I Fix The System Law

Chapter 254: Burial Ground

In the   God Dream Palace, most of the spiritual practitioners have already jumped off the high platform, and Leng Shiqi and Lin Hui have also jumped off.

  After landing, Leng Shiqi's feet suddenly made a "click" sound, as if he had crushed something.

  Not only him, but Lin Hui’s feet, and all the other Rao’s feet heard such a voice!

  For a time, the sound of "click" is endless.

  Leng Shiqi waved his hand to disperse the gray mist that did not reach his legs, revealing what was hidden underneath.

  That is actually a bone!

  I don’t know that there is a young man, a bone that has been completely weathered!

  It was the leg bone of this corpse that Leng Shiqi stepped on just now, and that voice came from here.

  But just now, all the people who came down made such a voice, and these people did not have any rules, and they all fell randomly!

what does this mean?

  This means that there are probably a lot of bones buried under the gray mist!

  Leng Shiqi looked around and found that the area covered by the gray fog was as large as two or three miles in a radius. If there were all bones under the fog, how many people would die? !

   seems to be to confirm his guess, as long as someone takes two steps at random, the sound of "Kaka" will be heard at the feet!

  At this time, a **** person like him could not help but feel a chill in his back!

   Leng Shiqi bends down and tore off the remains of the clothes remaining on the bones. This clothes is three-thirds similar to the clothes of Zhu Shenliu he has seen, and he should also be a disciple of the Shen Dream Palace.

  He suddenly remembered the rumors he had heard before, that the Palace of Dreams of God seemed to be destroyed overnight!

  Seeing the scene today, Leng Shiqi feels that the rumor is true.

   But how can such a powerful sect suddenly collapse?

  This is not like the third-rate sect of Golden Wing Academy.

  It's like the Shanhai School is instantly destroyed, absolutely no one will believe it, others will only make you crazy.

Lin Hui beside Leng Shiqi also frowned. Not only him, but almost everyone put away their initial excitement, and turned into a solemn expression.

  These people are the cultivation bases of the four realms of human beings. No one who can cultivate to this realm is a fool. They can all see that although this place is extremely spiritual, it does not look like a good place.

  At this time, fifty people from the Shanhai School gathered in a circle and shot a palm at the same time!

  Their palm strength is not very strong, but strong strong winds are set off, blowing most of the gray mist.

  When everyone saw the dense and innumerable bones under the fog, they were in an uproar!

  A cold breath rushed into all of Rao’s forehead, and a young spiritualist trembled and said, "This, this, what is this place?"

  These spiritual cultivation sects are indispensable for fighting, but they seldom kill and kill. Where have you seen so many dead people?

  Looking around here, there are withered bones everywhere, at a glance there are tens of thousands of them!

  This just blows away most of the fog, and there is still a part that is not counted. So it seems that this place is a hole and a place, clearly a place for bones!

   "What happened here?"

  "Is the dream palace of the gods really destroyed overnight?"

   "This is really a treasure? There will be no ghosts, right?"

  Countless questions and speculations appeared in the minds of everyone, but at this moment, countless treasures suddenly burst out from the top of the huge stone pillar!

  It seems that there are countless top-notch materials and treasures, and the shining light from the magical tools!

  These precious lights instantly dispelled the doubts in everyone's hearts, all of them reddened at the corners of their eyes and rushed to the huge stone pillars desperately!

  However, the stone pillar does not have any stairs or the like leading to the top, but for the spiritual practitioners of the spiritual vein realm, they can already have spiritual energy out of the body, and the ability to control spiritual power is very fine.

  They step on the stone pillar as simple as walking on the flat ground.

Lin Hui beside Leng Shiqi also stepped out quickly, but Leng Shiqi suddenly caught him.

  Lin Hui turned his head, there was a faint red light flashing in the corner of his eyes, and his face was a little angry and shouted: "Let go!"

   Leng Shiqi said in a deep voice, "Brother Lin, what did you see just now?"

  "Did you not see it, it is an endless treasure! There must be many treasures on it!"

  Leng Shiqi's expression became serious when he heard these words, because he had just felt an invisible wave invading his spiritual illusion, but it was blocked by the spiritual illusion.

   And when he looked up, there was no endless light from Lin Hui at all!

  Two words appeared in his mind: illusion!

  Dream Palace is best at illusion, but how strong is the illusion that can be used by more than 200 spiritual practitioners in an instant? !

  Leng Shiqi is a bit unimaginable.

  He is also fortunate that his mental power is strong enough, he has a spiritual illusion, and he has also practiced the Five Gods Streaming Art. The resistance to illusion is so great that he did not blink

  He can be sure that there is definitely no treasure on it, and I am afraid there will be great danger.

   He squinted his eyes and found that Qiu Liang and Ning Zhengyuan who had been chasing him had also rushed towards the huge stone pillars, regardless of his inheritance.

  At this time, Leng Shiqi had already retired.

  The main purpose of his coming to the Palace of Dreams of God is to escape the pursuit. Now Qiu Liang and the others are unconsciously dominated by illusion, this is the best time for him to leave here!

  As for the so-called chance?

  Fate is important?

   "Go away!"

  Lin Hui suddenly released the spiritual pressure of the seventh layer of the spiritual vein realm, and forced Leng Shiqi back a few steps, while he ran towards the stone pillar.

  More than two hundred people ran over like crazy, the whole space was full of the sound of stepping on broken bones, the people who listened to it were chilly, but no one cared.

   However, among these people, there are also standing still like Leng Shiqi.

  Like Bai Ye.

  At this time, he was anxiously pulling the fellows of the Shanhai School, but none of them paid attention to him.

  There is also Tang Wanqiu of the Tang family. The difference is that she did not stop the Tang family, because her own eyes were hollow and stood there blankly.

  There is another woman with black gauze~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, she is knotting her hands, and she is surrounded by magical energy.

  Leng Shiqi's gaze rolled over Tang Wanqiu and Heisha Woman, and the cold light flashed in her eyes.

  Now seems to be a great opportunity to kill and win treasures!

  Tang Wanqiu is a "talent" introduced by the Tang family, and she definitely has a lot of resources.

  The black veiled woman has an extraordinary background. It will not be too late to kill these two with a thunderous force!

Apart from Leng Shiqi in the field, only Bai Ye was completely awake, but he was struggling to block the same door at this time, and some even started with him, and there was no time to take care of this side.

   However, just as Leng Seventeen's murderous intent began to rise, the pendant on his body suddenly experienced slight fluctuations!

  Leng Shiqi was taken aback for a while, the pendant reacted, and Ming Bingshang was nearby!

  It’s just that he looked around, and found no one, and no one jumped off the platform.

  While he was puzzled, an embarrassed figure crawled out of a lot of broken bones!

  The man looked like he was about 30 or 40 years old, and he didn’t need a black face.

  Leng Shiqi did not recognize this person, but through the induction of the pendant, he saw that this person is Bingshang who has not been informed!

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