   "The one-armed man is the leader of the Heavenly Remnant Alliance, and it’s all over the world! The master of the late Linggang realm!"

   "Yes, the one-eyed dragon next to him is the deputy leader of the Tianchou League, Zheng Shen."

   "There are also people from Refining Palace and Drunken Dream Valley. What do they do in Fengleique?"

"I haven't heard them say that the monster that Feng Lei Que was going to beheaded in public was the monster that caused a **** storm in East County not long ago. It is said that these sects have lost a lot of disciples in chasing monsters, then Monster beasts can be said to be the shame of those sects in their lifetimes, if they were able to blade the beasts, they would be able to save some face.

   Unexpectedly, they were finally hidden by Feng Lei Que. Today they came to Hong Guangjie to settle the accounts. "

   "Hey, this is really a good show, this trip is worthwhile."

   When Wang Tai saw Man Tiangan, Zheng Shen and others arrive, his expression also became solemn.

   He thought that even if there were people from East County, it would be impossible for so many masters to come, but now there are only four in the Linggang realm!

  This matter...it's not easy to solve.

   Leng Shiqi looked at these people who came to look for a place, and immediately picked up the mentality of watching a good show~www.ltnovel.com~ As for Hong Guangji, his face was the most ugly.

   In this large court, he was questioned face to face, where is his dignity? !

   Hong Guangji also expected that the people from East County might come, so he still squeezed out a smile and said, "Are you all here for the Slaughter Fair? Please take your seat first.

   Man Tian Qian immediately sneered: "What **** Slayers Conference is worthy of you! Even if it is to hold the Slayers Conference, we should do it, not you, a villain who is secretly profiting!"

   The smile on Hong Guangji's face has been reduced, and the other party is completely ruthless when he says that.

   He said solemnly: "Several people, do you have to have trouble with Feng Lei Que? You haven't succeeded in chasing monsters for so long. In the end, it was not my Feng Lei Que who caught it.

   Things you don't have the ability to do, I did it, and I am naturally qualified to hold the Slaughter Fair! "

   "Bah! It's not that we have severely injured the monster beast, you are just picking up the leak." Zheng Shen exclaimed, "Today, you'd better hand over the monster beast, otherwise..."

   Speaking of this, Zheng Shen's four spiritual gangs exuded terrifying spiritual pressure at the same time. The air in the entire Fengleitai suddenly seemed to be evacuated instantly, making it difficult to breathe!

   At this moment, Wang Tai stood up.


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