I Fix The System Law

Chapter 411: Wind Thunder God Luck Stone

   Leng Shiqi and Qing elders walked out with lingering fear. Guan Feihong was slightly confused when he saw this, but he silently followed Leng Shiqi without asking anything.

   Waiting for the three of them to return to the ground, Leng Shiqi said: "Elder Qing, I think there are many visitors today. You should entertain other guests."

   "This..." Elder Qing hesitated.

   Leng Shiqi said casually: "It's okay, I just walk around."

Elder   qing then handed his hand: "Thank you Liu Da for your forgiveness. The Slaughter Demon Conference will begin at noon. At that time, Master Liu will move to Fenglei Terrace to watch."

"it is good."

   "Farewell next."

After Elder Qingqing left, Leng Shiqi quietly opened his eyes, avoided all the spiritual practitioners, and released Jiu Li out in a secret place.

   Jiu Li's eyes flashed with excitement, she said: "Leng Shiqi, when the time is right, you'd better help me delay Hong Guangji for a while.

   As long as I can hold him, I'll be 100% sure that I can bring it, and you can divide it a bit. "

   Leng Shiqi has always been very curious, what kind of baby does Jiuli fancy?

   "Senior Jiu Li, I don't know what the thing you are talking about is?"

   Jiuli smiled mysteriously, "That thing is called Fenglei Shen Yunshi, which can not only extract the power of wind and thunder, but also contains a trace of luck.

  In some respects, it's not much inferior to the Sky Demon Soul Spar, but it's an incredible treasure! "

  Wind thunder **** luck stone? !

   This thing is known to be cold seventeen, because this is the foundation of Feng Lei Que's town school, the treasure of the sect!

   Jiuli actually intends to dig out the roots of Feng Lei Que!

   If Hong Guangji knew that the monsters they had personally captured, they were actually hitting the treasure of their town, and I don't know what they would think.

   Leng Shiqi felt that he didn't need to worry too much about this matter, after all, even if he didn't come to Feng Lei Que, Jiu Li would have a way to get the Feng Lei Shen Yun Shi.

   And since he came, he was a little help, and he also made a lot of money.

   Not to mention anything else, it was said that the large amount of resources he owed to Jiuli was saved, and it was also a fortune.

   So he just pretends to be ignorant of anything next, and then drags Hong Guangji in secret for a while, which is easy for him.

   In the next time, Leng Shiqi and Guan Feihong had a short break at Fengleique, and also experienced the uniqueness of Fengleique.

   It was noon, and they came to the place where the Slaughter Fair was held, Fenglei Terrace!

   At this time, the Fenglei Terrace was already overcrowded, and there were many disciples of Fengleique itself. With the addition of foreign guests, the entire Fenglei Terrace was a bit crowded.

A jade platform was erected on the east side of Fenglei Terrace, with a dozen people on it.

   These are all VIPs invited by Feng Lei Que, and all of them are not simple!

Everyone in Fenglei Terrace has a look of curiosity and expectation, especially for those spiritual practitioners below the four realms of heaven and human, it is very novel to be able to see high-level monsters, not to mention exclusion in public. Demon.

   After Leng Shiqi came here, he was led to the jade platform by a disciple of Feng Lei Que. He fixed his eyes, and no one knew it.

   However, because he didn't recognize these people, it didn't mean that he didn't know who these people were. After he became the chief inspector, he showed all the profiles of the people in North County.

   There are 13 people in total, most of whom are the heads or high-levels of various spiritual cultivation sects. There are also a few city owners from several nearby cities, and another is the town’s chief Stephen Wang Tai!

   Wang Tai is the Great Secretary of the Zhenfu in North County, who has the highest level of cultivation on the 9th floor of the Linggang Realm!

   When he saw Leng Shiqi coming over, his gaze was immediately fixed on Leng Shiqi's body.

   Since Leng Shiqi was the supervisory envoy six months ago, Wang Tai has often heard this name in his ears.

  Especially after the cold seventeenth collapse of the Xuanyang School, some people in the Zhenfu Division still had a lot of opinions, because this kind of thing should be more precisely the responsibility of the Zhenfu Division!

  According to common sense, Leng Shiqi should report to Duan Chun after obtaining evidence of Xuanyang faction colluding with Zhu Luguo, and Duan Chun would use this to ask Zhenfusi to kill the Xuanyang faction.

   But, Leng Shiqi actually killed the Xuanyang School on his own!

   Such great credit was swallowed by him alone!

  Wang Tai originally thought that Leng Shiqi was bound to be suppressed by Duan Chun, but he did not expect that Leng Shiqi had actually boarded the position of the Great Supervisor again after just a few months!

   Today's Leng Shiqiruo Lun official position is at the same level as Wang Tai, but the Dark Leiwei supervises the world, and of course also includes the Supervisor Zhenfusi.

   So from this perspective, Leng Shiqi has the right to restrain Wang Tai!

  Wang Tai, a master at the ninth level of the Linggang realm, had to be restrained by the cold seventeen on the fifth floor of the Lingqiao realm, which made him feel unhappy.

   However, Wang Tai did not intend to target Leng Shiqi, and he is not stupid. Since Leng Shiqi can serve as a great supervisor, he must have both background and ability. Moreover, Zhenfusi and Anleiwei have always been well watered and not offending river waters, and he does not have to find fault.

  The most important thing is that he has more important things to do now!

   Leng Shiqi stepped onto Yutai, and met and exchanged greetings with a group of big guys. Everyone was full of joy.

   In the end, Leng Shiqi got to Wang Tai's side, and he was also very curious about why Wang Tai came out uninvited.

  Wang Tai said with a smile, "Master Liu was promoted to the post of Superintendent at a young age. He is really a young hero."

   "Don't dare to be, Lord Wang praised." Leng Shiqi said modestly.

   However, Wang Tai immediately condensed the sound into a line~www.ltnovel.com~passed the sound to Leng Shiqi: "Master Liu, I don't know if you are interested in this matter."

  Leng Shiqi is not yet able to condense the sound into a line, so he can only use his eyes to indicate that Wang Tai can talk specifically.

   Wang Tai went on to say: "It's true that I came to Fenglei Que, because Fenglei Que committed the anger!

   The monster beast to be slain in this Slaughter Fair had stolen a large amount of resources from various spiritual cultivation sects in the East County. As far as I know, although this demon is only a Tier 4 demon beast, its spiritual intelligence is already open and its strength is superb. Even the average Linggang realm master can't help it!

   Later, several spiritual sects teamed up to hunt down this demon, but he escaped and came to the land of North County.

   The monster beast was originally seriously injured, and it happened to be caught by Hong Guangji who was passing by at that time. If Hong Guangji secretly disposes of the monster beast, he actually wants to use this monster to increase the reputation of Feng Lei Que and create such a Demon Slayer Conference, which completely angered the sects of East County!

   Now that the forces on the East County have already known the news, they are all clamoring for Feng Lei Que to hand over the monster, but Hong Guangji doesn't care.

  I came here because I was afraid that the forces of the East County would make trouble. If there really is something out of this Slaughterhouse, I hope Master Liu can stand up and say something. "

   Leng Shiqi listened, his eyes began to flicker.


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